Newest Posts in Habits
Tore up pussy
88%I cant stop picking at scabs
100%Is picking at scabs and zits normal?
20%Is it normal i like breathing my roommates breath?
54%Is it normal that i like to us a pacifier
NewIIN that i cut the rough skin from my heel and chew on them?
100%Why do i like to be naked after showering?
69%I can go weeks without being able to talk nor see anybody..is it normal?
100%IIN that i stay in the bathtub until i am a prune?
44%Is it normal that i like to scratch my head and call the white flakes snow?
93%Is it normal that my handwriting and signature are always inconsistent?
NewIs it normal that i have this habit?
79%IIN for girls to walk around in their bras at home?
100%Dae reflexively minimize everything when someone walks in
94%I rock myself to sleep
89%IIN that i tend to worry about stuff a lot?
75%Eating skin
71%IIN that a friend does this most times while texting?
70%Is it normal to always watch dank memes?
88%Is it normal that i never make my bed?
85%Why i am feel lonely ?
50%To move (repetitively) in shapes with my body while lying on bed
75%They knew i was farting and didn't say anything
20%IIN to bully certain looking people
100%Is it normal for lone wolf's(loners not animals) to have trust issues?
94%Is it normal that i scratch my back on corners and doorways?
NewJust a fun survey
67%Is it normal to be smashed on a sunday?
83%Is it normal to play with my chewed gum?
33%IIN to use my hair as a floss