scared to death?

Hello I'm 26 and I do think about death more then I should.It happens before I go to bed I think about death.I think about the eternity of it untill the end of time it's like I never existed but like I wont know that when I'm dead.I can't escape the enevitable it gives me a very ugly feeling in my stomach.I figure that once I get old I might just be tired of living and want to rest.I'm. Gonna miss the life,people,and fun that I had.Even tho it wasn't much.Only one shot I get at this journey.And when it's all over I really hope there is a heaven.Because of the thought of never seeing life again really makes me sad.I feel a lot better now that I can get it off my chest.God bless all sorry for my grammar.and remember. to live life to the fullest because.others don't ever get to.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • shade_ilmaendu

    No one truly knows what happens after you die. Because no one who has died can come back and tell us. I would like to think that as matter recycles into new matter, consciousness recycles into new consciousness, since nothing is ever truly destroyed... But again, there is no way of knowing that.

    So if you cannot know, why worry? Live your life, enjoy yourself now, because if this is our only go round, might as well make it worth the ride.

    In the words of the infamous Hunter S. Thompson: Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ... What a Ride!

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  • Neapolitana

    To me it sounds like you are depressed and need help. I hope you know that you CAN feel better. I believe in heaven, but I also believe that God wants you to be 100% You during your life here. And it sounds like you are not at full capacity. If you get some help, I believe that you will be amazed at what life and God have to offer you. Good luck!!

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    • iscreamman02

      I believe your righ. I will seek help and hope it brings me comfort, and understanding.Thank you

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  • zchristian

    We are alive now arent we that should be living proof that we can be alive again after death and even if we turn into nothing we wont be there to notice...

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    • "We are alive now arent we that should be living proof that we can be alive again after death and even if we turn into nothing we wont be there to nostril"

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      • GuessWho

        Oh come on! you can do better than that!

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        • "We are alive now arent we that should be living proof that we can be nostrils again after death and even if we turn into nostrils we wont be there to notice other nostrils"

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