(not) becoming an incel?
I know this sounds awful, but I've been starting to sympathize with some incel viewpoints. For instance, whenever I see attractive women IRL I want to look away because I immediately self-deprecate and believe that I'll never get with one in the future. I also have to resist the urge to call women whores in my head and am generally cynical about women.
That being said, I have several female friends and have had alright relationships with women in the past so I know that women are people just like men are. They deserve to be respected as human beings (this goes without saying, of course).
But as for myself, I can't see myself with anyone. I guess what I'm really saying is my standards are way too high. They weren't in the past but they are now. Humans are just so flawed. Women suck. I fail to see why anyone would really want me too, because I suck too. My past relationships were exciting but ended. What's the point if it just ends?
I guess what I'm trying to say is... is it normal to acknowledge a pseudo-incel mentality and genuinely not want to pursue a relationship because I know I'll never be satisfied with my partner?