...scared to be alone.

I don't know why, it's just i get really anxious when I'm alone.
Not scared or anything, just really agitated, like i need to be around people or I'll just explode of social under-stimulation!

Even if I know I'm not missing much when I'm not with friends etc... i still feel like I'm missing out, every second I'm not surrounded by other people, I'm freaking out!!! The only time when i feel relaxed is when I'm with other people!

I find that the only way to deal with this when I'm alone, is excessive use of social media, music, books and games. Even then, deep down, it's still there, I'm still anxious and it's driving me nuts!!!

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Comments ( 33 )
  • Karmasbitch

    I am like this but live alone. What helps ease the loneliness is finding hobbies you enjoy, for me it is models and history books, and indulge in these hobbies and interests.

    Another thing is excersize, excert all that anxious energy out through jogging or walking. Find a nice park to stroll through. I go on walks through the town everyday.

    Lastly, write in a journal or find an alternative way to let your thoughts out. I go most of my day without talking to a single person, so my thoughts seem to build up as the day goes on and I find that journaling eases my thought process and helps me think clearer, which in turn, helps the anxiety.

    There are also plenty of people on this site that are willing to chat with you. Good luck =]

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  • boeingdude1

    Me too. Its just part of anxiety disorders like yours and mine. I used to go sleep in my little sisters room when I was a boy. My parents did not approve so I found ways to do it without them catching me. Negative scary thoughts always filled my head when trying to sleep alone. Now, I could not imagine living alone. Have always (and do now) lived with at least one person. If I didn't, I'd probably not get any sleep.

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    • IsitUnique

      when you were a "boy"? So you're a girl now!??

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      • boeingdude1

        I'm not a girl. I suppose I should have said "when I was a kid" I am a 24 y/o male.

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      • April=)

        he means when he was a boy now hes a man.

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        • **Spanks ass**walks away swiftly**

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          • April=)


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  • Short4Words

    What do you think will happen when you are alone?

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  • Shnaz

    There is no cure for this.

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  • Katniss58

    What you have is, what I believe to be, monophobia. It's the actual fear of being alone. It has a couple different branches. The fear of being completely alone is one of them. I am afraid of being alone in public. I'm not afraid, per se, but I become depressed and anxious. I may be wrong, but I do believe you have a type of monophobia.

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  • Holzman_67

    I'm like this a bit. I think its an eternal aching loneliness inside that I can never satisfy

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    • RoseIsabella

      Like a yearning?

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      • Holzman_67

        Yeah like that

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  • RoseIsabella

    I used to feel like I didn't want to be alone. I might still have some latent remnants of those feelings but for the most part I now feel the opposite is true for me. I live alone except for my cat and I can't imagine sharing my living space with another person at this point in my life. I feel like I have more freedom when I'm alone. I feel like I've finally discovered there's a difference between loneliness in solitude.

    Just out of curiosity do you ever feel as if you don't exist when you're alone? I used to feel that way and hope I never do again.

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    • **Kicks RoseIsabella in the fanny**

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes I much prefer the word Fanny.

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    • Yeah, I do actually, and it's kinda scary!!

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      • RoseIsabella

        Hi there OP, I'm so glad you responded. I'm sorry you're having this problem and I can definitely relate to this issue. I was diagnosed with a disorder of which one of the symptoms was sometimes feeling like I don't exist which is also known as dissociation.

        I suspect that having constant company is a coping mechanism to hold these disturbing dissociative feelings and or episodes at bay. The presence of another person or an animal validates your existence.

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        • Any suggestions???

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          • RoseIsabella

            Hi there OP, sorry it took me so long to respond. When I got your response I
            felt like I didn't consciously know what I had done to feel less alone and decrease my dissociative symptoms. I had to kinda back track in my mind about what I had been through in the past year and a half.

            I had had a falling out with three female friends which had forced me to turn inward. I spent a lot of time in prayer and meditation and also worked with a sponsor in the 12 step program of Codependents Anonymous as well as seeing a therapist on a regular basis. I'm also an animal lover so my best friend and Siamese cat helps me to stay grounded.

            To make and maintain conscious contact with my Higher Power has helped me greatly. Although I'm a person of faith it's common in many twelve step programs to use the phrase Higher Power rather than to say God because it's a very personal thing and people have many different religious belief systems including agnostic and atheistic beliefs. Spending time in nature and with my feline companion helps me to feel connected to the universe and my concept of a Higher Power. Also it helps me to record my thoughts and emotions in a journal so that when I'm having a hard time I can release my negative feelings while respecting my personal boundaries and not over sharing or confiding in others that may not be trustworthy.

            I hope this helps! :-)

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    • shuggy-chan

      imma move in, live under your bed, steal your food, swat your feet and roll about in your laundry, mostly the dirty panties

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      • RoseIsabella

        Are you looking for a position as the boogie man?

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        • shuggy-chan

          no, more frisky feline

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  • A old friend of mine had the same problems. She went to terapy for that.

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