94 f150 5.0 rough running

Irk if I can but I need help with my truck it runs rough and stalls out sometimes mainly when in gear it floods bad and its the throttle body it afterfires when let off gas at 70 changed wires rotory plugs fuel filter ran codes only brings up iac (idle air control)

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Comments ( 22 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    clean the maf and change the iac

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  • CountessDouche

    Omfg...I don't know anything about cars, and I can tell this question is a fucking shit show. On board diagnostics? Really? And what iac code? There's more than one...You've provided no info, and your worse than someone asking for a breast cancer diagnosis on a troll forum...

    My advice is to check your windshield wiper fluid and take your car to a real mechanic.

    Oh, and your car sucks....


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    • Sweetpe

      Why read it then u could go oh this isn't sex bye instead of being a jackass with no life

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    • derpyderp

      Maybe if he checks the OBD he'll find the dreaded F-ORD code.
      Unfortunately it's terminal

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      • CountessDouche

        Fix or repair daily, or found on road dead...or aids? It's aids, isn't it?

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        • derpyderp

          Fucked on race day.
          Found on rubbish dumps.

          Luckily it's not a Jeep so doesn't suffer from the hivplus but God, there's not much in it...

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  • Sweetpe

    It runs decent when on the gas except you can feel a miss

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  • Sweetpe

    Does anyone know if it could be a burnt valve

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      itd run like shit all the time if it was

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  • Sweetpe

    No I haven't I think the iac is working not to sure tho I hooked the battery to it and it clicked but didn't move the rod umm I'm not sure anymore may sell it

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yall figger it out yet?

    how bout this?

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  • Sweetpe

    Green_boogers it a not air filter I've ran codes just says 411 and 412 bad iac I was just seeing if anyone knew if it might be something else and yes I like hearing about sex to its not like I'm makeong anyone help!!!

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  • Sweetpe

    Okay if u don't like what I've asked then why read it dipshit...why be assholes there is no need for it....and for the people trying to help ~thank you~ and yes most throttle bodies don't flood unless there's something wrong I thought when trimming is bad it wouldn't rev up right like it would have a hesitation right???

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  • green_boogers

    Don't be a moron. Put in a new air filter. Buy a diagnostic scanner, plug it in for 5 minutes, and google up any of the OBD codes that the scanner detects while the engine is running. Put some injector cleaner in your gas tank while you're at it too.

    Here on IIN, all of us boys and girls would rather talk about sex anyway.

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  • chained_rage

    Could be your timing chain?
    Maybe one of the plugs are dead?
    Also, check if your lights go dim if you press the hooter..could be that you are losing power somewhere because of exposed wire unloading somewhere.
    Check your air filter element as well.

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    • Sweetpe

      Lights do go dim amp gauge drops with rpms rises with acceleration

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  • jethro

    Throttle bodies are on a fuel injected engine and do not flood. Only carburetors flood out. Sounds like it might be a timing or vacuum issue. Or a timing issue caused by a vacuum leak.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      a vac leak on them motors makes for a faster than normal/lean crackly idle

      couldbe a plugged cat too

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      • jethro

        Yea but it also won't let the timing advance. I think the 94 still had a distributer.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          yep 94 did have a sparky-spinner but they used an electronic advance not vac

          id still just throw an iac at it since its throwin a code and clean the maf since it takes 5 minutes and costs nothin

          and who the fuck comes on iin givin vague hints for tryn to troubleshoot a pickup truck anyway?

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          • jethro

            A Ford mechanic. It seems that the mechanics at Ford have trouble working on my Fusion. They really have no concept of how a torque wrench works. So I could see them using this site to gain an insight on how to fix a problematic F150. :)

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            • Sweetpe

              Thank you lol :)

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