Why do spanish people stand on the toilet seat to poop?

I work construction. On typical jobs, there are porta-potties for the workers to use. Why do the spanish workers stand on the toilet seat when they take a poop? Are they just re-living their home conditions, where they dig a hole in the dirt and squat over it? Half of the time, they poop on the back of the seat and lid. Don't get me started on the ones who actually use a toilet as its intended function but then throw used toilet paper in the trash can or on the floor beside the toilet. Why are these people so unconsiderate of others?

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Comments ( 34 )
  • Sabbatha

    they really do this. my husband has been in construction for 15 years and he was always complaining about this.it is mexicans and he's not being racist just telling the truth. anyone who has worked construction in florida is aware of this.

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  • CrimzonRayne

    They stand on the toilet seat to poop because they want to feel taller.

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    • Hatestupidpeople

      What a stupid comment

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  • Meagain17

    I own a porta potty business and many of my customers are construction companies. I can definitely confirm that the Mexican crews do squat. There are always muddy boot prints on either side of the toilet seat.

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  • obeytheleaders

    I don't know about Spanish people, but I have seen this problem in Mexico in most, if not all, public restrooms. You do NOT want to have diarrhea there! Due to the large Mexican population here in California, you sometimes see this-- most notably at the Union Station rail terminal in downtown Los Angeles. If you need a toilet there, be prepared to walk 4 blocks to the nearest Starbucks.

    In Spain I have seen public toilets that are intended for squatting; they have places for your feet and are made without a bowl or seat. After pooping, I guess you push the feces down the hole. But these ancient artifacts are rare.

    There may be a race hate crime going on here: many low class and hateful Mexicans here in California like to pee on the toilet seat in hopes that a Black, Jew, Anglo, Asian, Canadian, or member of the reptilian alien race will sit in it. These are the same guys that like to spit whenever you walk by.

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  • swag93

    ive definitely heard of this before. dont mind the people giving you a hard time. but id say learn to ignore it because its not a big deal at all. you dont seem racist but you seem very intolerant

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    • Bobbyf87

      I don't understand how it would be intolerant really. I mean would you be comfortable if you HAD to use a public restroom but to your surprise there is muddy feet prints and poop all over the seat.? I mean if we are to respect their ways why can't they also respect ours? Maybe a compromise? But no,sadly if a white guy says anything about it they are racist or intolerant. That's not fair. It's just plain disgusting and unsanitary.we see it all the time in construction. They even poo in the sump pump/ grinder pump pits before the actual pump is installed so we have to play in their feces to do our work. Absolutely the grossest thing you can imagine having to reach into liquid poop. This happens in every single new home. Food for thought?

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  • midontcare

    I have never heard of this before and know many Spanish people. Have you actually seen them doing this? Maybe they just hover over the seat as not to touch it with their body and then accidentally get some on the seat. I do believe they should clean that up if that is the case.

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  • xoxo29

    Do u mean Spanish people referring to people from Spain ? Or Spanish people like Mexican, salvadorian,Colombian , etc.. Because only spaniards are "Spanish" the rest are Hispanic/Latin. Either way ur post is retarded. The only say you would know if it was "Spanish " people would be if you were spying on them or if u checked the toilet as soon as they are done in any case that makes u a creepy wierdo!!! N by the way they do not dig holes in the dirt they do have toilets and we are civilized people. America is NOT the only country with toilets you ignorant asswipe!!!!

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  • MangledPopTart

    What is wrong with you, Spanish people don't do shit like that! I think.

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    • Bobbyf87

      Not "spanish" people. But the Mexicans most definitely do. I wish it would let me uploaded some pics for proof

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  • abril15

    ...That's not true, I'm spaniard

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    One question... Why the fuck are you watching people Poo? You fucking pervert!

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  • catdogman

    have you ever gone on a trip to mexico i went in to a bathroom and would not sit down i kind of squatted over toilet it was so gross and this was on a cruise tour

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  • It annoys the hell out of me when Mestizos are referred to as "Spanish."
    They're not Hispanic or Latin either.

