22 years old and watches anime

I just want to know if it's normal to be a 22 year old male and still watches anime. I've been watching anime for about a year or two now. I feel that I'm too old.

Am I too old to be watching anime?? Is it normal??

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 782 votes (653 yes)
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Comments ( 45 )
  • sickness

    Dude, I'm a 35 year old father with a big job and a house. It's cool.

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  • chillyboy88

    It doesn't matter how old you are. It's completely normal. Everyone likes their own things, and you got interested in anime. Keep watching anime if you like it!

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    • terryaun

      ya ya i agree

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  • SamuraiPeeper

    Yeah, it's normal. Just because it's animated doesn't mean it's exclusively for kids. There's Miyazaki films and Cowboy Bebop and Akira and Pixar films and on and on. It's just another medium for telling stories. Don't be brought down by any stupid american prejudice.

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  • Water

    Its very normal. When animation is created by people who are 22 years and older than that... why not 22 years old people watch it!! :) :) Its one form of creativity and have more fun watching anime........

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  • crazogirl

    I hate anime. It glorifies the hell-hole of Japan.

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  • TB1920

    Normal dude no worries

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  • GreenxBlack

    Yeah it's normal. .and the person who said only if it's porn..well thats. .not so normal xD

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  • kwhatever

    most anime is made for adults anyway... but even if you're watching pokemon, there's still nothing wrong with that.

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  • BatZion

    its fine, in fact they make anime thats inappropiate for kids that wqould be great for a 22 yr old.

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  • ReaperAJ

    I have often felt uncomfortable about my kids watching Anime, even the kids stuff, because sometimes it's a little too advanced for them, so I think it's normal for adults to watch it. Besides, I still watch dumb cartoons like Dexters Lab and bloody Spongebob etc etc and even laugh genuinely at it. I don't have a hang up about it. I reckon it's normal. And I'm mature most of the time.

    :P Even when I'm not being all mature and everything I think it's like uber cool to act like a kid and forget responsibility and stress because it's like sucky and stuff like that.

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  • KurosuYuuki

    Of course you're not too old!
    I'm 16, but I totally intend to keep on watching even when I become and old lady.

    Anime aren't meant for children, as people think.
    There are different types of it, and most of them are even made for people 18 .
    Just watch storylines suitable for your age and not animes for kids, then you'll enjoy it forever.

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    • Mrs_Hatake

      I'm an old lady more than twice your age & I still love anime :)

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  • Falafel87

    Nah man, you're not too old. I myself am not that into anime, but I have seen the different styles of anime that are on offer, and there are a lot of mature anime titles.

    It's like normal cartoons, you've got Foster's Home of Imaginary Friends for the kids, and Family Guy and South Park for the adults.


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  • RobForce

    oh my god so people are sooo sad
    just because its animation it dosent mean you cant watch it

    in fact people put about 3x more effort in making a one episode of anime than any other series of real life

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  • Golden

    Anime's beautiful! Spirited Away and Tokyo Godfathers are my two favorite anime films. Oh and I'm in my twenties, so I think it's completely normal

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  • PoisonFlowers

    Of course it's okay. What do you mean "too old?" What are people in their twenties "meant" to watch then? Some anime's great. Watch what you want to watch and don't get hung up on what you think people expect of you.

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  • Chronova

    I dont know if its normal or not. Im a 19 year old guy and i fucking love anime. I also like animes people would consider 'girly' like Haruhi Suzumiya, but i dont care. If you like it, fucking watch it!

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  • Mrs_Hatake

    I'm a girl in my 30s and I watch anime & read manga all the time :)
    I also love western cartoons such as Rick & Morty or Family Guy and read way too many western comics too (I'm a Marvel/Image/Valiant girl).
    So yeah it's normal for anyone of any age or gender to enjoy anime :)

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  • Theotaku8

    I'm 19 years old and still watch anime and always will. I have a bunch if merchandise and other things that involve anime characters. My dorm mates tease me a lot but I don't care. As long as you like it, it is normal.

