"i'm a black man who only likes white women!"

I'm a black man and for a while I've fought the urge inside to admit to myself I only like white women but it's true I can only find myself to be attracted to white women. I have zero interest in black women, is this normal? Am I betraying my race for thinking the White Woman is better?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 788 votes (608 yes)
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Comments ( 70 )
  • cloud1999

    I understand how everyone likes a "type", but for all you who find yourself attracted exclusively to white people please bear in mind, you've been presented with an endless calvacade, an endless parade of images of "white is right" "white guys are heros" "white is normal" "white women are beauties" "black is gloom and doom" "black babies are tragic" "black is not to be trusted" etc, etc, since the day your mom sat you down in front of the tv to keep you quiet while she does her chores. Years and years and years and YEARS of this stuff. Some people cave to it, psychologically. Is that you?

    One other point: 99.99%% of these "I only date white" type of guys and girls also harbor a whole lot of HOSTILITY toward people of their own race, particularly the opposite sex. That's telling. Even the nonblack people (asians, latins, etc.) who date white are generally ultra-bigots against black people -- overcompensating for their own distance from "white" psychologically.

    Interracial dating would be great, if IT DIDN'T LOOK SO MUCH LIKE RACISM ITSELF. As such, it's just a more insidious form of racism (more specifically, "white worship"), undermining black-on-black relations, and black/other minority relations. I'll pass.

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    • Black_Female

      So true about the years and years and years of whitewashing we're contending with on a daily basis. It's like, could they fucking be anymore narcissistic.

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    • lina222444

      Most likely you have issues. Some bad seeds in your life made you come to this decision. You are betraying your race just by saying that white women are better. You are comparing black and white..skin color! You need therapy!

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      • lina222444

        Cloud is correct! Hostility is the main issue and self hate!

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  • mishj6

    Im a black female and I say more power to you. Don't feed into that "betraying your race" bu** sh**. Love is an affair of the heart,not of skin tone. Be careful to make sure that being white isn't the only reason you like a women. Don't say that you don't like an entire race of something cause you never know your soul mate could pass you right on by, but you didn't even give her a second glance because she wasn't white. Don't just exclude and entire group of women based of vanity.

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  • laylalaylow

    im the exact same as you, cept im a white chick and i only like black guys.. its normal, everyone likes a "type of look" and yours is white. Your not betraying your race at all, its just what your into! chillll:):)

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    • thelight312

      Not at all. We all have preferences. I'm black and I love white women. It's been this way for years. It's just a preference.

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  • steventexas

    Hello I am steve from texas it's silly to say you only date a certain color the bottom line is you date women. All women are special and need to be love no matter what color she is. If you only date white women who cares you want get a metal for it just live your life and be happy remember love with your heart not with your mind.

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  • Juanita023

    Meh...there's nothing wrong with dating outside of your race, as long as your're not bashing Black women, like some of the other "brothas" did on here. Like one of the posters said, remember that your mom is a Black woman and i'm pretty sure you wouldn't want anyone talking shit about her because of the color of her skin.

    I'm in an interacial relationship and I'm love, but I still have love for my people. I don't hate all Black men, just the ones who treated me like shit and everyone knows that shitty men and women come in all races.

    As far as the "brothas" who talked crap about Black women being ghetto or whatever...maybe you should stop looking for women in the ghetto? You ever thought about that? No instead, y'all sit around in the 'hood, looking at the same busted ass hoodrats everyday and make generalizations on all Black women. Black women aren't only in the ghetto you know. Shut off the BET, get out of the house, and make an effort to meet some respectable Black women. Maybe your views will change. *sigh* My people...

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  • Vivacious

    i just posted one saying im a white woman attracted to black men...loving your story and i think we're definitely normal!

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  • TRUblackMAN

    I am a black male .. and used to date just black girls .... but they hurt me so much ... and they are all on the same bullshit ... it seems they dont want anything out of life but a whole bunch of baby daddys and drama .... I think white women understand life and they also understand how to treat a man alot better than black women.... It seems that White women are more family orientated than Black women... and i love that ... I think if I was to marry a white women i would be much happier than if i was to marry a black women ......

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    • mishj6

      See statements like this are always the roots of race issues. Those are yor personal experiences with women. You dated some B******
      and now all black females want babies daddy's and drama. Maybe you need to stop dating them hood rats and go introduce yourself to a real black women and then come to a conclusion. Im a black girl who was not raised on the side of the road and remarks like yours just make me so irritated with my own race and proves to the world how ignorant we can be sometimes. You don't put down your race your supposed to want to better it.