    Get a dictionary.

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  • Avant-Garde

    The last I checked, this wasn't part of the Spanish culture! I guess some people just don't know how to properly use a toilet. O_o

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  • itchybans

    1) you mean Hispanic or Latin.
    2) Yes this is normal behavior. Why? Because people in the poorer parts of Latin America are taught that public toilets can carry disease.

    The used toilet paper in the trash is also very normal and common. Having lived in Mexico and Costa Rica for an extended period of time I can tell you that the plumbing system down there cannot handle large American size wads of used TP. It clogs the system. Therefore it is generally discarded in the trash next to the toilet. They are probably tossing it on the floor if there aren't any trash bins nearby.

    And NO, they have regular toilets in Central America. Only in extremely remote areas would you find a hole in the floor.

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  • jrhall22

    It is true. I work at a mfg facility and, though I have many friends that are Mexican, they can mess up a bathroom. Our management had to put padlocks on most of the bathrooms because they were so messed up. I was told they were throwing tp on the floor instead of flushing and pooping on the seats because they squat.

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  • ilovethesteelers86

    I don't know much about posting I tried to edit it to say I'm not the 1 who
    posted the comment that was just commenting on it.

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  • ilovethesteelers86

    I was just looking to see if my husband was the only 1 who encountered this and what to do about it. It Is a fact that this happened to him. there were muddy footprints and poop on the seat and he saw who went in there when it was clean and who came out after it was dirty. It wasn't the first time either.I appreciate the idea about bringing his own toilet paper. I will tell 'em to carry it around in his lunchbox lol

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  • ilovethesteelers86

    Sorry I did not mean to sound racist because I'm not it was just an observation my husband made on a few occasions I'm sure we do things that seem strange to them.

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  • ilovethesteelers86

    My husband works with mexicans and some do this. he knows this because his friend use the toilet then the mexican then him. it was clean when his friend used it when my husband used it there were mighty foot prints all over the toilet seat and poop on the toilet seat

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    • NaturalWoman

      It's true. On OUTDOOR construction site toilet sets there are footprints. and lots of poopy paper in the trash. and (legal) mexican workers that are great people but seem to ruin a porta-potty within hours of it being cleaned. Try putting a code lock on it and see if that works. We carry our own TP and use the finished houses for number 2.

      But the question stands - WHY?

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  • Solophonic

    I've worked with plenty of Mexicans and Salvadorians in food service and they have always left the bathroom clean. Even the ones who are new to this country know how to use a bathroom properly.

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  • Gardenia

    Like from Spain or the language?
    Anywho.. This post is stupid. Get the facts right buddy.

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  • HuxleyYards

    AAAAHAHAHAH this is so ridiculous because its not true at ALL. hahahah oh man....

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  • piezzz


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  • There are countries in the world that do that, but I don't think Spain is one of them.

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  • mandypandy92

    spanish.. i think you mean mexican. sorry bu ur being racist, how do you know its them?

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  • stanley_fedoraless

    ...How do you know it's the Spanish workers? Do you watch people use the toilet? You're creepy.

    Anyway, they probably just don't want their skin to touch the disgusting porta-potty toilet seat. That's much more normal than watching people use the toilet, even if it would be more considerate if they cleaned up after themselves if they don't have good enough aim to do it without making a mess.

    It's also pretty normal for people to throw toilet paper in the trash. There are some kinds of toilet you're not supposed to flush paper down, maybe they think the porta-potty is like that.

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    • PoisonFlowers

      Just what I was going to say.

      How the heck do you know OP? You are creeeeepy.

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  • nike

    Why would you post this on this website?

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  • pixie_dust

    I dont know about standing on the seat, but one thing that bugged the hell outta me is finding the shitty toilet paper in the trash and floor.. SOOOO GROSS!! I tried to tell them that the american plumbing can take the paper bit the idiotic phuqs wouldnt do it.. used to piss me off!! (so to speak)

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  • er... they dont

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