(guys) what do you think of girls with big noses?!
they're ugly! bleugh. | 302 | |
i like 'em! pretty. | 511 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 168 |
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they're ugly! bleugh. | 302 | |
i like 'em! pretty. | 511 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 168 |
It's no big deal. Everyone has got something either smaller or bigger than someone else.
i have a big nose aha i hate it. but its whatever it fits my face and if guys dont wanna date me because of it then fine, dont give a fuck.
but im defff getting a nose job when im older and have the money, ive been made fun of my entire life
Depends on the shape of her face and the nose too. Greek women have big noses but it looks appropriate for their facial structure.
It depends of her facial structure for me. Sometimes big noses suit them well and are hot sometimes they don't work lol. Dont worry about it to much though anyone that isn't interested in you beacuse of your nose isn't worth it anyway.
people cant change some attributes that you may not find attractive (without surgery) so you can't judge if someone is pretty or not because of that.
Yeah, it does depend on facial structure. Half the time, I barely even notice her nose unless there's something totally unusual about it.
Honestly, I dont really find that very attractive, but if they have nice eyes, beutiful smile, idgaf
do you really think i'm looking at your nose??? just kidding, it dont matter how big it is.. as long as it's smaller then bush's ego it's all good! :3
a girl's ass being big in proportion to the rest of them is literally the only thing that effects a person's being attractive to me personally, or is like 95-99% of it
I have a big nose but other than my dad nobody has noticed or made fun of me because of it.
Depends. If their lips are just a little wider than their nose, then I think it looks good.
And you know what they say about girls with big nos-- oh wait, wrong gender.
Some look great with a larger nose, some don't... depends on the facial bone structure.
i know a girl who got a nose-job who completely didn't need it to be amazingly pretty. She had a larger nose that kinda hooked, but her face was still very pretty and the guys loved her. she embraced it for what it was, and thats all that mattered. still don't know why she got that nose job though.
I always though my nose was like, a millimeter too big in each dimension, but it suits my face. I think it depends but most of the time its super attractive. I think adrian brody is hot, look at his honker! Even a tooth chipped just the right way is hot! (Like my hubby )
i'm not a guy, but obviously unless it's massive nobody's going to notice all that much. so don't worry about it. (:
It depends, if there are big eyes and a big mouth next to the big nose then I think a big nose is a good neighbour to them other facial features, thereby making a big nose OK.
If them other facial features are NOT so big, it is NOT OK to have one big nose.