(guys) do you get a boner from kissing?
Depends on the person | 566 | |
Other? | 85 | |
Not usually | 227 | |
Almost always | 1616 | |
Sometimes | 539 |
Ask Your Question today
Depends on the person | 566 | |
Other? | 85 | |
Not usually | 227 | |
Almost always | 1616 | |
Sometimes | 539 |
I like it when I can notice a guy's boner.. i like to grab that shit! YUMMM
Depends what kind of a kiss it is. You can always tell what is going to happen from the kiss. If its a kiss goodnight than no. When its a kiss that suggest im about to get laid than here comes the boner.
I'm a girl but my bf gets a boner whenever he kisses me. That makes me so excited! I let him do me if we don't have to go to school.
depends on how attracted you are to that person, and how long you been kept waiting lol
In my early teens, all I had to do was think about it and got a boner. Was always try to hid it. Later found out many girls liked knowing they turned me on.
Your BF is pretty normal, have fun & enjoy it.
why is this question directed towards men? i sure get a girlboner sometimes, i can feel it pump up n get wet. not All the time. but if there's chemistry in a good make-out session, the girlboner is a sure thing.
I do when it's passionate. Like, if it's with tongue, or lip biting, or he/she is pressed against me all hard, or I can hear them breathing hard or stifling a moan, forget about it lol. What really does it for me is if a girl hooks her legs together behind my back while I'm ontop of her, or puts them on my shoulders so I can kiss her feet and ankles while doin my business.
this result is very suprising to me cos i thought i was the only one! :O
I know i do, if its a person i really like then its energetic and epic i dont when its a person i really dont have feelings for but i wouldnt go out in the first place with them if i didnt really like them.
At first yea but then after kissin for more than 5 minutes and not gettin anywhere else than it goes away
my bf gets 1 everytime. were quite sexual anyway. we have sex once or twice a day so not sure if that has anything to do with it.
Absolutely, my lips are really sensitive and am a pretty sensual guy, so when I lock lips even so slightly, it sends tingles down my spine and my manhood begins to throb. It doesn't have to be a deep and tongue twisting kiss, just one of those moments where you and your partner lick your lips and start to gently rub them together, exchanging tucks ;-)
When I’m a home nudist and hug my wife, then I easily get hard. Then she really feels erotic and grabs it. She likes to press against it.
I am jealous of you... I never got a boner from a kiss, I don't feel anything when I do it.
When my girlfriend kisses me and puts her body on me then my dick goes hard
Lolololol I answered this poll and have never kissed anyone! I'm going to cry now.
Yes you are correct 'roxylugozolotoff', when I kissed my girlfriend I always got a bonner just like your boyfriend does when he kisses you, have you wondered what he is doing when he goes to the bathroom after kissing you!! I bet you know, you should be very happy that YOU turn him on so much for him to do that.
It does depend how long you kiss a girl for, longer than say 10 seconds I always felt my penis getting erect when kissing, a 1 second kiss would not get a bonner, a 1 minute one certainly would, 10 minutes, then wow.
When me n my bf kiss he gets wild over me and idk if tht gives him a boner .....when we finished kissing he went rite to the bathroom idkif he got a boner ...but u can try to tease him while kissing ;)
Hell I can get a boner over looking sometimes. So contact is very likely to do it.
well by the time you kiss yall might have already done like hours of foreplay and flirting so im sure the dick was just prepping for whats to come.
My bf gets a boner every single time we kiss w/ tongue or in an emotional situation like I'm crying and he's comforting me. Sometimes can be inappropriate but its okay :P
I was with this girl when i was 14, she started rubbing my leg, and it was up like that. Everybody noticed it and was cracking jokes like is that a bannana? and stuff like that. I was embarrassed at the time, but now i laugh.
dependes on what kind of kissing you are talking about.
Deep and passionate kissing will give me a boner, unless the girl's mouth is dry from smoking too much, or if she never hydrates.
Friendly kissing or "see you when I get back home" kissing....maybe, but usually not.
Yea it should be a normal thing. Kissing is intimate. And hey, boners are sexy lol
I think it's flattering if my fiance does :) I remember the first time, when I was 15 that my then boyfriend got one when I was kissing him - it was so weird to me. But I guess after I found out how good sex was... ;)