Which is more awful? MLP or Twilight?

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  • Avant-Garde

    I haven't seen My Little Pony. I don't care for it but that whole thing with one of the ponies enjoy "getting wet" and those godawful sexual fan fictions are horrendous. I've also been unlucky enough to witness a MLP doll/puppet with a big spacious whole in its ass. It's purpose being for sex. O_0

    Despite this, I'm going to have to go with Twilight (Toilet Light) as the worse. Twilight is not true literature. It's a piece of worthless shit that should be set on fire and every single copy should be thrown into a anti-matter device which would make it cease to exist. I had thought of jettisoning it to the far reaches of outer space but the rest of the universe doesn't deserve to be cursed with such a fate. It defies all logic and it stands as a monolith of disrespect to writers who are actually talented. The majority of the fans (What are they called,'Twihards?") are crazed psychos blinded by the "love" they have for this pathetic excuse. Edward is god knows how old but yet he's still in high school. I'm guessing that his only reason for going incognito is because he is a pervert that enjoys praying on stupid teenage girls. I remember hearing en passant that there was a character that was a child and this child vampire ended up having sex with a much older man!!!! Modern vampires no longer are allergic to the sun. Real vampires don't sparkle they are violent sex fiends that have harems and live in splendid European castles of gothic design. In other words, old school is kick-ass. I think one of the greatest offenses this shitty series has imposed is the ruinment of the word "Twilight".

    twilight |ˈtwīˌlīt|
    1 the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refraction and scattering of the sun's rays from the atmosphere.
    • the period of the evening during which this takes place, between daylight and darkness: a pleasant walk in the woods at twilight.
    2 [ in sing. ] a period or state of obscurity, ambiguity, or gradual decline: he was in the twilight of his career | [ as modifier ] : a twilight world of secrecy.
    ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old English twi- ‘two’ (used in an obscure sense in this compound) + light1.

    This was a beautiful word but its ruined now because it will always be linked with this series of shit.

    *I rest my case but my rage will never be smitten*

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    • sega31098

      Vampires can't have sex. They don't have blood for the erections.

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      • Avant-Garde

        And then, reality hit me in the head like a brick.

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      • You realize you just completely ruined the fun little vampire rape/romance fantasy people had? With one short sentence.

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    • Shackleford96

      Wow, I just have to say, that was beautifully written.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Merci, Sir Shackleford:)

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        • Shackleford96

          You are quite welcome miss Avant-Garde :D

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    • KeddersPrincess

      Oh, how I wish I could give you a never ending supply of thumbs ups. VERY well said!

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      • Avant-Garde

        Thank you, M'lady!

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    • Thank you very much for your well thought out comment. I very much enjoyed reading this.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Glad to be of service:D

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    • Ekho

      Totally agree with you! I love twilight (the time of day), but thinking about the word or using it reminds me of that piece of shit cash-cow.

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    • SciVoid

      Yeah, Twilight is bad, but it's not the worst. The worst has yet to come, I'm afraid...

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