"about my feelings to get die in the future"

i am 19 years old.before from six months i am getting so much feeling that my mind cant bear it.that feeling are we will die at last in any day,why we want to live.if i do any work means the same thing is getting into mind we will die,by that reason i am unable to do the work.please please please help me to forget above things.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Shrunk

    I get what you mean but of course we're going to die, why would that have any effect on your work... if anything it should be a sort of motivation to do something meaningful with your life before it's over.
    And to those who are complaining, it's obvious that English is not their first language, so give them a break... at least they tried

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    • VioletTrees

      Some people get really bad anxiety about it. I've had crippling anxiety and depression due to fear of death at several points in my life.

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      • Shrunk

        Oh I fear death too, but not really my own... well maybe sometimes, but i guess it depends on your reasons why.

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  • anti-hero

    Could you rewrite that in English?

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    • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

      I actually laughed my head off at it.

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  • N3VVRmiNd

    I feel like death is imminent all the time. Because it is. One mistake and BAM! DEATH! But don't give up. Don't go to hell lying down. You are the boss of your life, so live it that way!

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  • TreeGo

    When I about 15 or 16, I was absolutely terrified of death. Just the thought of it would give me the shakes. I thought about all of the bad things I had done and all of the sins I’d committed and what would happen to me after I died. But I’m older now, and I now realize that life without death is meaningless. Life is supposed to end.

    If I die, then I die. I know someone from that country. And besides, how else could I possibly reunite with my loved ones?

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  • The fuck did I just read?

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  • VioletTrees

    Talk to a doctor, like a psychiatrist or therapist. If you go to school, there might be a counsellor at school who you can talk to. It's normal to be scared of death. It's not normal to be so scared that you can't work.

    When I was younger, I felt like that too. I was very scared of dying. I became very anxious and depressed. It was very hard to sleep. It was very hard to do work. I always felt tired and scared, so I went to a doctor. The doctor gave me medicine to help me sleep. She gave me medicine to make me less scared and tired. She also helped me talk about my feelings. It takes a long time to get better sometimes, but you don't have to do it alone. I feel much better now.

    If you go to a doctor, they can help you with your fear. There's medicine that can help with fear like this. A doctor can also tell you about ways to feel less scared.

    What languages do you speak? I might be able to say this in a language you understand better.

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  • Wüstenfuchs

    I've pondered that for quite some time. xP After I tired of attempting suicide (add that to the list if shit I'm bad at), I now just meander through life on the pretense that I'm interested to see how things turn out. For me, for my country (U.S.A.), the world in general. My reasons suit me. Imagined or otherwise.

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  • Short&2thepoint

    No shit, I'm starting to believe they don't actually check these posts before they go through.

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