"your" vs. "you're"

It pisses me off to no end when people use "your" instead of "you're".

- people will say "your right" to me when they mean "you are right" which = "you're right"
- or "your welcome" instead of "you're welcome"

Why do people not know how to write properly? English is my FOURTH language, FOURTH and I can manage to get this sh*t right! Honestly I did not think it was that hard. I get angry to the point of yelling when people do this.

Only when you are trying to use the POSSESSIVE do you say "your". For example, his, her, and your are equivalent parts of speech.

Is it normal that I get this angry over people who can't spell?

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86% Normal
Based on 235 votes (203 yes)
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Comments ( 96 )
  • spyderr

    Oh yeah that's my favourite. about the people insulting you and making those mistakes.

    My favourite is "your so dumb" lol, I mean if you're going to call me dumb, at least use better grammar than a preteen when you're doing it.

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    • Xerxes

      haha you're right

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  • elasticband

    I'm a grammar nazi too. English isn't my first language either. I die a little bit everytime someone seems unable to do something so simple. Typos are understandable but when these kind of errors are constant over a whole paragraph they are most likely not typos.

    *twitch* it's ... not... "grammer".
    *twitch* *twitch* *twitch

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  • s.squarepants

    It is sooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying! The ones I hate most are using "then" insted of "than" and turning "a lot" into "alot". Just a huge, meaningless pet peeve of mine lol.

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  • ReaperAJ

    Who has ever gone onto Myspace and read all the information about people on there? Typically, under the 'Books' section, their comments will be something like this :
    "Who reads anymore" or "What are books"

    This is the reason why people can't differentiate between your and you're and make all sorts of other errors. It's also why their spelling is atrocious and their vocab is so limited. How many people actually know what words like insouciant mean? Yeah, quickly, google it.

    That, and the incorrect or non-use of punctuation really ticks me off.

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  • sidknee

    It's the same shit with then and than... it's so fucking annoying.

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  • pinkytink

    I didn't plan on registering or leaving any comments. I just discovered this website and was browsing to kill some time. When I read this post, though, I had to comment!!! Seriously, it is so frustrating how pathetic some people are. It's not that freaking hard to use the correct words and grammar when writing... I know it's casual and informal, but come on!! Do you want to come across as an idiot?
    I understand typos. I understand not using caps or punctuation sometimes, nobody's grading you on this shit. But if you're spelling something wrong, and it's not a typo, and YOU KNOW IT'S WRONG OR YOU'RE NOT SURE about it, LOOK IT UP!!! All you have to do is google it nowadays. Don't be lazy. If you are going to spend all this time on the computer, why not educate yourself? Use spell check every once in a while, learn from your mistakes. It seriously pisses me off when someone is corrected and they say they don't care. So, you don't care that people think you're dumb? Ok....
    And trust me, to people who DO care, it says a lot about you.
    And it's not just "your" and "you're", as others have also mentioned. There are so many dumb mistakes out there.
    It especially pisses me off when someone is trying to prove a point and they obviously can't spell, are unaware of simple grammar rules and can't construct a proper sentence. It's fucking pathetic. Bottom line.

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  • chunkybongo

    I am amazed at how often I encounter this kind of grammatical floundering in online blogs, and it depresses the hell out of me more than it scares me. I assume that the person is either: a) too young to have mastered the basics of English grammar, b) a pathetic loser, or c) part of a burgeoning new breed of vulgar, uneducated civilians, much like the movie 'idiocracy' depicts. I guess b and c are identical...thou art totally normal to be pissed off...

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  • ritaskeeter

    your rite

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    • Sputnik4


      you mean, "you're right". Don't you?

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  • reddevil

    YES. And to instead of too. Or there instead of they're... Yuck, I could go on for pages.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I see a Grammar Nazi! What is your first? If you are ok with me asking. Just for the record both of them are spelled correctly. They have just used it incorrectly. So this is not spelling.

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  • Ibelievethis

    O.M.G I hate bad grammer, too. I know there's more important things going on in the world, but let's not forget that some people may have learning issues.On another note just thought I'd mention if you were to write a professional letter you are not supposed to shorten words down x

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  • Savmagic

    Who gives a shit

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  • Why don't you shut up, and mind your own business

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  • Piggy123

    Wow, you should be an english teacher

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  • Marius794

    Dude, you're In America. People don't care about proper grammer or anything like that. The only thing that matters is getting your point across....and sex...

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  • LoveHaley

    You know what's worse? When people say grammer instead of grammar.:D

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  • iamandam

    dude... that's taking it a little far, don't you think?