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    • lostinastorm

      Sorry thats not true. Not all black women are like that because I am a black woman. I fought hard to stay away from the discriptions that people placed on black women. All I want is someone who will love me as I love him. I don't care what color he is. I just want my happily ever after. I am a submissive woman just like I'm suppose to be and how it says in the bible. I don't want any more kids two is fine and I don't like arguements I let the other person say what they want to say but I don't say anything in fear of running him away. I just want someone to be with for the rest of my life. I'm not ugly Im also very faithful and loyal. The only complait I get from my man is that I'm too nice to people and let people take advantage of my niceness. But I hate conflict. I try to avoid them at all cost. If that means keeping my mouth shut I do it. Most people say that I don't act like a typical black woman though. Maybe because I'm half Puerto Rican. I don't know

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  • Justmyopinion

    I don’t think its abnormal, you like what you like however what I do find abnormal is when someone isn’t attracted to what they themselves are.

    Like your mother is black what if your father didn’t like black women I guess you yourself wouldn’t have been born. I’m mixed and I think interracial dating is great but when someone goes with another race to compensate the fact they themselves are unhappy with their own skin then that’s worrying. I myself am a dark chocolate lover but I wouldn’t say I don’t love my caramels or whites, physical attraction is only the surface of a relationship then you have to like the person with in, like do they make you laugh and do you enjoy one another company without intimacy, just on the one to one level that’s what I think make the relationship work. If i found that someone only liked me for my fair skin then Im sorry but it’s a no no if you don’t like your own skin then why should I like you, obviously they’re not content with who you are as I think some (NOT ALL) black people have the slave man mentality where it's been imbedded by the white man that white skin is better and for many years that takes it toll resulting to inadequacy which is sad but true and has to change.

    As for the whole black ghetto girl thing stop stereotyping ever heard of white trash
    Even the whole thing with white girls are more attractive come on you get the beauties and the uglyies in all races PERIOD so next time you see some one ugly just count yourself lucky cause that could have very well been you.

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  • BugzBunnae

    ITs normal lol you just like particular kind of women thats all. I like boys of all races, I'm Native American and My boyfriend is white. I think interacial couples are beautiful, as well as same-race ones too! just make sure that you don't find yourself racist or prejudice against the black women! Be respectful to them still but find you a pretty white girl!

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  • SmartAleck

    I'm a black female and I don't think you're betraying you're race by dating a white female, I do have a problem with you or anyone else for that matter who thinks any one race is superior to the other. There are good and bad apples in any race. To some of the brothers who posted earlier with stereotypes of black women being loud, obnoxious, untrustworthy etc. it's probably because you are attracted too/attract those types. Not all black women are the same just like not all white women or women of any culture/ethnicity are the same. I personally don't mind dating any race as long as I find a person that treats me well and likes me for me. After all you wouldn't dare catch me saying I don't want a black person because all of them are thugs. I know it's not true. Anyways I'm not out to change anyone's opinion-just out to enlighten them.

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  • pentah

    Yes, it's normal, and yes, it's also a betrayal of the black race.

    This is a big subject, and I find it hard to believe that as a black man, you're not already clued in to this. White women are universally regarded as more beautiful, more desirable, and superior, to black women. Harsh? Yes. Unfair? Perhaps. Reality? Yes.

    You might want to read Eldridge Cleaver's autobiographical "Soul on Ice," including the essay, "White Woman, Black Man," among many other pieces of black writing dealing with this issue. Cleaver describes his torment in being in the thrall of white women at the same time as he desired to emancipate the black race. This conflict lead him to become a serial rapist.

    In the famous Doll Test of Kenneth Clark (used by Thurgood Marshall in Brown v Board of Education) black children in the 1940's preferred white dolls to black dolls and described them with more positive qualities. This was attributed to segregation. However, similar results are still found with this test to this day.

    Everywhere in the world, white people are regarded as higher status than black by both black people and white people. Since males are highly conscious of status, they strive to find mates with as light a skin color as possible. This association between skin tone and status has been big in the African American community historically. Hence, hair straighteners, skin lighteners, etc. Again, I am surprised if you, if you really are a black male, are not aware of this. The lightness of the skin color of a black man's mate has always been a sign of status. As a male, you want a fancy car, a high status job, a big house, and a light skinned wife. It all goes together.

    By the way, interracial marriages fail at a very high rate.

