Kanye rant

As a black american woman, i feel so overwhelmed. Im overwhelmed with the TRUTH. My so called culture, was designed to keep my people down and to not feel truly accepted. Now we oppress ourselves. Rap music is garbage and talk about drugs, sex and violence! Yet my people support it because they put monetary gain over morals. Parents do not put their children first or care about their mental, physical and emotional health. The media equals deception and report fear mongering stories. Trump is the greatest president of My Generation and i don't give a fuck what anybody says. He talks like a Real Human Being! Everything is NOT fucking RACIST! We go to school, work, party and fuck each other so how are we racist America?

Rant complete

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Comments ( 4 )
  • kelili

    I want to laugh and cry.

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    • 2weird

      Why do you want laugh and why do you want to cry?

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  • BlindSpot


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  • RoseIsabella

    Kanye West is a genius.

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