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  • Mag!ck

    I'm puertorican, never been outside of PR, and english is my second language, i didn't study it or anything, i got it from watching so much movies and reading books in english. Nobody else in my family knows the same. I understand where you are coming from, but the sky is too beautiful and life is too short to get so mad over silly things like that. Enjoy life, family and friends! Laugh about it or them if you need to. Best wishes...

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  • supaflyafro

    it pisses me off too. totally normal

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  • lexi666

    I blame the teachers. All throughout 1st-8th grade I used "your" instead of "you're" because that's how I was taught and they didn't bother correcting it-.- So now i'm in highschool and slip up on occasions because i wasn't taught well in the begining.

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  • WOOTityWOOThehe

    I'm a damn grammar Nazi and have no problem with it...

    Using improper grammar of any level bothers me (though I know I'm not always wonderful at how to form a proper sentence and I don't give a damn on that...English bored me) the most when I'm reading something and I read a word used improperly as the word should be used and instantly realizing the word makes no sense..then mentally replacing the word with the correct form...it's a pain in the ass..

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  • racemethorphan

    Stupidity and tolerance of it is endemic. This is just another sign of that.

    But seriously, if you let this drive you nuts, you'll leave 3 different suicide notes and a bloody stain when you actually find out the thought processes behind these common little atrocities.

    Your stain will curdle when you realise the stupid 'has you too'. That shit is infectious.

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  • Sexcrzyfuck

    Yeah dude i hate that shit too.

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  • KokoJelly

    yes, i think its totally normal. usually tho when im typing or texting i just say "youre" as apposed to "you're". btw i think its amazing that english is your FOURTH language!

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  • LaceTie

    wow...i love you

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  • NickNick

    I hate that too!! also i hate when people say "there" instead of "their"

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  • Yes, that pisses me off to no end as well. But it isn't just that, it is also those people who don't know how to capitialise letters or even "I" in a sentance.

    I swear, sometimes the people in our country are getting dumber or lazier. Honestly, I'm not sure which is worst.

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    • KokoJelly

      i dont capitalize "i" unless im writing something official. i think its kind of harsh to get mad over that.

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  • plastic123

    Yes it's very annoying. You have the right to get mad.

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  • stjimmy

    You are so right! This annoys me to know end! Somebody in my AP English class ended a breakup letter he wrote with "And your a fatty". It makes me ashamed to be in that class! I understand that English is a hard language to speak, but somebody in AP should have a grasp of at least that concept.

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  • ostwood

    Read the book "Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation" by Lynne Truss.

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  • Zombiegamer

    I just love the fact that the people who are complaining about how stupid people are dont know the meaning of Illiterate.

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  • blahuhblah

    Wow, I agree.

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    • deeESS

      It annoys me as well. But since you took the time to get mad about spelling, then it should make you more upset to know you messed up your grammar quoting, "you're."

      It also annoys me when people complain about somebody doing something that they're guilty of as well. This guy took it one notch further. In his complaint, he gave an example of it. =)

      oh well, fun fun.

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  • GermanCrockpot

    That just means you're a human who still has your brain. :3 Congratulations! :D

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  • BrianPomona126

    Haha your so right! (I'm messing with you by the way). Besides the misuse of your and you're, I also get frustrated by the misuse of they're, their, and there. Let's not forget too, to, and two. Believe it or not, some people I've talked to even confuse know and no. Another common one is quiet and quite. I don't know how people can confuse so many words.

    "Theres know way that your going to correct my grammar to. Be quite before I come over their."

    That sentence would just irritate me so much, lol. I made that up, by the way :)

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  • thefiremouth

    yes it is normal to hate the dickheads who cannot differentiate your and you're. they are shameful and should be exterminated.

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  • _thirty_characters_it_is_then_

    I read some of the comments and I think it's ridiculous to say it DOESN'T MATTER. Of course it matters. English is my second language and it pisses me off to no end that people whose mother tongue it is are so ignorant of English.

    It doesn't matter if you're in a hurry or you're, IDK, whatever, some random punk or beefhead. I mean, why bother wiping your ass? Because it's nasty, unhealthy and difficult to get out afterward if you don't. Language isn't a plastic spoon to be dirtied and then thrown away; you can argue for 'this is what people actually use' and so on but laziness isn't an acceptable reason to... to... GAH.

    Now I'm angry thinking about it :|

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  • djG22

    ahh i HATE it so much!!
    and "his" instead of "he's"
    or "loose" instead of "lose"
    im always blowing up about this to my best friend...it just pushes me over the edge.

    "your an idiot. his going to loose it"

    go to hell!!!

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  • simba1

    I know what you mean. Mistakes happen, but not knowing the difference is a sure measure of ones intelligence (or lack thereof!!!)

