What pet do you hate and why?

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    You literally posted a question asking what pets we hate and talked about why you hated cats. It's not a stretch to think why I don't think you don't have empathy for animals. You wanted to share your hatred for cats and why and ask us about our hatred for other animals and why.

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    • While I do respect others who like cats but they're not for me. People have told me and I've have also always told others to choose pets that are for you.

      There's always a pet thats for someone. People just have to find one that they can take care of easily and connect with.

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      • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

        That's understandable. I would never own a tarantula because, despite loving animals, I have an instinctual fear of arachnids and insects. I literally flip out and scream if they touch me and cannot control the reaction. But I don't necessarily hate them, it's not their fault.

        It's just using the word "hate" and inviting others to talk about hating other types of animals. When that's all I know about you from this side of the screen, it does not give me a good feeling until you explain what you meant more.

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