A parable..

It was on a hawt summer day, Hink Hall was cooking a borger with hiz buddy Boomboover. Tehy got nake and Boomhooser feed a burg to Honk. Hank Hall was saying "Gyach dangit i tell yuo wat taste the meat" and it slid out of his. Boomerhouse grabbed his cock and played with it until Hunk jizzed on his borger and he put in between breads and fed him to it. "AW wingo, man!" said Dell, who wuz watching from the window. Peggers divorce Hank becuz if his gayness, and she took that anoying Boy Bibby with her, they love in Airizonia now lol. Bill Doughtree follow Peggus, much love he is but. And that cheting bitch Nuncy who was slobber John Redcone. She was taken to jail by Delltech, she lose job at news. And the John Redcone. But Hank And Bimhowser are now married, spend hole lifes togethers with eachover, eat the burgs drink the berrbs. They are quiate guy for wun anothers, becase that's the moral. Peggs don't talk spansh, not in mexico lol.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • normal-rebellious

    So the lesson is I should eat what a woman feeds me? Since I learned I don't know anything who knows what a parable is about, and how do you know it makes sense? You made that parable up, it's not real, I'm not such a fool as to believe a parable.

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    • lmlol prables are all made up, tehy are not trow. parabolas teach lesbians thru fiction, what is tha moral of the styroy? Hink iz gay for Bomhewer, they eat the burgeers and tasty the meats lol.

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      • normal-rebellious

        Yes I see, what's wrong with eating burgers? I noticed some fat weirdos eat burgers, those Nickelodeon movies of burgers are pretty weird.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    that op aint right

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    • lmayo i graudute cumma sum laude at Universtitties, you wooldnt thin so but im verry smark. u r jellyose of me

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        the sacred and the propane

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  • dirtybirdy

    That was beautiful 😍

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    • ty. will publish sum day lol

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