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  • The_Truth_Hurts_Doesnt_It

    You're normal. Well, unless you consider normal as the majority and the majority of people are ignorant and illiterate and don't even care that they're ignorant, then you would not be normal. But in the classic definition of normal, you're normal.

    I also can't stand "ur". That makes me want to hurt people. But I can't because I'm a psychologist and I need to approach things from a logical perspective. The "realist" in me still compels me to want to hit these people though. That would solve nothing and they would still be ignorant and illiterate but it would feel better for me for a few hours :)

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  • Saiya_Videl

    People who confuse "your" and "you're" need shooting.

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  • XxgemdinxX

    Yeah. I do it all the time. But, I really don't like it when they put it on paper. It angers me to a point where I basically have to scream into a pillow. Haha. But yes, it is normal.

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  • help___

    Haha, I find it really annoying too.
    Why can people not take time to type the correct words and fix their mistakes?
    Is there really one good reason why they can't?

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  • sek_c_b1tch

    You hit it exactly on the spot. This pisses me off so much. Btw everyone, I've said this 'your' thing so many times to various people, that

    Oh and you're is contractive.

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  • Dammitkortni

    Oh, my god, I could not agree more.

    I cannot TOLERATE illiterate douchebags who can't spell, it just screams 'IGNORANT'

    Especially when there are misspelled words on the sign for a business, like those damn convenience stores...

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  • nico633

    yeh same i'm heaps like this too

    people piss me off like this tons on msn, saying 'to' instead of 'too' etc

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  • hotchickie81

    I TOTALLY agree with you!! It also drives me nuts!

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  • Jadey

    You are entirely correct, but honestly you might want to consider more beer and less grammar. Kick back have a beer, cerveza, lager, biiru, beoir, utshwala. What ever you want to call it.

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  • countingsheep

    OMG YES.
    I am a grammar and spelling freak. If something is spelled wrong or is grammatically incorrect, I have to change it or spaz out at whoever wrote it. Hmm...I wonder if I have mild OCD?

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  • yougottatipfothestrip

    Me too. You don't even know how much it bothers me. I mean is it really that hard to get it right?

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  • sepia

    ha yeah i always get annoyed by that

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  • bimomate

    Well it depends on the situation. I understand what you mean in Mailing and video game designing but when you are playing a MMO game people type as fast as they can and then it becomes a habbit for every thing. Plus English is your 4th language but you may have like a really high IQ

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  • Well it can be annoying but is really a reflection of the person making these kind of errors.

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  • sleepunderthesky

    you sound like me, hah. i flip out on people for having bad grammar.

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  • buriedalive

    i agre, yr sooo rite :Ph

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  • piratesteve

    You all need to take a freaking break from society if you feel that OCD about a little grammer error like that, it's normal to get a little upset about stuff like that, but to freak out and go on a grammer nazi spree is definatly not normal, and you may need professional help or pills that will make you no longer give a fuck about anything, or marijuana if you can get ahold of some.

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  • megamanamillion

    I think it depends on the context. If I'm typing a response to somebody on the internet, then no, it shouldn't matter. I mean, I'm not typing a dang term paper here. I think grammar nazis should grow up. Many times people are typing fast and mistakes will happen. This is the internet, not college, so relax.

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  • kunall121

    Dude....everyone is not as intelligent as your are....OKAY?????? You just cannot say shit....about their English...

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  • armybabe

    im very smart, but its simply less keystrokes. get over it. dont be a grammer nazi. im perectly capable of using your vs you're properly, as well as writing capital letters where they go.
    at least i dont write like this...

    ur dum i cn wrt hwvr i wnt to.

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    • GanjaSoldier


      Oh yeah, you're very smart.

      Improper use of a comma. You spelled PERFECTLY wrong. No capitalization. You're a regular freaking Einstein.

      I give you a D for being retarded.


      Nobody knows what insouciant means.


      This goes beyond simple mistakes.

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  • icup2

    Get over it. Everyone's brain works differently. I have I high IQ, make 6 figure salary and have published 2 books and I often make silly mistakes like this and worse. I can understand that it annoys you but you should not feel superior about yourself. Many if not most people who make this mistake KNOW the difference when you point it out. They just don't bother to proof read OR can't pick it up themselves because their mind works differently.

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  • Domnal

    I didn't see all the posts so I can't be sure if this has already been covered, but I think you must be taking the piss. Do you mean when people are actually speaking to you or just in writing? If you mean when people write to you then you should just shut up and calm the fuck down about it. Of course, in the spoken language there is no difference between 'your' and 'you're', which makes me think your taking the piss ;-)

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  • nathanwashere

    Is it normal to get a bit irked when people make silly mistakes like this? Yes, I do. Well I notice the mistake anyway.

