A guy who watches sex and the city?

I'm 20, male, straight and like watching how the 4 main characters react to changes and impacts in their relationships (not just because they are attractive).
My favourite is Charlotte, the way she talks and generally carries herself is so cute. I also really like Mr. Big and realised that there are actually very few men like him in reality (refering to his good qualities).

Finally, I really envy how the 4 of the are best friends with each other (much like in Friends). In my life, I have a few best friends but they are not best friends with each other... Is it normal for me to like the show so much?

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 88 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • BigRedOne

    I like the horny one. I forget her name.

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  • happybudgies

    Besides there are tons of good men outside. Mr. big isn't even a nice one. Jesus, he is even afraid of getting married...

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  • silentnachos

    Everybody has their favorite stuff. Never judge someone else for what they like and do.

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    • happybudgies

      But what they like and do does reflect who they are as a person. Like a girl who loves Gossip Girl and Jersey Shore, you can get a glimpse into her personality...

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  • francesca1109

    You are totally 100%% normal. When I went to the movie, there were tons of guys there and my husband watches the show with me. Carry on!

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    • bobspicnspan

      there's nothing wrong with boning up on the opposite sex lol

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  • Sebastian19

    You know it's nice to know that at least someone likes to watch sex & the city because many people that I do know criticize males who do watch it consider it the wrong way. No, there's nothing wrong with liking to watch the show because you like the interaction of {the 4 best friends} the characters. I guess it really shows you the reality that not everyone is going to like each when your in a friendship, or to even try to have the friendship you see on sex & the city.

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  • Lolafredrick

    Your gay

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