(girls) do you prefer pads or tampons?
Pads. | 348 | |
Tampons. | 215 | |
Both, depending on the flow. | 137 | |
Whichever is available. | 23 |
Ask Your Question today
Pads. | 348 | |
Tampons. | 215 | |
Both, depending on the flow. | 137 | |
Whichever is available. | 23 |
Pads... I dont understand how to use them and uh, im not sticking anything up in that area.
(this is a reply to the poll maker, not you^)
im a guy and this is grossss
Just out of curiosity..If you're a guy then why are you reading this? Lol.
pads. my flow is like Niagara falls every damn time. so i have to use only pads cause tampons do jack for me. it caries for everyone. it just depends on how heavy each persons flow is. mine is the worst of all.sadly.
Lol I HATE Tampons. I tried one once, and the string Broke so i was freaking out and it took almost an hour and a fork gettin it out. LMAO. xD
I don't like pads they feel like a diaper so i prefer tampons, that and I don't like the feeling of blood on my skin. I'm running around all day chasing kids so a pad doesn't do it for me. lol well that was when I had my period lol I'm pregnant so YAY NO PERIODS FOR ME ^_^
Pads. I feel like tampons are soooo gross! My blood is like, cooking in my for hours! EW!!! I only use tampons unless im going swimming. But even then, i dread it.
I have to uses tampons, especially for showering. I have been doing it for years and couldn't stand the thought of not using them.
I dont want to use tampons, wouldnt it hurt shoving something up your vajayjay. or feel weird :S
It isn't our fault.. it is just hormones. Woman get moody when they are on their period. It is just how it works.
Thats just how you feel.. aometimes i leave the house and forget to take my meds and those cramps be kicking my a** so speak for yourself. And fyi hormones play their part as well when a girl is on her period, i know im not the most plesant person to be around when the dam is open:/
Cool to see there are some Moon Cup and Diva Cup users! I've always wanted to try one, but they look so big and uncomfortable.
I use reusable pads. AND before anyone says "gross," just know that it *is* sanitary, there's a method to washing them, and they're made of organic cloth.
Plus, ever since switching from traditional pads or tampons, my flow is sooo much lighter.
Depends on the flow--sometimes I have to use both in case I get a surprise and can't immediately get to a bathroom. I can't use super plus tampons though. They hurt for some reason.
Tampons and liners. Mine is real heavy too but I can't stand big bulky pads. Super plus tampons and a little backup.
I don't like tampons. It feels like I'm shoving a mouse up there with it's string tail.
Pads, every time. I don't care how indiscreet some may consider them to be. I also use a Mooncup sometimes (Especially if I have a heavy flow at night), but I think it's a bit too big and doesn't often feel like it's at the right angle :/. It's a pain in the arse having to take it out if I start spasming, too.
Re: tampons - I don't want fibres shedding inside me, thanks 9X! Also, I think it's insane how they're often advertised as being flushable. *shudders at the thought of an animal choking on a tampon/dying from swallowing one*.
Having said that, I will use tampons if very desperate.
Afterthought: Pads are better at absorbing clumps than tampons. /TMI
Amazing how our society has taught women that their menstrual flow is "filth." Women who believe this don't have to worry about buying tampons and pads--being social sheep means they have a steady supply of wool.
I had a uterine ablation done. The lining of the uterus that grows and sheds is burned away, so that when period time comes, I still have a cycle but no blood. I had mine done for health reasons, but even before, I never thought of my own menstrual blood as filth.
i've tried to use a tampon and i couldn't insert it in...so i choose pads
I'd like tampons because they help with excessivly-heavy periods, but.. When i first tried one [last time], it hurt like f-ing HELL to get it out, that I ended up crying and panicking.... It made my period last 13 days.....
