Newest Posts in Observations
62%Income inequality isn’t a real issue
20%Be honest is it normal to not give back a wallet
93%To see faces in things
38%IIN people that don't know the differance between right and wrong anymore?
64%Is it normal that my brain creates sounds?
64%Is it normal that i get short blackouts of memory when i talk to people?
15%Are they normal?
NewIIN to love the smell of homedepot &the end of the dishwashing cycle?
12%Most people choose gender not love therefore it's not true love iin
Will america have “universal healthcare” one day kind of like europe does?
53%Daisy ridley is gorgeous, iin
Am i taking things too seriously?
56%IIN she changed her profile picture to them and never had with me?
92%Is it normal to see different versions of yourself in the mirror?
100%Is it normal to have the sun make you sneeze?
87%IIN to unwrap a gift on christmas eve?
25%IIN that iin is basically just a tiny reddit?
NewAre these signs she has possible feelings?
93%IIN i’m tired of men and women complaining about each other
57%IIN ex bf thinks i am bully
How do you personally vote if it’s normal?
NewWhat do you seek in life?
NewConifers or decidious
86%People can't tell when i'm joking
42%Is it normal..
35%Its it normal to pronounce the word "perform" as 'proform'?
79%IIN to have a really deep voice as a women?
NewGoddamm ass smell person, shut up
43%Is it normal to see dots everywhere?
Kanye rant