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  • Siggypoo72

    Whatever would put the idea in your head that there's a magic and unspoken cutoff age where you should stop?
    My bro is 44 and is a monstrous TMNT fan, along with many superheroes. Myself, at 40, I'm a commercial pilot and a huge fan of anime too. We're both hard corps gamers too. It's a hobby. An interest. Far better that you have an interest and an outlet for your passion than to bottle it up for fear of being considered immature.
    My girl loves that I'm a geek and get so excited about things so easily. RC models, anime, flying, airsoft. All of it. Hobbies are healthy. Don't let anyone else dictate what those hobbies should or should not consist of.

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  • capcrunch6

    Personally, I like american TV shows better.

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    Your never to old for anime!!!

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  • flohr92

    I'm 20 years old and have been watching it for about a decade now. I wouldn't tell people around about that because they don't get what they're not used to but it's deff not something I'm willing to let go anytime soon. It relaxes me and it's so much fun. I only think it's kinda weird if you enjoy anime that is directed to children (aka pokemon or whatever)

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  • wishingW3L

    if you're 22 and still watching Pokemon then you have issues. As long as you're watching stuff for mature audience like Zeta Gundam or Ghost in the Shell then you're fine. ;)

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  • RaNdOmPoPcOrN

    Anime is aweeome! :) I'm a anime GEEK! And I love music like K-pop! I LOOVE Korean animations!

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  • kelili

    I watch anime and I'm 25

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  • Nogoodusernames

    I think its normal but its a total turn off when a i find out a guy or my bf watches anime. One of my earliers bf was watching dragonvall z every other day and i pretty much broke up with him because of that. All my other freinds who r girls think the same

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    • chewy

      Hi :D

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      • Nogoodusernames

        Lol hii

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        • chewy

          How are you?

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          • Nogoodusernames


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  • Pika-girl

    Well, there are many mature animes...so, it's normal!

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  • Wh0Ar3YoU

    Sure its normal. Im 29 years old,have a high paying job(career), and am successful in every aspect of life. I watch it almost every day after work. Normal

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  • abhishek_t87

    I am 24 and I still do watch anime... They are much better than movies and other TV Serials (Except Discovery channel).

    NARUTO is not a cleaning agent and will not make your laundry white.

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  • bigstrappa

    think of it as just a show on the tv. If you watch it like all day well thats the not so normal part. I guess i like anime and i had the same question someone told me that in japan alot of shows are animated because they won't have to pay some big actor. Which in usa that is a big problem. Some actors make 300,000 a show and in japan they just make it animated even if the content is for adults (not talking about porn) . Which is cool because they can make like 3 seasons of a show, and we can make 1 ep. for the same price. Yell yeah.

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  • House

    as long as it's not to often and doesn't become on obsession it's OK.

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  • FiSta

    hell yeah its normal! nothing wrong with a manga and an anime here and there, just as long as it doesnt get obsessive and it takes over your life O_O and you start hoarding collectibles and such! cus thats a lil too much at that age... you dont wanna turn into the 40 year old virgin now do you? u__u

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  • xino00

    too old!?
    who cares
    I'm 21, gonna be 22 now.
    There are older men and women who watches anime heavily!

    Watch Guyver
    Hokuto No Ken/ Fist of the North Star

    currently watching.
    Dragonball Kai

    I watch anime, but mostly prefer movie types, not series.

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  • Clayman88

    Actually most anime in japan is made for people 18 or older. What I mean is the stories and situations are often made to cander to a more adult mind.

    The thing is Americans think anime=cartoon and thus should only be for children. So we only import anime made for children and the few times we import more adult anime its either porn or edited so kids can watch it.

    So if you mean you like watching anime that's been english subbed by some fan and not some American business man then that's normal cuz you are the target audience. But if you are watching anime meant for children or anime porn then that is odd and you need to grow up or find a real girl friend or both.

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  • Galezilla

    Depends on the kind of animation. A lot of anime is made for adults, even non-porn stuff.

    As long as you're not watching kodomo (kids anime) and as long as it's not an obsession for you, it's perfectly normal and fine.

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  • sirfucksalot

    no thats not normal and your fucked if it porn because real sex is way better

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  • alexisfreak

    It depends. If its anime porn, watch it. If it is the regular kind...go do a girl, dude.

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