"women are the prize"

I hate the above phrase. It implies women don't need to try hard.

When every woman has the same prize, it's no longer a prize.

Athletes don't just get given an olympic gold medal for simply competing in the olympic games. You have to be an outstanding athlete to achieve that. The same concept goes for dating.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • litelander8

    Lol. Feminism fucked women over. Now we work our asses off, pay half the bills and are still expected to manage kids, dinner, and cleaning the house. It’s shit.

    And yes, I am a fucking prize. Bc I rarely complain.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      That sounds more like a fucked economic system and still having to do tasks still expected of us, like cooking and cleaning the house.

      Feminists also were tortured and force fed through a tube up their noses to win the right to vote and men used to be able to beat and rape their wives. There were literally no laws against it. Ever heard of the burning bed?

      Don't let the internet poison your mind. Feminism extends beyond morons on the internet.

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      • I wasn't trying to bash feminism. There are many positive things that the feminist movement has achieved over the years and you have highlighted 2 of them.

        My point was that a lot of modern women feel like they just need to stay in shape and look hot in order to attract a man. Then they hit 35, realise they're running out of time, and start to wonder why they can't find a partner.

        That is clearly a section of society, brainwashed by a section of the feminist movement. I never included all women in my post. I was just highlighting that women are not the prize, especially if we are supposed to treat everyone as equals.

        Oh and by the way, neither are men.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Feminism has made women less appealing to men, maybe thats the point. They think its degrading to cook and clean and raise their own kids. Then with body acceptance theyre also fat ontop of that. Luckily in my part of the USA we dont have too many of those feminists here. Those girls do have their place tho theyre the girls you call at 3am on a saturday to fuck and then never talk to again.

    But if you think about women still do have to try. If a woman takes care of herself and is pretty and smart she can score a good catch just like men can. If shes a good enough woman she can marry a doctor or something.

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    • BOOM! This guy gets it!

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        i think it unfortunately goes both ways the men arent as good either. Too emotional and feminine and also less productive with more complaining. Less of a provider/protector mindset.

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        • Lots of beta males are simps, unfortunately. I'm happy to be a protector of my girl and a provider to my family, but only when the woman is willing to put her shift in and help me to achieve that. I don't want to protect a woman who doesn't appreciate the efforts I go to to provide for her and the family she gave me.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Women shouldn't be thought of as "prizes to be won" in any situation.

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  • bubsy

    In modern western civilizations, women DON'T need to try hard. Our entire culture is based around women never being able to fail or be held accountable for their actions. There's no surprise weak men are pretending to be women.

    Instead of taking responsibility for sleeping around, killing your unborn children is socially acceptable. More than that, it's celebrated as a cornerstone of woman's rights. Sick world.

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