is it normal that my girlfriend backs out of sex

My girlfriend and I were nearly ready to have sex, and she backed out last minute and walked away, I am very disappointed as I was looking forward to my first time.

Why would she back out like that ?

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Comments ( 106 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Well, if ya'll are both virgins it's perfectly normal to be nervous, scared and or have a change of heart. Some people still wait til they're married.

    How long have ya'll been together? Do you both love one another?

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    • Addamere3.14

      We have been together for 7 years and we llove each other so much, we are

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      • RoseIsabella

        Hmm, that is a long time but just out of curiosity how are you guys?

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        • Addamere3.14

          If you mean how old we are then we are both 23

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          • RoseIsabella

            Does she have any religious beliefs that might be holding her back? Have you talked to her about what happened? What did she say?

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  • thatchickyouhate

    she was scared. be patient and don't make her feel bad about it. if it's meant to happen, it will. and if you can wait until she's ready, it will be a lot more enjoyable.

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    • Addamere3.14


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  • gummy_jr

    You probably smelled bad.

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    • Addamere3.14

      Could you give me advice

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        Wash your peepee xD

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      • gummy_jr

        That WAS my advice. You just gotta figure out what to do about it.

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        • Addamere3.14

          Ok thanks

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Its SEX. Of course its normal. Some people are not always ready when others might be. So yeah its normal you are dissipionted but she might have just been nervous. Not everyone is ready to just all a sudden do it.

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  • driedroses

    She probably wasn't ready :/

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    • Addamere3.14

      She told me she was ready though

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      • Maybe it was her first time to?

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        • Addamere3.14

          I did that in a round about way

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  • I don't think it's normal but its happened to me quite a few times too. I do not understand. Either some women like to cock tease, or they don't know what they want. Either one is unacceptable. If they don't want sex they shouldn't say they do.

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    • what was this thumbed down? I wasn't saying they should have sex if they don't want to. I was saying they shouldn't say one thing and do another.
      Some people are fucking stupid.

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      • dom180

        Because you didn't take into account the fact that people are allowed to change their mind, and they shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed for changing their mind. Not that I was one of the thumb-downers.

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      • Addamere3.14


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    • Addamere3.14

      I just don't understand women

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  • ants91shearer

    u dnt get it, shes thinking of someone else

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    • Addamere3.14

      Why would see think of another man when she loves me

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  • oogliebooglie

    Even if she says she is willing to make it up to you, don't even go there.

    Just break it off quickly and move on to find someone who will love you the same way, respect your feelings and not run off and leave you without a word for two weeks etc.

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    • Addamere3.14

      I have

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  • tripw7

    I think Atlantis has this gal correct. She likes a place to live and has pleasure with anyone else that is available all the while, this guy is waiting for her. Obviously, he is naïve, but it's hard to tell just how conniving the bitch really is.

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    • Addamere3.14

      Are you calling me naive

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  • Sharkbandanas

    Some girls get really scared before they do it witha guy for the first time. I know i do. She probably didn't want you to not like it or leave her afterwards. It's a normal fear amongst us women.

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    • Addamere3.14

      No she was cheating on me

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      • Sharkbandanas

        That skank

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        • Addamere3.14

          She married another man and adopted kids so I wouldn't ask how she got pregnant

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  • LovesUBetter_18

    Maybe she's teasing you? Teasing can be very sexy and can heighten the pleasure!

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    • Addamere3.14

      Uh ok

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  • Heyjj

    If she's a virgin then she's probably just really scared and not ready. But honestly it's been 7 years it has to go deeper than that. 7 years is sort of a long time maybe she doesn't see you as her boyfriend but as a friend because she's just so used to you.

    I really don't know because I'm not you or her and I don't know your relationship but if you really love her and she loves you then don't walk away. I know it's frustrating... My boyfriend was getting fed up because when we were just about to have sex I would stop it. That was because I was insecure and uncomfortable with having sex. Maybe that's her problem but I really don't know.

    The worst case scenario is that she's been fucking with another guy and she's only with you because it's been so long and she loves you, just not that way anymore. If you haven't already tried talking to her about it try.

    If you really love her then don't run away from her just because there is no sex.

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    • Addamere3.14

      Ok thanks ill try tlk to her

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      • Heyjj

        Hope everything works out good!

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    • She's 23 and being a horrible girlfriend.

      She's too immature or straight up cheating/lying to you and doesn't want you.

