A important word for christians

Ok I know I'm probably gonna get hate from Christians but here we go.
How have you people managed to make a religion that is meant to be of love and kindness turn into hate and neglect. Literally millions of Christians around the world hate things because apparently its satanic. You can literally go on google right now and right down "is _______ satanic" and you will find a Christian making a rant that it is and that God Hates it and that that you should too or else you will go to hell. I thought God loves everything? I thought being a true Christian is loving everything in gods name? And by saying you will go to hell if you do this and it's not specifically in the bible (eg. You can't date a black man or God will send you to hell) although it never said that in the bible, isn't that sinning because you are saying it is a sin although God never said it was? I looked up for research are blacks satanic, hockey, football, even looked up is skittles satanic, apparently skittles are candy of queers, and m and ms are satans favourite treat! ( look it up)
You all managed to make a loving religion turn to crap (no offence to all Christians who aren't like this) but seriously... apparently everything of all existence is satanic. I even looked up is Jesus satsnic and it said Jesus obeyed satan(story was told by a devoted christian) so how did you all manage to screw up such a great religion.

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Comments ( 46 )
  • Anonymous-Poll-Creator

    This is just an illiterate pile of nonsense.

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    • KingTermite

      Oops, you fucked up.

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      • Anonymous-Poll-Creator

        How so?

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        • KingTermite


          Do you not see how you replied as the creator of the poll criticizing the poll?


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          • charli.m


            Are you so retarded you can't tell the difference between this user profile and actual anonymous poll creator replies?

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          • bucho's_butt

            Anon poll creator has insisted in the past that he doesn't make troll posts. He better not be, because that sure would make him seem like a hypocritical asshole..kind of like christians are...

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            • Anonymous-Poll-Creator

              This is not my post, KingTermite is just too stupid to realize this is a user name. But I have never insisted that I don't make troll posts. I have done a few. I assume you are talking about the conversation that we had a few days ago when you were whining like a small child about your posts being taken down for breaking the rules when you knew you were breaking them.

              I didn't say I never break the rules. I said that when I do, I understand the possible consequences, so I accept them like an adult and I don't whine about it like a baby. I have no problem with you breaking the rules, it's not my site, I just think it is pathetic for you to cry when the rules are enforced. If you knew you were breaking the rules when you posted something, it's childish to whine about getting caught.

              Here is a cut and paste from one of my responses to you during that conversation that you clearly didn't bother to read...

              "I have broke the rules myself many times, and I have enjoyed a few posts that broke the rules. The difference is I understand the possible coniquences of my actions, and so I don't whine when something gets taken down. I also don't try to justify my own bull shit by saying I'm better than some other trolls cause I am funny and not mean."

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  • Short4Words

    No hate but you are operating on a lot of assumptions and misinformation.

    God doesn't love everything. That's never been preached or taught or told in the bible. God loves people. But not everything the world. That doesn't even make sense.

    Crazy people say and do crazy things. But most christians I know don't act or believe this kind of stuff. Most I know are open minded.

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    • I'm fine with those Christians. Just the Christian extremists who think literally everything is satanic. Even black people are born of satan ( or so they say)

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      • Lucilynna.heart

        LOL they even go that far eh? Very silly.

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    • So god hates skittles because it's the candy of queers?

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    • LittleGirlHeartlesslySodomized

      Totally agree Short4Words...

      Sodomites are wicked & sinners before the Lord exceedingly (Gen.13:13), are violent & doom nations (Gen. 19:1-25; Jgs. 19), are abominable to God (Lev. 18:22), are worthy of death for their vile sex practices (Lev. 20:13; Rom. 1:32), are called dogs as filthy, impudent & libidinous (Deut. 23:17,18; Mat. 7:6;Phil. 3:2), produce in society mass intoxication from their wine made from grapes of gall from the vine of Sodom & fields of Gomorrah, poisoning society's mores with the poison of dragons & the cruel venom of asps (Deut. 32:32,33), show their sin & shame on their countenance (Isa. 3:9), are shameless & unable to blush (Jer. 6:15), workers of iniquity (Psa. 5:5), liars & murderers (Jn. 8:44), filthy & lawless (2 Pet. 2:7,8), natural brute beasts (2 Pet. 2:12), are likened unto dogs eating their own vomit, sows wallowing in their own feces (2 Pet. 2:22), will proliferate at the end of the world bringing final judgment on mankind (Lk. 17:28-30), have been finally given up by God to uncleanness to dishonor their own bodies, to vile affections, & to a reprobate mind such that they cannot think straight about anything (Rom. 1:23-28); and, unable to blush, be ashamed, or repent (Jer. 6:15), they have no hope of Heaven (Rev. 22:15). "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Heb. 10:31.

