What’s the goriest movie you’ve ever seen?

I’m looking for some good, gory horror movies to watch and I can’t find any. What’s the goriest/grossest movie you’ve ever seen?

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Comments ( 74 )
  • jack_shephard

    I am just here to see all these names & check their there trailer out.
    but for me the goriest would be wrong turn sereis except 6(there's only sex in it).
    I liked saw too just coz of jigsaw's trap.

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  • CozmoWank

    In high school biology class we saw this movie of a Scandinavian woman named Inga having a baby. When they showed the afterbirth I almost puked cause we had pizza at lunch.

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  • nikkiclaire

    I know, i have watched it. She was in a mainstream movie too. It had something to do wih the internet.

    Nice set and pussy and I love her eyes

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  • itachi_uchiha

    well if you are talking about goriest & horror movies then nothing can beat wrong turn.

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    • I never watched Wrong Turn. Is it really good?

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      • lonewolf1253

        Its one of those movies where the sequels are better. The original is just so-so.

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        • I'll check them out. Did you like Hostel?

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          • itachi_uchiha

            oh! fuck i forgot to mention that name, I watched the whole trilogy.
            after wrong turn comes the HOSTEL.

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          • lonewolf1253

            Oh yeah. One of the best. 2 was good also. 3 not so much.

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            • Yeah, Roth wasn't involved with the third one. I like most of his stuff.

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  • wigz

    Green Room. Very violent but surprisingly good for its genre.

    You want something really gross? The Greasy Strangler.

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    • charli.m

      Worth it for the potato chip scene. I don't know why, but that one makes me laugh so much, I can't breathe.

      A friend's boyfriend thinks it's the greatest movie ever. I don't know what to think of that.

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      • wigz


        I watched it twice in one day because I was just so struck by it. Later on, I read the wiki article on it and the way the plot reads is hilarious.

        One of the parts that had me dying was when Ronnie goes in the bathroom while Janet is peeing and he says "go ahead, I won't look" but he just keeps standing there looking.

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        • charli.m

          Oh Jesus.

          All I could think for most of it is how Brayden looks exactly like my aunt. No joke.

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          • itsamistake

            Fuck your aunt must be an extreme amount of ugly! :/

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  • Brain dead (or DeadAlive) is a VERY low budget zombie-comedy film from 1992, and it supposedly holds the record for the greatest amount of fake blood used in a movie. The visual quality is abysmal and quite painful to watch, but it adds to its humor I suppose.

    I’ve never seen the entire film, just bits and pieces from Movie Clips.

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    • Braindead made me sick.
      Good one.

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  • sissycakes

    what about the news. it is for real. it is the saddest thing you could watch. there are all kinds of crazy things happening for real. the news is supposed to be boring, but man is it disgusting. it is necessary, but sometimes i wish i did not have to know what goes on in the news- here or elsewhere.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    theres some horrible shit on liveleak what with isis & drug cartels & such

    i feels like im supportin them assholes by watchin and its also psychologically damagin too

    theres always the charli-m scene in casino

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    • nikkiclaire

      True. Real isis beheadings

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        i grew up in a world without readily available car wreck and industrial accident videos readily available

        if i coulda seen somea the horrible shit what coulda happened to my sorry corpse id probably took less risk

        then again im still around to discuss

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        • nikkiclaire

          Ok garbage sidesalk watch those 2

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


            drunk on saturday night i guesses

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            • nikkiclaire

              Drinked and stoned 😂😂😂

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            • nikkiclaire

              Yup 😂😂😂😂

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  • 666XxFURRYBEASTxX666

    The Evil Dead and Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood

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  • 666XxFURRYBEASTxX666


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  • Usernane

    Kill bills probably, haven't seen a lot of movies though tbh.
    Also if anyone wants to know of any foot fetish movies, it would also be Kill Bill and really anything Quentin Tarantino, I'm pretty sure he has a foot fetish

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i just cant take horror movies seriously

    thats why them real ones is so horrible

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  • athem

    Gore isn't really my thing, so I guess Cube was the goriest I've ever watched. I've seen clips of gory movies but I don't really remember the titles (if i remember i'll drop them here ig)

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  • Cliche1234

    Flower of flesh & blood 2 guinea pig

    Its title is something like that...

