Should same-sex marriages be legal?
Yes (I'm heterosexual) | 262 | |
No (I'm heterosexual) | 90 | |
Yes (I'm homosexual) | 46 | |
No (I'm homosexual) | 36 |
Ask Your Question today
Yes (I'm heterosexual) | 262 | |
No (I'm heterosexual) | 90 | |
Yes (I'm homosexual) | 46 | |
No (I'm homosexual) | 36 |
Not everyone believes in the bible and life should not revolve around that kind of thing religion should have nothing to do with marriage and besides maybe ppl think of you being with someone is disgusting.. In the eyes of your god you should not gudge others..right..
Actually the only reasons most Christian object with this is for the reason marriage was suppose to be a religious thing. It was invented by the Christians to bond a man and a women. It was never suppose to be regulated by the states and by government. However now it is all about money and finances. Also they do have marriage for gays but it is called something different. I do understand why Christians object because they invented it. However I think the Gays deserve a right to have a union together of some type.
Marriage is much older than Christianity, so therefore was not invented by the Christians. Therefore it is not (only) a religious thing.
I agree with you. They should choose a different name for it, and not tarnish the original meaning of "marriage".
who the hell cares if its called marriage when the end result is the the same? two people who love each other are being joined and living their lives together!
ps: marriage existed before the Bible, ya idjit!
Marriage already existed in ancient pagan civilizations long before the Bible was written. The Ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as other ancient pagan civilizations, didn't know the Bible. Therefore there is not way that marriage could have come from the Bible.
It's very dear to me, the issue of GAY MARRIAGE.
Or as I call it: 'MARRIAGE'. You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, NOT GAY LUNCH. I parked my car; I DIDN'T GAY PARK IT.
For the longest time marriage was never about love. It was about finding a suitable partner and making babies. We're modern now. Marriage is about love not a system. Gay people should be able to marry.
Makes no difference to my life but it makes a big difference to theirs. So why should I be against it?
Their choice - their right - I have no issue with homosexuals getting married.
I'm a straight guy first off. That being said marriage is primarily about assets now not "Love" as much. "No Gay Marriage" is a religious mostly christian issue. Atheist aren't christian and neither are other non christian denominations,if they can get married then homosexuals have all the right to share their finances,shelter and what have you.
Yes. Gay people are still people so they can do whatever they like. However IF I were gay I wouldnt want to get married in the traditional religious way because that religion doesnt `accept` gays so why would I want to have any part of it ?
Of course! It's not legal in California because the Christians think that they have the right to control everything. Just because gay people are marrieng doesn't mean that heterosexual Christian's can't get married!
I answered, "Yes, I'm heterosexual."
Separation of Church and State.
Marriage is a religious act first. As far as the State is concerned it should be legal. Religions will still have the right to accept it or not.
Duh!! Any couple in romantic love should be able to marry. Lots of gay couples adopt, so they can have what we heteros take for granted. A nuclear family.
I believe in god and i am gay (btw, homosexual is an offensive term to the LGBT community because the term was first used to say that being gay was a mental disorder and it isn't). I don't see where the government comes off saying that we don't deserve the same rights as heterosexual couples. That is a religious viewpoint and shows a serious lack of separation of church and state, in my opinion. But just because someone's gay doesn't mean they can't believe in God. And they already have 6 states that allow gay marriage. Why not the rest of them?
that's something america will have to confront.
The whole system of state laws are going to start colliding soon, especially with issues like these. What happens if as a gay married person, you go from NY to another state? do you become unmarried?!
They should legalize it in all states, it going to happen at some point.
but BTW, stop this whole "...word is bad because in history bla bla..." we have already lost enough words to history. It's really is just a word. When I say it and given context, we both know what it means - don't start dragging this one time in history thing.
Believing in God has nothing to do with it, i can say i believe in santa claus it doesnt make me anymore of a kid then me saying i dont believe in him. Its about a relationship with God and if u have one then you dont do things He doesnt like cause thats hurting him.. And you dont do that to love ones
Hey Space Monkey:
I do not know if you are speaking to me or someone else, but if you are calling me "BRO" I would like to straighten a small matter with you, "I AM FEMALE!"
Your grammar is so bad, that I can hardly understand what you are stating to me, are you stating that I am a "Fake Christian"? Well to be honest with you Sir/Ma'me by faith is not "Fake" I have a true love for my Saviour, and it is not you to judge or decide if my faith is real or not that is up to God.
And if you are trying to say in horrible grammar that I hide things if I do not agree with them, that is a bunch of horses dung, I open up and let the ca-ca fly to the fan. If you want to re-post back to me, please get yourself a tad better grammar situation please.?
