i wanna jump iin?

In the morning on the way to work I walk over a bridge with a river below, I have this urge I wanna step over the ledge and jump.


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73% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • thegypsysailor

    So it was a hot day and the water looked cool and inviting. What's the problem?

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Depending on if you buy into a man who used a ton of drugs, had mother issues and died of assisted suicide

    Freud's eros \thanatos theory or death drive theory

    I respect the impact he had in psychology but intend to not listen to much of what he says, but I do wonder about the death drive theory

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  • ______________

    I'm sure it'll be nice to take a nap on the super comfy sea bed.

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  • DolphinAngel

    I get similar urges just randomly. Have you ever thought about punching a person in the head just randomly and see the reaction because it's just so unexpected?

    Thinking about all kinds of stuff or getting urges to do uncommon things are normal, I'd say. Unless it's a really strong urge you have trouble suppressing. In that case, I'd suggest seeking help!

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  • TrustMeImLying

    Whether it's normal or not depends on if that urge is adventurous or depressive. Or it could be neither. Sometimes people get urges to do stuff just because it shouldn't be done. If it's a constant/strong urge, talk to someone about it

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