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  • BleedingPain

    I would put vile on the list... its like a saw wripoff but a a different scale... still a saw ripoff that I like for some reason

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  • Angelandme

    Menstruation fetish movies.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    sir please calm down

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  • jack_shephard

    I only watched older one,idk about this one.
    but amen.

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  • nikkiclaire

    😂😂😁😂 your dog is AWESOME!! Yes you are its bitch.

    You are good person for caring for that dog.

    I have only ever owned kelpies. They arent paris hilton types tho i would fuck her.

    In fact i have her bookmarked giving blowjos 😂😂

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  • jack_shephard

    wrong turn 2 & 3 were really gory. texas chainsaw was good too.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Sweety dogs. I love their long hair and their laid back attitude

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  • nikkiclaire

    I am probably a kelpie therian. 😂😂

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  • nikkiclaire

    Wow what breed?

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  • nikkiclaire

    Yay i love animals and she sounds awesome. I would fuck her in an instant.

    I dont like peta tho. They are lib retards

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  • nikkiclaire

    She flamed out tho. Thats unfortunate

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  • nikkiclaire

    I saw a clip where she got pounded in her ass. Yay

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  • nikkiclaire

    Sasha grey has made a few good movies tbh.

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  • nikkiclaire


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  • Hostel and Hostel 2 are quite gory and well done. Also, Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses, Halloween 2 or any of his movies.

    Headless made me sick to my stomach with its perversion.

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  • Notderanged

    If any of you are into real life death and gore / shock videos. Try Bestgore.com

    Warning though, the stuff can potentially scar you, but most of you are already broken down human beings, so it probably wont affect you. I'm kidding. Sort of.

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  • MrsEdGein


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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Gory movies aren't really my thing so maybe my answer would be too obvious or too tame for a real fan but mine is 'Hobo with a Shotgun', that was fucked up, lol.

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  • paramore93

    What kind of gore are you looking for? Some zombie movies get pretty gory. Human centipede is the grossest thing I've ever seen but I'd advise you not to watch that.

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    • CozmoWank

      Human centipede 2 was the best of the series. If you watch only one, that's the one to watch.

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    • nikkiclaire

      I love your mind paramoure

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      • paramore93

        Thank you. I hate it.

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  • megadriver

    Saw. Biggest waste of ketchup ever.

    If we are talking about a good movie, that'd have to be Event Horizon. Quite a bit of gore, horror and edge of the seat action. Really, really good sci-fi movie!

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    • nikkiclaire

      Lame tho

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  • nikkiclaire

    Tcm. Also there is an awesome movie called cube. Also there is one where everone is invited to dinner amd made to do things. I love that movie

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    • Notderanged

      The dinner movie is "would you rather?" , it used to be on Netflix but I don't know if they took it off.

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      • BleedingPain

        They took it off? I liked that one (even though it had crude dialog)

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        • Notderanged

          I don't know. I haven't been on Netflix in months.

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      • nikkiclaire


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        • nikkiclaire


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    • wigz

      You must mean the TCM remake because the original doesn't show gore.

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      • nikkiclaire

        In cube a guy gets diced with wire

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      • nikkiclaire

        Whay about the others i talked about?? The scariest movie ever is The Shining.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Im 20. Was there more than 1

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        • wigz

          Yeah, there's a lot. The original came out in 1974. There was a part 2, 3, new generation, then a remake of the original in 2003, then a few more after that. Anyway the original doesn't show any gore. The 2003 remake is pretty brutal though.

          I thought the Cube was boring. There's some neat parts but overall I didn't like it. The Shining is definitely very creepy but it doesn't scare me.

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  • Notderanged

    Well since you can't find any, I assume you watched all the ones I've seen already. Not sure if you're into Japanese gore movies but if you are, I could name a few.

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  • lordofopinions

    If you want gore try the movie SEVEN.

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    • lordofopinions

      Another really gory movie is The Thing.

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  • ysgadksjab

    saw probably

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    • nikkiclaire


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