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  • charli.m

    It always amazes me that people assume this, of all sites, is chock full of Christians.

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    • Short4Words

      There are more than you probably think. But probably not a majority in the active users.

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      • charli.m

        I didn't say none. It just amuses me that people like OP seem to think a site like this is full of Christians.

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        • Steven2.0

          How's anti-hero going? Has he cut off his leg yet? Also, why does he believe he is an amputee, when he is clearly not and can simply glance down at his intact legs to reinforce that statement?

          I am being serious here, I would appreciate a serious response.

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          • charli.m

            Why do you pretend to care, troll?

            Your obsession is disturbing.

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            • Steven2.0

              I said a serious response. I know Australians aren't great at reading, but I would greatly appreciate one.

              I am not a troll, I am merely asking a question. It's a strange way of thinking that he has and I want to know why he believes it when it is so obvious that he isn't an amputee.

              Why is it so difficult for you to simply explain why?

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          • AlmightyGawd

            You are a fat loser who pretends to be smart on the internet all day.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    What you fail to understand is that Christians see God as sort of an omnipotent father, which is kind of why they call him "holy father"... trackin'?

    Anywho, much like a parent, God loves all of his children but loving all of your children does not mean you approve of everything that they do or love everything that they do.

    The bible says "love thy neighbor" but it does not say "approve of everything thy neighbor does". In addition to that, the bible often refers to us as our brothers'/sisters' keeper and explains that it is our responsibility to ensure their understanding of the gospel or we may share the same fate. Christians aren't allowed to condone sin and not speaking out against it is the same as condoning it and enabling it.

    It's got a lot of twists and turns but it's a pretty cut and dried belief system that leaves a lot to interpretation.

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  • Cocomilktitties

    I see the argument you are trying to make. I consider myself to have generally Christian beliefs, and I too have sometimes seen some of the arguments and whatnot that some extreme Christians or Bible literalists make about more or less insignificant things. I personally don't take the Bible to be 100% literal and it honestly does upset me a little bit when some Christians will use scare tactics to try and get others to do what they think is right by saying that the alternative is evil and that people will be punished for it.
    Or what really gets me sometimes is how some Christians say that I couldn't possibly be a Christian if I don't believe everything they do about the religion. Religion is kind of personal in my opinion... it's how you choose to kind of connect spiritually with the world around you. Just following a book word for word or doing what a group of people say because they say "it's in the Bible" is more or less a Cult.
    But anyways, getting back on track... The thing to remember is that most Christians are not like what you described. It is a small number of extreme people that believe and preach that kind o stuff. And if you search pretty much anything on the internet, you can probably find something or someone that will promote it. So the thing to keep in mind is that you are dealing with a very small sample of people that choose to be on the internet and write that stuff. Most Christians do not write or preach anything really, and just go about their lives and keep their beliefs to themselves and their families.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    A hilarious example of this

    <a href="http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bntfUA6TmLs" rel="nofollow">http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bntfUA6TmLs</a>

    But in all seriousness you act like its all Christians, I know a lot of christians who are nothing like that, who never mention the devil and use their religion purely as a way for meaning in their life without ramming it down others throats about satan

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    • Yeah for the Christians who aren't like this I mean no offense

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  • Lucilynna.heart

    I myself as a Christian don't like the anti-satanic unrespectful Christian freaks. Lemme tell ya, my whole family doesn't allow me to do things that are very normal like playing minion rush, temple run and they would say that its the satan's doing and blah blah blah. They even prohibit me from watching certain movies like Twilight, Star wars, etc. It's making me frustrated too, even if I'm Christian. I used to be in a church where they say only the Christians go to heaven. No offense to other Christians out there. ^_^

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  • KingTermite

    All religions have examples of hypocrisy. I think it stems from people being imperfect. So.... who cares anyway?

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  • Steven2.0

    Don't try to argue with our backwards, deluded, silly, fairy-tale believing friends.

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