    There is no denying that black women, and the black race, are disrespected and betrayed by this. In effect, a black man choosing a white woman is raising his own status individually at the same time as he's confirming his acceptance of the perception of black as inferior, so he's lowering the status of his own race. And every time a black man goes white, a black woman must go without a mate, enduring neglect and disrespect, a harder life, and diminished prospects for the children she may have as a single mother. A big part of the reason so many black women are abandoned is that black men don't value them highly enough as worth staying with.

    I've been very direct. My statements may seem very harsh. However, I only present the reality I've lived. You decide whether it's good or bad, right or wrong. And what I've said is only the very tip of the iceberg. This is the reality that is never discussed in the open, but which should be. At the same time, all sorts of foolish happy talk about race relations that goes nowhere is aired.

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  • flabbysexy

    for goodness sake, you like who you like! im white, and i'm a really horrible girl! i treat men like poo most of the time! you cant just rule out every woman who isnt white because you've had bad experiences. if you get to know a nice girl, it wont matter if she's black, white or green. i'm not being cheesey,but its whats on the inside that counts :)

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  • cockycunt

    Hey guy you should stuff up your eyes to all that bleating "it's ok dude, just excercise your preference, no prooooblem.." HORSEPOO Most white men prefer white women just like black men do and those same whites for the sake of pc have to pretend to enjoy seeing a good precentage of white women go exclusively black. So uh, it's ok for black men to racially discriminate against their women and ok too for white women to be racist against their own men. So that makes racism itself totally okay, don't it, and if so what ever the flyin' fck was all the fuss about racism?

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  • spyderr

    nah it's just your preference, you're not betraying anyone

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  • Even as late as the 80's it was very uncommon for a mixed couple to walk around holding hands and going out to a movie so I can understand why this is so common now. It's almost not taboo anymore. If race is what attracts you to someone then so be it, but I think it matters more of what's on the inside then the outward appearance.

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  • artichokedip

    I think that black women are pretty hot, and I'm white, so you got my vote.

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  • mysteriousgurl333

    wth is wrong wit black women!
    I mean they're people!

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  • roxybabe

    i am white women who like`s ONLY BLACK GUYS

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  • SuccessIV

    lol this is great. Im a black man that ONLY dates white girls. Never feel ashamed or like you are "betraying your race". After all you arent the first black guy to only like white girls and you DEF wont be the last. You cant help who you like.

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  • dell052

    white women are def. better anyways sweety (;

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    • Mikimii


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  • Ryuhei

    I'm black and I have 0% attraction to black men. So for me it's normal. Asians and Hispanics all the way for me. :D

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  • karmarainbow

    welll...i am white and only attracted to white people but not because i am racist... same principle... we are attracted to who we are attracted to.

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  • oquenbe

    why the fuck do all black ppl (and im black puerto rican) have to put color in what they say you could have easily said hey im attractive to blond skinney bitches and would have gotten the response you were probably looking for and then some smart guy would have said look: blond bitches usually look real clean got make up on size zero skirt and DDs then this anonymous guy would have said well you could be attracted to her cause of her boobs because big boobs are often unconsciously affiliated with breast feeding and her cleanliness contributes to the fact of having a healthy child its part of our instinct that attracts us to women which many people are unaware of.........no im not saying that black girls arent clean but......them bitches sometimes smell like fucking onions

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  • fandanshindin

    nah man, white chicks are hot. i love all races, but there so many hot white girls. im white though

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  • TRUblackMAN

    another day ... and black women keep proving my point....smh ..... why are their attitudes so negative and always bad ... this shit is really sad

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    • young51

      I am a younger looking 51 ..I never dated out of my ethnic group (hispanic with white skin) until couple of months ago that a fellow church member ask me out .... He is single, handsome and he is african american ...We have been out 5 or 6 times already and everytime we feel more attracted to each other so.... I am not looking at his color but at his attitudes toward life and things ...That is what really matters! . Color is unimportant .

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  • shamizo

    on dis subject i can go one forever !

    it's today's society that influencing people to be with partners who are opposite to one's race. As a black girl i feel so neglected by my black man becoz they think black skin is dirty and they smells, jus to feel th epart black man are escaping that and believeing they are attraced to white womens but in fact u have a hate with black women for being black

    but on the other hand if u feel attracted to a person u should go for it, it shouldnt matter what skin they,ve got

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  • eleveneleven

    It's totally fine....you're not betraying your race, your just being honest with yourself. Think about it, if you went out with lots of black women, and you weren't attracted to any of them, you'd be betraying yourself. So yeah...it's just your preference.

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  • oderi

    I'm a white woman, but I only like black men.