    Is it normal to go apeshit over it? I hope not. Maybe it shows they're dumb or lazy, or maybe it was just a typo; either way, that's no reason to get angry to the point of yelling at them.

    Not everyone can manage to master four languages and never ever make a mistake. get over yourself dude, and take a chill pill while YOU'RE at it :)

    a chill pill and some humble pie.

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  • beautifulenigma

    Yes yes yes, people who make those mistakes are annoying as hell. But why don't you admit the satisfaction you get from espousing that you've masted your fourth language better than some have mastered their first? Because, let's be honest, would it be as fun to write good English knowing that your proper use of "your" and "you're" didn't indicate your belonging to a small and superior group?

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  • notnormal89

    Language is completely arbitrary,but It's normal to obsess over little things like that but you shouldn't blow up when they do it because you know what they mean.

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  • lickmydrypee

    your right it pisses me off

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  • Gary573

    i can't stand it when I accidentally text your insted of you're so I have to change it or I think they will think the messege won't make sence

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  • xoSushi

    People who make a big deal out of your and you're piss me off.

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  • jdube

    While online, or in msn conversations I really don't care. If it's in school, like high school or above, then you seriously need to learn some proper grammar. People who pick apart grammar online are just negative people who have no self esteem and need couselling. Or maybe they just need to get a fucking life, and make a friend or two! That's just my opinion though.

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  • JustDeep

    i just typ ur...u kno cuz its faster...

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  • oquenbe

    another case of uptight people complaining about stupid shit............do me a favor research the beatniks and free writing u morons........ ill give u this not knowing the differencs is a whole different story though

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    it takes too much time out of our busy lives.... haven't you noticed everything is getting abbreviated lol lmao smh 2 morrow etc.. its just a way of shortening it lol.... not that hard to pick up

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  • Zombiegamer

    Have u ever thouht that we just dont care about spelling and grammar when writing stuff on the internet.

    And who cares about failing classes, i dropped out coz i just didnt care enough to stay and now im making £80 grand a year as a programer!

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  • M0J00

    Your right;Grammer mistakes are so childish.Dont' even get me starteed on punc,tuation?I have had to "much" of this nonsense.Even young childs dont make grammer mastakes butt/dont let it get u down*

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    • burnttoast

      That made me cry a little inside.

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      • deepthought33

        cry from laughing so hard...

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  • coconbus

    your fucking stupid and if you get mad for this you seriously have some mental problems that you should be more concern with.

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  • Coaster

    Crazy phyco's your all crazy. its tha fukkin internet not a classroom. it jus makes u look like a silly ass nerd person who will never get skinz. YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR A Geeeeek

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  • SyC0Pathik

    YOU'RE just picky about grammar thats just YOUR personal preferance. lol notice the your and the you're ya i no im clever

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  • nanana

    I'm sorry, but if your worried about how someone spells your and you're over the internet then it means you're spending WAY TO MUCH TIME ON THE INTERNET!

    No one but Teachers, grammer freaks and other losers care about that kind of thing. If knowing the difference between you/you're is so important why are teachers some of the lowest paid slubs on the planet?

    As in "Where's your pay check?" "You're getting railroaded!"

    P.S. Having temper tantrums about the peoples grammer is not healthy. Normal people try to save their anger for issues that are a little more important.

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  • abnormalfreak

    Your right! your totally right!


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  • babyyboyy

    You are right but don't get angry it's a bit sad.

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  • tintedcouture

    WOW. 4 languages? What are they? Anyways, I award you with two medals:

    One in being able to discern the use of your and you're.

    The other in managing to brag about how smart and narrow-minded you are.

    High five!

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    • spyderr

      I'm sure you won't read this...

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    • spyderr

      Since when is using proper grammar, narrow mindedness?

      I award you the medal of stupidity for not nowing the meaning of narrow mindedness. High five asshole!

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      • spyderr


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  • lawliett

    It is normal to be slightly annoyed by it. Everyone has a pet peeve. It is not normal to be angry about it, though. It isn't that big of a deal.

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  • McShave07

    I don't get what you're on about, when you say you're or your it sounds the same, it's only different when you spell it.

    If you're talking about written English, fair enough.

    I don't know what country your from but I'm from Britain and it sounds the same to me.

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  • holysmokes111

    ... People don't have hovering subtitles when they talk so how can you tell when people are saying "your" instead of "you're". I don't really understand, unless you're a hermit who prefers written correspondence over actual human communication...

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    stop caring about nothing important.

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    • spyderr

      I care. Teachers care. Professors care. If you don't care, someone's gonna make you by failing your sorry ass out of school.

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    • TwelvePoints

      I care, many people care, teachers care, professionals care, doctors care, lawyers care, authors care...

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