4 year old hit me with no remorse?

So, I was over at my boyfriend's grandma's place and everything was going fine. We were in his bedroom just watching TV and stuff when his sister dropped off her 4 year old boy to be watched. (She does this a lot for some reason, which kinda annoys me because it seems that whenever I stay over, he's always spending the night.)

Anyway, the 4 year old walked into the bedroom and started talking to my boyfriend and everything seemed to be normal until the boy started to act rowdy and started hitting my boyfriend, which seems to be a normal thing, but my boyfriend told him to stop it, but he didn't want to.

I then overheard the boy whisper to my boyfriend that they should " beat me up." My boyfriend told him that boys shouldn't hit girls, especially pregnant girls.(I'm 4 months.)

The boy didn't seem to care and before I knew it, he punched me hard in the upper-back. You'd be surprised at how much a 4 year old's punch can hurt.

Even though my boyfriend got mad at him and I expressed pain, the boy didn't seem to care, in fact, he found it funny.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • jethro

    Gee I think I would have turned around real quickly and "accidentally" hit the little brat right in the head with my elbow.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Yeah it's quite normal for a 4 year old to not have developed much empathy yet. To some it comes naturally but most have to be taught. As weird as that seems, little kids actually don't know the feelings of others are as real as their own.
    That's why you can't just let a kid do what it wants. Because a kid is a cute little sociopath.

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  • Couman

    Wait, what? Did you say a 4-year-old was hitting on your boyfriend?

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    • Obviously since this is a bout a 4 year old, I meant hitting as in phsycially punching, but I guess I can understand how that could be misunderstood.

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      • Couman

        I figured... but the story would have been a whole lot weirder the other way. Had to ask.

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        • lol.

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      • TheChildMolester

        Don't worry about it woman this is standard play nothing to be alarmed shit happened all the time, standard operating procedure.

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  • Dreamsao

    Kids are almost always assholes

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  • uwotm69

    I'd smack the little shit. Age doesnt matter, if you punch me you get whats coming.

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  • sega31098

    I don't think the 4 year old meant to cause pain to you. A lot of the time, little kids do a lot of bad things because they don't know any better.

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  • Caps90

    Yes it's normal. He doesn't know a look of pain yet. He doesn't understand that you are pregnant. Even if he knows it he doesn't fully understand the concept. I am not saying it was ok for him to hit you, because it wasn't. I am saying they have to learn what is appropriate and what is not.

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  • thegypsysailor

    This shows a complete LACK of good parenting, I'd say.

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    • HarmoniousNaturalGroping

      Do you want to harmoniously and naturally grope me?

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  • dirtybirdy

    Kids can be punk ass little bitches. My niece for example, she's almost 4, she asked me for a snack and I said no because she had a snack not too long ago and it would be dinner time soon anyway. I left the room to check on the baby and a minute later the kid comes in with crackers in her hand saying look I got a snack anyway. Grrrr! Please give me the crackers and your tablet and go sit down right now. Thank you -_-

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