A comparison

Is it normal that I percieve hardly any difference in behavior between the average Trump-voting republican and a stereotypical Islamic militant?

The average Trump-voting republican stands proudly in front of the American flag with a gun in one hand and a Bible in the other, is responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people, and bleats about how important it is to uphold the 2nd ammendment, saying "only God can judge us".

The stereotypical Islamic militant stands proudly in front of the flag of whatever country they are from with a gun in one hand and a Qu'ran in the other, is responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people, and bleats about how Allah will decide the fate of anyone who insults the virtues of Islam, saying "Allahu Akhbar"

Is it just me or is there a striking similarity between the two?

Voting Results
52% Normal
Based on 23 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • CozmoWank

    I think you're an idiot...mostly because, well, you're an idiot.

    Most of the time I side with the left and am criticized by the right but do yourself a favor and shut up.

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    • Checkmate_King

      Absolutely agree. That guy would need 3 promotions just to get to the rank of idiot.

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      • Fuck you both very very much!

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  • odilo_globotnik

    I'm no fan of Trump, but with regard to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, I really think he was the lesser of two evils. I'm glad the misandrist warmongering lying corrupt psychobitch LOST!! I also think your "comparison" is knee-jerk leftist stupid. And I'm definitely no fan of islam and I totally oppose what's happening in Europe.

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  • _Mehhhh_

    One of the greatest paradoxes of contemporary politics. The Westerners who should be natural allies with Islamists are most opposed to them. Meanwhile the Westerners who defend Islam the hardest are people who Islamists would silence, repress and kill where they have power.

    If people recognised this in larger numbers, we'd be on our way to major solutions against Islamic extremism and terror. I think more people are waking up, slowly but surely. The ex-Muslim movement is on the rise and I wish more Western liberals would support them.

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    • sh1tter

      atheism isn't viable as an element of long-term social cohesion. religious people will always outbreed them, regardless of how many people become atheists over the course of their lives. in addition, only about a third of children born to atheists end up staying atheists the rest of their lives.

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      • Dustyair

        You have no evidence of that, religion is like a genetic defect that carries on thru generations. Fewer people believe in god now, we have fewer wars on this planet as well. There is no need for such a silly belief.

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        • sh1tter

          Factually incorrect. The number of nonreligious people is projected to decline in the next 30 years:

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      • _Mehhhh_

        I get that, but if you can give atheism and general secular narratives a big enough platform to get people thinking critically, then it can lead to secular reform even if people don't completely de-convert.

        As it is right now or has been recently, the West has still been majority religious, but it's free and secular enough that things are pretty good for everyone. I'm not saying we need to apostasise everyone and make them all atheists, that's a tall and fucking impossible task, but you can popularise secular reform. If Europe and The Americas can transform from the fundamentalist ultra-theocratic shitholes they were 400 years ago into what they are now, I don't like hearing people getting so pessimistic that "Islamic society" can't go the same way. It can, we just have to stop being so defeatist about it and help it along.

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        • sh1tter

          Maybe, maybe not. If anything, it seems like secular society is the aberration here because it tears itself apart in the way you're talking about.

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          • _Mehhhh_

            Not inherently. The problem is we're allowing it to be undermined, by a psuedo-"liberal" pathetic excuse of a pro-Islamist Left. This lot who defend and uplift Islam and don't hold Muslims accountable to the same standards of behaviour they hold everyone else.

            There's civilisations that have been technically "secular" their entire history, looking at a lot of these East Asian countries in particular. It's just something you have to uphold and defend though to keep it intact

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            • sh1tter

              You could argue that they were "secular" per se, but they weren't secular in the sense of being down with capital L Liberalism. Chinese government had quasi-religious trappings, "Mandate of Heaven" and all that, even if they didn't have a set of explicit religious doctrine around which society was organized.

              Mass democracy in the hands of a heavily religious population will trend towards theocratic dictatorship.

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  • churrodude

    very true

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  • e51pegasi

    That's religion for you.

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  • McBean

    What strikes me is that superior advanced military technology is held by the Republicans, not the Islamic militants. Yes, both parties would murder each other in a disagreement about what happens after you die, and fail to see the irony in doing that. But the military superiority of the republicans makes the violence less likely.

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  • Dustyair

    Republicans have an entirely different political ideology than Muslims do. One is based on capitalism and the other is based in a socialist ideology.

    But I do think both religions suck, and they want control over everyone.

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    • Lestat565

      How is either Muslim or Republicans based in socialist ideology? Do yo even know what socialism is?

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    • Ellenna

      Which one are you suggesting is based in a socialist ideology? Islam? Really????

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  • sh1tter

    durr actually your average demoncrat wants to destroy civilization so they're more like a terrorist

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    • "Demoncrat"? Or was that mis-spelling intentional?

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      • itsamistake

        I THINK it was meant to be a very "clever" mis spell. Trump supporter obviously.

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  • Lestat565

    They are very similar. The only difference is that they don’t worship the same exact god.they are both idiots. But with that being said not all trump supporters are bad people just like not all people that believe in Islam are bad.

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