I cant stop picking at scabs
Three years ago i got head lice pretty bad- it lasted for a year and did a number on my scalp. Now it is riddled with scabs that i have been picking at for the better part of two years. I CANT STOP PICKING THEM!! I even do it in public, in meetings, at work, while eating, Its so gross and im pretty self conscious about it. I havent been able to break this habit for the past few years and i REALLY want to but i cant stop myself from picking! My father also picks his head like a mad man so it could be hereditary.. Its like im addicted to picking. My scalp is the main problem area (i pick at it atleast 20 times a day) but whenever i get scabs anywhere else i will pick those too. UGH. Is this normal? Does anyone else have this problem and does anyone else know how i CAN STOP PICKING?