And i wasnt judging your faith BUT i could, it says ''the tree is known by its fruits (by what you say and do, you show the world who you really are and a christian cussing out another person is not a good fruit, watch what you say)
Yeah I am a Christian, sins forgive, but also not perfect, so thanks for your advice Sir/Ma'me and I will try to put a zipper on my yipper and control this Dutch temper that I have inherited from my husband along with my Irish and Polish temper, I am not perfect and I will still at times get hot headed but will try my best to cool down.
Aha the only argument you have to say is my grammer which i dont care about hah if i got my point across its fine but i never said once your fake so stop putting words in my mouth. You just cussed out this person right after saying all this and that about God and your relationship with him pshhh what kind of testimony are you giving if you do the exact same thing any other person would do when he got angry ? Thats a bad name to christians, ''your words say what your heart feels'' you got hatred and you let it go like that then pray man dont go cussing people off right after you talk about standing for God and all this crap...fake people come on.
Hey this goes out to everyone who put my original post to the rating of a negative ten, would like to thank-you for that, because it does not bother me at all, just goes to show that you are for same sex disgusting marriage and that I am not, I go by the Bible and you are doing your things, I loved that rating, cuz maybe it might be bothering some of you to possibly think about looking into salvation, or not, oh well, take care.
I personally find the thought of two men making love revolting. I do not, however, believe this gives me the right to dictate how others live. Gay people deserve the same marriage rights and benefits as everyone else.
the Bible says that marriage is between a male and female, man and women. I'm kind of double sides on this, however. I am a faithful Christian and like to believe, but you can't stop love in it's tracks, and some were born that way, and it's natural, and they can't really help it. What really angers me is the people who act "gay" or "lesbian" just because they think it's "cool", just like some kids in Jr. High and Hig School call themselves "sluts" and "bi" because they think it's cool. Depends if you're homosexual because you were born that way, or if you're trying to change yoursef to be cool. The first is alrigt, second, not so much. But then again the Bible does say that marriage is between a man and a really, it depends.
I'm bi (It's taken me a while to realise, but I'm pretty sure I was born this way) and I could not agree with you more!
I'm OK with people experimenting in love with each other (But that's me and my heathen ways, haha), but I hate it when people pretend to be gay.
What really annoys me is that it's nearly always girls who do the pretending...because all boys allegedly like lesbianism *Shakes head sadly*.
Why cant gays and lezbians be as miserable as heterosexual married couples?
I'm joking of course, not all marriage is terrible..... but I'm trying to point out "what the frak is the difference?" Why would someone use their energy against the issue - live and let live.'s their business..not mine to say. Same goes for plural marriage.
the bottom line is if you're against gay marriage, you're against gay relationships, and that's just primitive nonsense. marriage is not sacred, it's human behavior, with rules. Grow up, just admit you don't like gays, and you don't want them to get what they want. Personally, gays make me happy. heteros are chimps, gays are bonobos.
I don't get why it should be opposed, what's wrong with it, if you're gonna allow gay people live together and have 'legal partner ships' what is the big difference in letting them get married?
it's great that accept gay marriages but what if your mum was gay? where would you be?
Homosexuals should not get married. Where I'm at, we dont take kindly to those people. A pair of homos got shot an killed for just holding hands, a lot of people agree with me that it has a bad influence on kids. If they see other homosexuals making out, they're most likely going to turn into one.
I don't believe that same sex marriage should be legal. With the direction civilization is headed, being "gay" will transform from being something that is a deep, hidden feeling to a trend. I'm not necessarily saying that kids will say, "wow, being gay looks so cool. I want to be gay!", but rather that it is becoming such a norm that people will not even think twice about it. Children imitate what their parents do. That is where the issue lies because it's no longer about equality, it's almost encouragement at this point.
While this is one single example, my aunt is a lesbian and her partner has children from her previous marriage to a man. As time as gone on, I have seen a change in one of the daughters. She now wants to be referred to as gender neutral and considers herself bisexual. I consider that a red flag.
I think that there is a lot of psychology involved and, whether you believe in religion or not, that men were made to be with women (if relationships were intended at all). Just even from a basic standpoint of anatomy, childbirth included, it seems hard to argue this.
I just want to know why is it that almost every homosexual had some sort of trauma growing up? It's so incredibly common that a gay man or woman had either a missing or distant parent, or was molested. That's only one of the issues, too. Another issue is that a lot of homosexuals were not very attractive growing up so, for some, it's ingrained to hate themselves or seek a different path.
