Why wont my boyfriend pay for anything?

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  • replicator

    He is cheap. My girlfriend know how to use me, and I take her to dinner all the time and it's me who pays.
    That's because I have a job and she is student. And because.. I am crazy about her.

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    • Skibunny1

      I am a girl and no matter how poor you are, it is just propor edict to pay for the girl!! If he is that poor then he should not take you out untill he can. From the looks of it though he isn't too poor and I would break up with him.

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      • HurrDerper


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      • toe123

        Maybe but if you really like him and he cant afford it then maybe you should pay for some things

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Did they do away w women's lib? Women fought so hard for that I thought?

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        • mickad27

          What happened to gender equality? Women wanted that. So they shouldnt expect to be paid for if you want to be equal

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          • Yueyue

            Haha. This is funny.
            Talking about equality when guys can...
            Carry a baby for 9 months..
            Give birth. Endure great pain.
            And spend at least equal amount of time doing housework and child care.
            Doing the same job but get paid 10k less in a year.

            Otherwise stfu and take your responsibilities and pay more in a relationship!

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            • DonkeyO

              Do you understand that you don't have to make babies?

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