is using white noise as sleeping aid normal?

Sometimes i'm often distracted and disturbed by various noises emanating from outside my room when about to sleep or read. This often affect my sleeping and reading. But i do use white noise to neutralise those noise effects. With white noise, i do sleep off within a short time and my concentration enhanced. I once googled if white noise has any effect on hearing or health. Many sites noted that white noise is okay and normal? But i want to confirm from this site too if it is normal and okay.

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 22 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Nokiot9

    It might be normal. But it's annoying as hell. I had a gf in high school that had to have the TV or radio blasting to fall and stay asleep. It was impossible for me to sleep with her because of it. Even with ear plugs and pillow over my head. I'm a really light sleeper so any kind of noise keeps me up. Another one of my exes had to have a fan or blow drier or something on. Which wasn't as bad as the TV or radio one. But it was still pretty annoying. I akin it to snoring. It's just as bad and just a maddening when you are trying to fall asleep after a long day.

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  • Koda

    I used to use a loud fan for this, but to save on power I just learned to sleep in silence.

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  • king_of_the_world

    You are perfectly normal, don't worry

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  • omgcatz

    IDK you said 'white noise' and for some reason I read 'white people' and was like O_o........

    but yes it's normal. I can't sleep without it. (noise, not people)

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  • JD777

    Most of the studies on white noise and sleep seem to agree that it isn't harmful as long as the volume is no higher than around 50dB. Problem is, it can become a crutch. I had a gf who couldn't fall asleep without noise, like a fan, radio or TV, and we lived in a very quiet neighborhood. Problem was I fall asleep better if it's quiet. So, we weren't compatible in a pretty important area.

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