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  • Mastersash

    As long as you know whether you're gay or straight it shouldn't matter.. You're attracted to that type of person the same way a homosexual cannot be attracted to the opposite sex. Totally normal- we're all mixing together anyway.. Seriously though, I'm a white girl who has tried to date white guys but alas: no spark! Get me together with someone who is "tall, DARK and handsome".. perfection ;)

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  • xoxoxo1234

    of course you are a racist, OP.

    you have a fetish based solely on ethnicity.

    if that isnt the definition of racist, i dont know what is

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  • Chooseyourweapon

    I am black, and I actually find most black women to be unnattractive. For some reason, I just love pale, soft looking skin. Even within Caucasians I am choosy. It has nothing to do with the way society views different races. On top of that, I love women who are short, slender, demure, and high-pitched. It is more accurate to say that my "type" occurs least commonly among black women than to say that I just do not like them. Nobody is entirely immune to influence from society though; I suppose watching "cheaters" has not helped to endear me to black women any more.

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  • TheSociopath102

    im the exact sam eway man . im on of those i guess "educated black man from an other country " i think black girls here ( for the most ) are compleat getho wast of time .

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  • thelight312

    Maaaaaaannn.. hell yeah it's normal and don't let no one tell you different. I'm black myself and I love white women. There is no white washing and don't let no one try to educate you on history!! Dude you like who you like, everyone is an individual and everyone has a preference.

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  • januarycurse

    There are some great comments in here, I don't really have much to add. But there's nothing wrong with having a "type" or preference for people you choose to date. Attraction is deeply rooted in psychology and much if it has to do with the culture you grew up in and the kinds of people you've been surrounded by most of your life. The media is obviously enormously influential, and this is not just true in America, but really all around the world, white people are generally regarded as the most beautiful or aesthetically pleasing and these images of white people are often subliminally associated with high class and wealth. It's a very complex topic but I think at the heart of this all is a clear message that you should not automatically judge people based only on their race or ethnicity. Give everyone a chance, we're all unique individuals regardless of what we look like on the outside. We all have value, worth, feelings, and we all deserve love. It's totally fine to have a preference for white women, but don't sell other women short just because they're not white.

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  • lostinastorm

    I am going to say this I am black I don't think its not normal but I don't think it normal neither its one of those things. prefer light skinned men I don't know why but I'm light skinned myself and I like white guys also. I rarely date dark skinned or medium skinned guys. Just like I don't like thuggish or ghetto types. I want my man to be all mine though. I don't like sharing in the same manner I won't give my man a reason to cheat. I also don't like skinny men or overly fat men nor the type that looks like they are on steriods. You see we all have the types we like. Yours is just white women your not saying you hate us like some of the black men out there, its just you probably could be very good friends with a black woman just not romanticaly involved with one. I happen to be with a light skinned man that I love right now. Yes race and color doesn't matter and its true we are conditioned to think how we do but for ever what reason we fall for a paticular type we do. I have nothing against dark or medium skinned men but I like what I like.

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  • whitney18

    It's a shame that your mother was such a bad role model

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  • ChuckHurst

    I only see fat, nasty, ghetto black women around my 'hood, so I can see why you wouldn't want to get with those types of women. I DO see good looking black women from time to time and I do wonder what it would be like to date one of these women. As the saying goes:
    The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice.

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  • Reina

    Some people may feel you are betraying your own race. But some may argue that since 'black men' were deprived of immigration status due to employment issues in the 1980's which made black men and white women interracial more rare than white men and black women, it is an act which is just catching up to what it should have been allowed a long time ago.

    Or maybe you're just insecure about your colour.

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  • ithinkiminsane

    so yous a cloud rider huh?

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  • blackdroid

    I kinda understand. Black women don't treat us right anymore. They can't cook (americanized). Most are gold diggers and quick to embarass u in public. BUT I got me a good blk woman now so I can't complain. Maybe u kust been lookin in the wrong places. But nothing wrong wit dating a white woman

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  • mineeskirtzox

    Yes, yes you are.
    JK no your not.
    We all have our preferences, but you need to make sure yours is not on a stereotype like "their hair is straighter" or "they put out easier", because that is just ignorant.

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  • kinderegg

    You just have a "Type" nothing wrong with that at all. You shouldn't feel guilty if its who you are. You don't owe your race one single thing, if anyone tells you that they are guilt tripping you and trying to break your stride. What makes you happy brother.

