i feel bad because of the situation of a character i designed.

Its quite simple actually I made a story about a teacher whose 38 and fells in love with 2 students who like him back ( the kids are 16 ) and the another day I was trying to end it, to close the story and I imagined the boys when they were 50 they lived in the aparment of their lover and as you might imagine as their teacher was older he had passed away for that time ( its important to point out that the 3 of them lived together and were really sweet to each other, there wasnt any jelously or preferences ) and I feel quite depressed Its like I realized how fragile how ephemeral life is even though I ve already being close to death...But this was completely different...Is it normal? Someone please help me

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Comments ( 12 )
  • covert_pursuit

    Having empathy with others is normal and healthy, even if the people you feel for, are fictional characters. Our ability to identify with the characters we read about is what makes fiction so fascinating. George R.Martin who writes Game of Thrones said he mourns his characters when they die (though he might not have used those exact words), and I'm sure lots of authors feel the same.

    So yes, it's normal! :)

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  • Aub

    I think it's great that you connect to your work in such a strong way.

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  • elenaki

    Ah, caring for your characters like they're real. It's beautiful, isn't it? I'm sorry for the way it ended for them though. Don't blame yourself for it just because you put it down on paper. It wasn't something you could have controled. If you did, it wouldn't be real, now would it?

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    • catshapped

      It was just a possible way of an ending, but yes its beautiful thank you ! Im better know, and I think things will turn out otherwise :)

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  • pacinoharmon

    That is some serious imagination. Have you considered writing books?

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    • catshapped

      Yes, Im actually a writer.

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  • iflex4lyfe

    Sylvia Plath syndrome

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    • catshapped

      Oh thank you for your reply! It was useful.

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  • el2mash

    Perhaps you were depressed before you wrote the story, and writing it was a way of recognizing your emotions.

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    • catshapped

      Yeah, It could be.

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  • ChemGirl

    Perhaps you were depressed before you wrote the story, and writing it was a way of recognizing your emotions.

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    • catshapped

      Maybe but I dont know it trggered quite badly if that so..

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