      Talk to her and find out. Most likely there is someone else.

      I have never heard of a 23 yr old virgin girl that's scared to have sex.

      Why would you wait 7 years to have sex are you some kind of idiot?

      She's probably telling all her girlfriends what a loser you are and trying to see how long she can make the sucker wait before he gets laid.

      Meanwhile she's probably screwing every guy in town.

      You're going to be 50 before you even see a pussy if she has her way.

      You're obviously unhappy so tell her to put out now or get lost.

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      • TheWeasel

        Shut the hell up dumbass.

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        • LOL.

          Someone can't handle the truth.

          Go hide from life some more Mr. "WEASEL".


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          • TheWeasel

            You can suck my dick or cock.

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            • Hey Weasel just be quiet.

              I'm busy helping the OP.

              And if you notice I'm the only person here that's correct, as usual.

              All of you inexperienced people have no idea about reality or how people really are.

              Look how many people tried making an excuse for this cheating slut.
              Saying she's not having sex because

              "She's not ready"
              "She's scared"
              "It's her religious beliefs."

              Fing BS.

              She's a cheating slut and a worthless whore making this poor guy wait for sex for 7 years while she's out fucking other guys lying to him wasting his life.

              This poor guy has to jack off alone in the corner wasting his life because of this selfish bitch.
              If she was honest about her being a little slut he could of moved on years ago and been happy with a better girl or at least been getting laid fucking different girls.

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      • Addamere3.14

        She came back home lastnite and we talked, she had cheated on me several times and asked for my forgiveness, and wants to have sex with me now, what should I do?

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        • "She came back home lastnite and we talked, she had cheated on me several times and asked for my forgiveness, and wants to have sex with me now, what should I do?"


          Shit man I'm very sorry.

          Most girls are worthless cheating sluts.
          I know it's heartbreaking, but that's the truth.

          What you do is up to you really.

          Since you want to get laid you might as well fuck her but just know you can't ever trust her and never marry her. Also girls like this will give you an STD because she'll keep cheating on you and eventually it catches up with them. Girls like this also try to trap a guy by getting pregnant -if you got money so be careful.

          It sounds like she lives off of you and is just using you meanwhile she fucks whoever else she wants.
          It sounds like if she had her own money and could easily pay for her own place she wouldn't even have anything to do with you. She doesn't love you nor does she respect you.

          Once a cheater always a cheater and this chick has cheated on you several times already meanwhile not fucking you at all which is insane.

          Realize you can't trust a single word this slut says and now you should only be in this relationship for what you want (lots of sex - make this bitch work it) but don't tell her that.

          You're actually in a great place:
          You can screw any girl you want and not tell her because she cheated on you many times and has been lying to you so it's only fair you get to do the same to her loser ass.

          If you want to be mean and teach her a lesson you should let her think you forgave her and over time are building up to marriage (get engaged in a year).
          Meanwhile you've been secretly fucking all her friends and your cute coworkers.
          After you're done with her and just about when she thinks you're going to marry her, then let her know you've been fucking all her girlfriends and several coworkers then dump her loser ass.
          Just before Christmas is a great time to destroy this bitch because she'll feel like a complete worthless whore being alone for the holidays and she'll know it was her fault because she was cheating on you being a whore.

          Another naughty thing guys to do get back at their cheating girlfriends is make (secret) sex videos of them then post them up on the internet then break up with the cheating slut.

          They do that so the world can see what sluts/whores they are so no other guy wants them or will trust them in the future.

          Eye for an eye bitch.

          Oh, well that's probably a little mean but this cheater whore deserves it.
          The truth is if you forgive her she's going to cheat on you again and again and again.
          She's got nothing to lose and she won't respect you as a man because you'll be a pussy she can walk all over.

          Personally I don't do any of those things, I just dump the slut and move on.
          You should at least have sex with her for a few months though. At least get something out of this wasted time.

          Honestly I've never heard of a guy waiting 7 years for a girl to fuck him.
          That's gotta be some world record or some shit.
          I feel REALLY bad for you.
          I'm wondering if your post is even real?


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          • Heyjj

            Wrote a comment saying you were an asshole before reading all of the details. This seems too fake for me.... What do you think? But anyways you totally have a point and I love the honesty.

