"the truth" does it exist and in what form?

Truth exists.It is an idea, something conceivable by the human mind 57
Truth exists.It is a form of experience or a lucid perception of world 39
Truth doesn't exist. There can't be a lucid perception of the world 15
Truth doesn't exist. It is only an idea in the minds of people 35
Even if truth does exist how do I know it will make my life better? 31
Truth exists and is unreachable or too demanding for us to reach 46
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Comments ( 30 )
  • Legion

    And the Award for the Vaguest Question on Is It normal Goes To.......

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  • dogsdieinhotcars

    I had beans on toast for tea.....and that IS the truth

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  • Enizzle

    You can't handle the truth.

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  • orangewing33

    Truth exists independent of perception. Perspective distorts objectivity and therefore influences how one's reality is constructed. Truth exists as a state of being on a scale beyond what humans can conceive. Our reality is one of physical and mental boundaries limited by our cognitive function.

    With all due respect, religion is a product of the human mind. Whether or not it reflects or reveals truth is irrelevant because it is impossible for our minds to objectively comprehend truth without the influence of our experiences.

    Therefore I would say truth exists, but as a phenomenon infinitely beyond our capability to understand.

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  • paranoidaboutparanoia

    Truth is the fullness of being, and it is a concept that cannot be grasped by an unenlightened mind. Religion attempts to give us an understanding, though it fails with its dogma, but truth can be discovered in yourself through contemplation, meditation, or even psychedelic drugs.

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  • Maki_P

    The Truth, the Absolute Truth about the Universe and Everything must exist, because the Universe exists; but our tiny minds can never truly comprehend it (perhaps if our species evolves beyond our current state, but not right now)

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  • oogliebooglie


    the truth of what?

    the truth of the universe?
    Truth is something that is apparent.
    It is apparent that we exist, that the universe exists.

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  • Uzzie101

    It's hard to say because you didn't define the truth. It WILL mean different things to different people. Some people consider the truth to simply mean the opposite of a lie, like 'dogsdieinhotcars' said, "I like beans on toast for tea...and that is the truth".
    Others may consider it some form of spiritual enlightement, an understanding of what is it to be alive, to be totally and utterly OK with the fact you exist. I know I exist ("because I think I do"). Sometimes, I feel completely good about my life, and can watch a leaf fall to the ground and feel proud that I was alive to witness it. Other times, I feel jaded, bored of being, you know the feeling. Well, the truth exists, but I don't think it's a perminate state. You can get bored of the truth, but then you want it back.

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  • norcalbuddha

    truth exists in silence...or maybe Plato was right with his Cave Allegory...

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  • yournewBFF

    "The Truth" is that the truth is a lie. Nothing is real, nothing is absolute, facts are opinions. You wanna know "The Truth?" It is in this statement: "This sentence is false."

    P.S. Thank you for actually posting something worth talking about. I normally just post to Troll or to point out peoples faults. This is actually interesting.

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    • Thanks..

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  • iwasbees

    Define "truth."

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  • sjburkhart

    Truth is believing in awareness. Awareness is seeing, and being amazed by what you see! Awareness is feeling the touch of the warmth of the sunshine on your face, after a long, cold, snowy,winter. It is the awareness of the pain you feel when someone you loved with all your heart passes from this physical life,and on to his/her spiritual rest, until the soul home is opened for us. Awareness is listening to the singing of the morning birds, and the evening critters as they chirp away the summer nights. Next is to know Good, and carry good in your hearts. Love, forbearance, kindness, thoughtfulness, patience, and things of this nature. Evil is the opposite of these. To know Good, is to know God, and God is love.

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  • Riddler

    Truth is fact. Facts exists if we know about them or not. If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it does it make a sound? I don't think our knowledge of a fact changes if its there or not.

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  • vigorousjammer

    Truth only exists beyond a reasonable doubt.
    You can only ever prove something beyond a reasonable doubt.
    To paraphrase Plato, how can we know that what we perceive through our senses is, in fact, truly what exists?
    It would be unreasonable to see it any other way, but this does not mean it is entirely factual.

    Our entire existence *could* be fabricated, our eyes can see an object, and our hands can feel an object, but does that mean that object is *actually* there?
    It would be rediculous to assume otherwise, as we all trust our own senses, but does that really make what we all see, smell, hear, taste, and feel entirely real?

    Who's to say there can't be an alternate existence out there? One that we are not aware of. Perhaps there are an infinite number of existences, all happening concurrently.

    However, there is no way to prove any of this, and there is no way to prove any part of our own existence is entirely factual. Therefore, truth does not exist, and we can never be 100% sure of anything.
    Truth only exists beyond a reasonable doubt.

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  • ScooterNyne

    The truth is that there is no truth.

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  • Corleone

    The truth?! YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    The truth is in your bread box.

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  • UnrecognizableMan

    In mathematics truth exists (I like to think of mathematics as the study of truth). But this guy Godel proved that for a system in which every statement must have an answer, then some statements must be neither true nor false.

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  • Crisp

    Hmm it you can usually rely on being dead when they nail that coffin lid down...and that's the truth.

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  • F.S

    Truth isnt a thing
    You cant touch it

    But you can feel the presence of it

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  • Legion

    It depends. Some things have a definite truth, like the earth has gravity. Some are subjective, like this car is red. Some people may see a red car, but if you cant see red, it may not be red.

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  • stillwondering

    Read up on determinism and you'll realize that all truth is subjective.

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  • Trismegistus

    If there was anyone out there holding the truth,certainly wouldn't be revealing it to human kind out of fear of them turning it into a lie.

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  • Piconano

    I think "The Truth" can be grasped by anyone--it's just a matter of time, and how it is presented to them. If a man lived for many eons, he could probably understand the "truth". Wisdom comes with age after all.

    To define truth is difficult for me. The only thing I can say is that a truth is not a lie. Humans are capable of creating lies. Therefore it is not wise to discuss with a fellow human of the existence of "Truth". "Truth" exists in those not human. I think.

    I'm not very good at this sort of stuff, but felt like sharing my thoughts.


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  • b454

    It does exist, but not in politics and not in religion

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  • I cannot define the world "truth" because that is exactly what I want YOU to do.
    That is why I ask if you believe that the truth is a form of experience

    ("Beingness" or "being one with the absolute" followed by a lucid perception of things is an experience that various saints -as well as other people who try to connect with god- say to have witnessed)

    Or an idea, as is "democracy"(a "correct" or "always valid" or "perfect in every aspect" set of values or beliefs)

    It seems to me though that some people interpreted the word "idea" as "something conceived in the mind of god"
    (Therefore, if reality has been perceived in the mind of god it has to be an idea)
    That wasn't what I had in mind.. but now I do!

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  • suckysucky5dawr

    truth only exists in the minds of the creator. due to the fact that we all percieve differently, i believe there is no such thing as actual "truth".

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  • juniperlei

    There is no truth to anything people just exsist our lives have no real truth to them no meaning in a few thousand years we will all be forgotten in time truth doesnt exist there is nothing that has a point or meaning i am sorry i am so pessimistic but thats how it is for me whats the point in anything? whats the point? the "truth" if you will is that there is no point no reason behind anything that has happened or will

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  • Merkai

    let me get into my preacher voice

    The Truth!
    The Truth, is the most elaborate,
    most highly esteemed and the most ancient
    Lie ever told.

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