So I will never ever EVER use a tampon again.. I just have to put up with pads and Menorrhagia.. T_T
Pads stink, and you can't flush them - who wants to smell a stinky pad in the garbage? The smell of them makes them nauseated. I hate the feeling of sitting in sticky menstrual blood. Pads never feel dry, and because of this I can't tell whether I'm bleeding lightly, just sweating, or about to overflow the dam. Tampons are great because you can shower or swim on your period, and you don't have any mess to clean up when you go to the washroom.
The only problem with tampons - I have to change every time I go to the washroom to poop, since I'm paranoid of germs getting in my lady bits. This means changing 3 times in an hour if my IBS is acting up (menstrual cramps can make it worse). Does anyone else do this? I don't feel clean if I don't change my tampon every time.
I would probably only use Tampons if not for my fear of TSS o_o
I know it only happens if you forget to change 'em often, but still
Tampons. Pads feel nasty and dirty. I always feel filthy and find myself changing the pad every two hours.
How can you sit in your own filth all day?
Tampons are great! Sometimes I forget I'm even on my period.
Yes, they are more dangerous...but the risk of getting TSS is so small that I will take my chances.
I prefer skipping my birth control placebos and not having a period. But, I have always used pads tampons just creep me out.
I always picture that scene in "Carrie" where they throw tampons at her in the shower and yell "plug it up! plug it up!".
I hate pads just sitting in your own blood and the pad can be so annoying and bulky.Tampons feel weird and u have to put them in a certain way
I like pads better, anytime I've tried tampons it's always hurt so bad that I just take them out.
What the hell is a mooncup? Lol. Pads all the way. I bleed to heavily. Tampons are used up in 5 mins -.-
I love the blood I have streaming from my pussy and I use tampons so I can squeeze the blood wherever I want after.Usually this happens in my boyfriends food.
i prefer when something goes into my vagina for it to be attached to my man, so pads for me. frankly tampons creep me out.
Pads. I tried tampons for the first time in my life this summer. It was barely even in and I started crying and hyperventilating (yes, I am a virgin, lol).
Great question!! I usually prefer tampons, but when I sleep I use pads to give it a rest
I dont see why everyone is freaking out about sitting in their own filth. Im a girl, and I dont care. Grow a pair, you sissies. its just once a month.
If you're a girl you haven't had a proper maaaad painful and stupid ass fudge boner cutting period yet. And if you're a guy gtfo
it depends. sometimes i get really bad cramps from using tampons. What does the trick is to exercise regularly and then popping in advil when you feel the cramps starting to creep up on you. i hate having to put a pad on my underwear (that shit smells and it's nasty).
pads are awful, I agree they're like diapers. Horrible sticky wet diapers...ugh. tampons are such a great invention! interesting to read about the Diva cup - based on the reviews here, I am more inclined to try one.
I prefer tampons,even though they make my cramps worse. I just hate the slippery feeling of pads when I'm in class, and I also hate the feeling that I'm leaking, just because it slips and slides.
Might as well wear both because having double the coverage is a good safety blanket if you're going to be out all day.
Depends on how bad your cramps are. When i get really bad cramps I just cant stomach the thought of putting in a tampon, but when its just a regular period tampons are the business, feels like Im not having my period at all and it feels so much more hygenic. plus you can swim and shower and everything with them in. Peeing can be a bit annoying if you forget to hold back the string though...
I vary, depending on the flow, i usually use tampons because they are less noticeable.
personally i find tampon's very painful, I guess it all depends on the person... i would only wear a tampon if im going to the beach and thats a very rare occasion :)
Toilet paper cheaper and no embarrassing mount at the register. It also eliminates decision making. Also start sucking cock more.
I use both at the same time as mine are pretty heavy the first 3 days - the pad provides good back up then as they lighten up I only use pads. As for TSS - I know it's bad but I sleep with a tampon in overnight - sometimes I'll have one in more than 8 hours at a time. Otherwise I'd need to get up every 2 hours to changed my pad and I'd never get a good nights sleep whilst I have my period.