Overall, there are so many endless factors that go into this and I feel that we don't work hard enough to get to know ourselves and when we see a label that fits how we think we feel, we are too quick to place that label on our foreheads.
A huge issue is our sexual culture. If you rewind to the days of Marilyn Monroe (this is only an example, I'm not solely blaming her), sex and sexuality at this point was beginning to be encouraged. Then, along comes pornography, Playboy, etc. Netflix and chill, even. Now, it's more common to ask if you "gave her the D", as opposed to whether or not you kissed her.
Really, there are too many things to list that factor into these things. I'm not a bigot, I'm just tired of this whole charade. I don't hate gay people, but I don't encourage it and I moreso hate the state of our civilization that makes us prone to deviating and I wish people could be comfortable enough with themselves to where they could be okay with simply staring at a wall.
I know this isn't the most agreeable comment, but that's how I feel.
Were I come from its legal since ages. It was never a strong discussion. Adoption its legal to by gay couples and single parents.
What the hell, if you don't like it don't do it and leave the other alone doing what they wanna do.
Why does some people think they can put their nose in other's ways of living?
I believe that marriage is when a man and a woman want to start a family. I have no problem with two people (man/woman, man/man, woman/woman, trans/man, trans/woman, any other combo) who want to live together, but just getting married just for the "legal benefits" is stupid. Now for other things, like being able to partake in benefits like being able to visit each other in the hospital, I think the hospitals should loosen up their rules. Many people live away from family and their friends are the only ones who can even begin to answer questions.
It's obvious you're not really Christian and are posing as an insane Christian to mock them. Stop being an asshole and grow up. Not all people who believe in God feel that way.
Hey Queeny:
For your information, I am not a fake Christian as you so openly called me, do you ever read the Bible where God mentions that men and women are to marry, there is nothing in the Bible where it states that fags can marry. I do not care what you think about my Christian Status, the only one that I am concerned about with my Christian Status and that is with Christ Himself, and I know for the truth that Me and Him and Cool with one another. Please have a great week ending.
There's also nothing mentioned in the Bible about automobiles, computers, airplanes, etc... along with a whole lot of other things. Does it mean they're all forbidden? But it does mention something about "Judge not, lest ye be judged."
haha aaa man just because you believe in God doesnt mean anything, u might not have the same thoughts cause you dont have a relationship with God because what goes goes cause He said so and you respct Him. The bible fully says that homosexuality is disgusting to the eyes of God so its disgusting period u might not believe it and say you believe in God but it says you will be known by your fruits and u accept that then theres ur fruits going against Gods word. Ahah the bible never said anything bad about airplanes but the bible does talk about homosexuality and God doesnt like it, thats the difference, ur statments are irrevelent, one of the reasons Sodom and Gomorah were destroyed was because of homosexuality in that place not because they were building planes lol ohhh and i love when ignorant ppl use that whole judging thing, all you guys do is take the verses u like from the bible but if u acutally read all of it, the bible says ''dont judge by what you see but judge with good judgement (make it easier for you, dont judge ppl on what u see or believe but instead judge with good judgement which is the bible so judge we can do aslong as we do it according to the bible :) lates go read and stop fronting about knowing the bible
my name is not Jose, and why would you assume I'm Mexican? They don't even have a steriotype of being gay.. wtf?!
Haven't you ever heard of the saying "No Way Jose"? That is just a generic saying meaning I do not care about what you are saying. It doesn't mean that I thought your name was Jose or your Nationality was Mexican. It is just a saying and not a personal insult. Sorry if you thought I was insulting you because I was not.
Hey Gazelle:
Another thing that I would like to state to you is this, I do not know if you have read anything by me lately on other threads, but I would like to extend to you also an apology for past behaviour, I sat down and smashed my cocanut; {head} against the wall and did alot of thinking and also had a serious talk with God and what I was from my thoughts and His were totally uncalled for and would like to ask your forgiveness and hope we can start again somewhat new. I read some of my previous thoughts and I truly regret them.
and come on bro, i know u aint like the homosexuality thing iight but dont go cusing out this girl man that just shows christians are fake bro that we aint difference from the wolrd we just complain you know. Be the light not giving more power to the darkness. Romans : do not be conformed to this world but transformed by the renewl of the mind thru Jesus Christ
aha you see how all these people are talking bad about how this has to be fair and should be equal everyone but when someone puts up a comment against u, u treat it like less cause u dont like it so u hide the comment lololol yea u guys r fighting the fight for equal rights uhh nice