    PS kind of shocked at the racisim on this site

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  • blackwhitelove28

    This whole thing is silly, but real. I am a black man and I love white chicks, because I can be myself around them. I am not attracted to just any type of white girl, but I like blondes the ones that are silly and bubbly like. I like black girls, but most of them don't want a silly black man like myself actually most of them think that I am weird, so in other words I am not going to change myself to suit my race, because I think Race and stereo types are a load of crap anyway. As for Latina women and Asian women I just don't prefer them much, because most of them are very different from me culturally. Blacks and Whites in America have a history together I think that the segregation from our past is leading us to want to love each other especially with black men and white women, but there will always be those types of people who hate to see a difference. I wish people will stop trying to control what is going on around them and start controlling their own life.

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  • CinnamonToast

    Interbreeding is the long-term solution to racism. Young man with KKK parents falls in love with a black girl... Is HE going to be a racist? I don't think so. So by all means, give the KKK and the Black Panthers a nice big shiner and go with whatever color turns you on. I'm white myself; I tend to prefer white girls, but there's been a black beauty or two that got my pulse pounding...

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  • cfnmsub

    It's a common thing these days and growing in popularity. For many white females, the black man used to be the forbidden fruit but is now the preferred fruit and there is nothing wrong with that.

    There are plenty of white males and white females alike that view a white girl going exclusively black as being a rather erotic sight.

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  • Anesthesiologist

    Yes. I agree with you. White women are angels. Preach on.

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  • sacire

    It depends. What are the reasons you are not attracted to black women (personalities,looks, etc..)

    I believe there are pros and cons for all races. Most Black women I know can be a little aggressive and most white women I know seem to be more passive.

    Now I have seen more white women break down and cry when they are having issues, and black women will just deal with it and handle it.

    White women are very attractive, black women are very attractive (hair,eyes, skin) a black women's curves are naturally wonderful, and skin and comes in lots of different flavors.

    If you prefer white women because of, versus in spite of ..the black woman.

    There is nothing wrong with you.

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  • cloud1999

    Trublackman, yes, black women are a tough road to walk these days. Ironically, that's also a product of mindknots tied by the moving images...

    I think it's all *meant* to get you stuck on anger and alienation, so instead of having a market where your chances of finding someone worth something are fairly abundant, you walk a relative desert. If one in 100 white women are open to dating a black male, that still doesn't replace the size of the market you'd enjoy if our own culture were functioning.

    So now you're seeing lots & lots of black people on ice... just like it's supposed to work. It would be interesting to trace the fate of these black people who "only like white" over the years. I'd bet that far fewer end up with fulfillment and families than those who weren't trapped on the flypaper...

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  • Padawan

    My neighbor likes Asians only!

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  • sweetbabaly07

    i don't think you are "betraying your race" now days it's normal to see black and white together...

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  • babygurl

    its totally fine dont listen to any of these people trying to tell you it isn't. it is just like people now a days like say teens, some teen girls might say i only go for those skater, emo type of guys , cause they are just more my type , or all im attracted to. or maybe they like the g's and swagger about them, all people are different. its ok if your only attracted to white women or only attractred to black women no matter what your race. its like a man being attracted to only men . its fine , you maybe shouldnt have posted on here though because alot of people may jus discourage you even more.

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  • Englishgirl

    it is your choice weather you like white women or black women,
    its your opinion and every one is entitle to their own opinion :) and you are normal for that, nothing wrong with making your own decision ...
    like i prefer black men than white.. black men are way better :) xx

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  • blacklover23

    well welcome to my life i love black guys only...my friends have no problem with it nor my parent...u are not betraying your race just keep doing what your doing!!

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    • rinaldi40

      i love only black woman..i am white..and black woman are sronger than white woman..sexier than white woman..more loyal than white woman..better to talk to than white woman...who wants a spoiled white woman who will turn her back on you if you dont fit in to the lets make it all look perfect lifestyle.

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  • combatgal856

    I guess that's just who you go for

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  • nothing's wrong with you. If it wasn't for people like you I wouldn't have been born. Even though I am mixed (most people think I am black with extremely good-looks and long hair lol) I like mainly white guys.

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  • secretme

    You're right. They are attractive. But it doesn't mean anything, you just really like them. ;)

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  • dijonay79

    lolol don't ever say you're betraying your race.

    like someone of a different race doesn't mean your betraying your own, remember that.

    I'm black & i love both black & white men; no problem with that.

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  • Fat white women or hot ones?

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  • singnrhyme

    at the end of the day every ones a human being... u like white woman big deal ...totally normal :):):) , honestly i think u should connect to a person who u can talk to , someone beautifully white on the inside...irrespective of whatever color on the outside

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  • rudy1293

    i think its great u admit this.
    i love black men. my boyfriend is black.
    and i absolutely love himm.

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  • 100%darkie

    abnormal, your a freak! nxa

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