A fatal mistake

I am 28 years old. I just got back to my apartment after 2 days in hospital. 2 days ago I made a error in the lab and exposed myself to a lethal dose of polonium; I will be dead in 3 weeks, for sure, no joke. What should I do? What would you do?

pray to god (I do not believe) to save me, then I will believe 5
Go back to the hospital to be more comfortable 5
Get even with all who wronged me 1
Other, explain 7
Try to do good deeds and help all I can 6
Kill as many bad people as I can in the time I have 4
Cash in everything and party for as long as I can 11
have as many sex partners as I can. 7
find a girl and travel and explore as much as we can 12
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Comments ( 13 )
  • notta_brat

    i was told in 2010 that i was going to die within the year... well here i am and i do this everyday i wake up i call the doctors and tell them i am still here and can't find the expiration date on my body... i know this seems wrong but i like beating them because their not God. i still have the disease i had then but i am also still alive!!!

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  • Authentic

    If my life came with a receipt I'd take it back to Jesus

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    • noid

      I think that I would too.

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  • I want to thank you who participated. Times short so no more questions. Sold car and got a friend to pay me 10 cents on the dollar for my house, now, no escrow, etc. Yard sale Sunday went OK.
    Lady friend (very good friend but not sexual) will be joining me on the plane to London. 2 or 3 days then off to the continent. Obviously, chose girl/travel.
    If I get too sick to get out of bed, may post again. If not, thank you all and good bye. Going, going gone.

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  • SometimesNaive

    Do things you'd regret not doing, and things you wouldn't regret doing after.

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  • Hi my name is Becca. I've been traveling with my friend who posted this and he asked me to post an update. He and I traveled to England and Ireland then across the channel to Europe. Greece and Turkey were very interesting and fun places but I enjoyed Venice the most. My friend passed a few days ago in Istanbul a marvelous old city once known as Constantinople (too many guided tours I think). He passed peacefully in his sleep but I can assure you that he enjoyed these last weeks of his life. I'm positive he was in a great deal of pain at times but he was always upbeat and a lot of fun to travel with.
    He wanted all who read this on IIN to remember how precious life is and to try to enjoy it as much as you can.

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    • noid


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  • Pandasarekool

    Is this legit because if it is, it made me so depressed :(

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  • andiforoncedonthatehumans

    wtf man... i felt so sad reading this... if its a legit poll.. then wow..

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  • Stickypudding


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  • handsignals

    I know what I would have done.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I would get online asap and ask a bunch of delinquent derelicts wwiind?

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  • Klown

    Try and get angry and see if you turn into a Hulk type creature failing that hire yourself out as a lamp as you must glow with the shine of a thousand beacons with all that radioactivity going on in your body.

    Good luck and let us now how it goes.

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