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          • Wow. Okay. So at first I really liked you and I didn't get why everybody was hating on you, but

            ''Another naughty thing guys to do get back at their cheating girlfriends is make (secret) sex videos of them then post them up on the internet then break up with the cheating slut.''

            Really? That ''cheating slut'' is someones sister/daughter you know. Think about it that's really fucked up. I've lost all my respect for you.

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            • Addamere3.14

              What's wrong with wat he said

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            • "Really? That ''cheating slut'' is someones sister/daughter you know. Think about it that's really fucked up. I've lost all my respect for you."

              Who gives a shit.
              You think just because a person owns a vagina that the rules of the game are different and vagina owners don't have to be moral people?
              Vagina owners get a free pass to abuse others and fuck them over as they want without any recourse?

              What the fuck do you think this whore has been doing to this poor guy for the last 7 years of his life!

              She's a cheating worthless asshole that's lead this guy on for 7 years selfishly wasting his life.

              Do you have ANY idea what that's like?
              I already know you don't have a clue.

              She needs to get burned and feel the hurt she's caused so she knows never to destroy someone's life again.

              Take a moment and think about what she's intentionally been doing to this poor guy :

              This guy gives her a home to live in.
              This guy feeds her and takes care of her and is faithful to her.

              How does this little whore pay him back?

              NOT have sex with him for 7 years meanwhile she's out fucking other guys behind his back meanwhile she's lying to him saying she loves him so she can use him for money and a free place to live. Meanwhile he's a good guy so he's not cheating on her because they're "in love".

              She's a piece of trash and should be treated that way so she never pulls this shit on the next poor guy ever again.

              This kind of thing should be illegal because she's a fucking conwhore using this poor guy for his money and a free place to live. She should be in jail.

              " I've lost all my respect for you."

              Am I supposed care?

              It's only because you really have no clue how toxic this girl is and exactly what she's done to this guy's life.

              Btw, did you even notice that I wrote I don't do those things. I just move on.

              It's amazing how weak you people are and you always try to protect the guilty while trying to ignore or punish the victim.
              Usually females are like that and it's wrong.

              Stop making excuses and trying to protect the criminal they deserve to be punished so they learn from their wrong doings and are not going to do it again.

              Before you reply you should once again realize that I'm the only poster here that's 100% correct about the situation. That pretty much means if you disagree with what I write you're in the wrong.
              Most likely because of your limited personal experience or intelligence ... unable to fully grasp the situation.

              Please stop trying to protect the wrong doer and punish the victims.

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          • Addamere3.14

            Oh it's real, I will take all that into account thanks

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            • You're very welcome and again I'm sorry this happened to you.

              Next time with whatever girl you date if you want to have sex with her don't wait very long because girls love to fuck.

              If they tell you they aren't ready and you've had more than 3 dates with them, they probably are just using you and don't plan on having sex with you.

              Most of the time girls know immediately if they're going to have sex with a guy. When I want it, I get laid on first dates all the time because girls are easy/sluts.

              When they like a guy they don't wait.
              They want that dick in them and they want it 'now'.

              Also, most people (including females) have no clue about dating girls/women.

              As you see all the stupid wrong answers from girls about why you weren't getting laid saying she's scared, it's her religion, she's not ready, fucking bullshit.

              Girls are sluts and they usually start slutting at age 12.

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  • DangerousPotatoGuy

    This is probably why my relationships didn't last long, just one year w/o a single f*ck woah... it got better though with my current girlfriend, 8 months w/o sex :). Play along Addamere, it will happen when the time is right

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    • Addamere3.14

      Ok thanks

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  • April=)

    mabey she isnt ready. Alot of woman including me say they are ready but not. Mabey she is a virgin and does not want to take the pain?

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    • Addamere3.14

      She's nothing but a cheating lying whore

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  • Your girlfriend is a lesbian.

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    • Addamere3.14

      She's not lesbian I've been with her for 7 years

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Ignore that guy he is a jerk and a troll. Dont take anything he says seriously.

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      • You have been with her for seven years and you guys have never had sex? Maybe she was scared it would hurt.

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        • Addamere3.14

          Yea maybe

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  • This is crazy.

    Being with a girl for 7 years without sex?

    I've never heard of such a thing.

    Is she underage or what?

    Didn't I read you guys are in your 20's?

    She's probably having sex with other guys.

    I've also never known someone's gf to 'disappear' for two weeks.
    That means she's fucking other dudes dude.

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    • Addamere3.14

      I hope she's not

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