" either it's perfect, or it's nothing " mentality with passions?

I take alot of pride in my passions, and I've developed this " Either it's perfect, or it's nothing " mentality. Some of my hobbies are things like 2D Animation and Cooking. My family members and friends tell me that I obsess too much even with the most smallest things when it comes to my hobbies, but I always tell them, " This is what I love doing, and if I'm going to pour my heart and soul into it, it has to be justified with perfection, at least what is " perfect " in my eyes ".

I don't allow this mentality to keep me from living a normal life. It doesn't hinder me from living life fulfilled with those I love and it doesn't isolate me. Does anyone else embrace this mentality with their passions/interests/hobbies?

I also embrace that mentality when it comes to my passions. 36
I just do what I love, and it doesn't matter if I'm good/bad at it. 9
I'm not looking for perfection in my passions, just enjoyment. 10
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Comments ( 6 )
  • flutterhigh

    You said "most smallest". This is a grammatical error. Thus this post is imperfect. Thus it does not exist. Then how ARE WE HERE? I think I just opened up a hole in the 8th dimension.

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  • Uzzie101

    "Insanity is repeating the same process and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein.

    As long as you don't spend months to years attempting to create perfection (which doesn't exist), then it's fine. Otherwise, you have an obsession:P

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  • Katywompus

    It doesn't hinder the rest of your life, so I don't see a problem with it. You just want to do the best possible job, no prob there

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  • wigsplitz

    I'm a perfectionist when it comes to anything work-related. Anything that I will present to anyone else, either as work, a service or a gift-it has to be perfect.

    A lot of my hobbies are my work as well. I tend to overwhelmingly take on things that are practical in all ways. To me, that means it serves a vital purpose and/or can make me money. I like to make things that are beautiful AND functional. I LOVE to solve problems.

    Anyway....an example....I enjoy riding horses. My mom is a riding expert, she went to school for this, she knows everything there is to know about riding properly. I don't care about "proper" once it goes beyond riding safely. I don't want to be an Olympic rider, I just enjoy riding. She can really make riding NO FUN!! She's really put a damper on many a ride. So....just as long as you're not making an activity suck for people around you, then I don't see anything wrong with it, just be careful that you're not turning people off (keep it to yourself, I guess I'm saying).

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  • squirrelgirl

    My passion is doing artwork and everyone says I am way too hard on myself about it. But I feel that despite my improvements over the years, I am never "good enough" to compete with my peers or be as great as my favorite artists.

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  • imacomputer

    I've written about this here before.
    I have pretty much the same problem as you.
    If I can't do something perfect, sometimes i won't even try.
    This does not always happen in every little thing I do, but stuff related to my art is a hugh concern for me.

    Imagine someone who thought they were really good at film editing, but wanted to try directing movies. This person had spent so much time and effort on editing, they decided not to even TRY directing because it would "never be as good".......well.....that describes me perfectly.

    This really bothers me about myself because I realize how scared of "looking stupid" I am, and it's just all in my head.

    I've heard from friends, family and therapy that this has to do with my self-esteem level. That confuses me too because, sometimes, I can be a cocky son of a bitch! :-p

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