A place to talk vape!!

How many vapers are on here? How did you get started on vaping? Were you a smoker and looked to vaping to help with quitting?

I have been vaping for just over a year now. I quit smoking 10-26-2014 and never looked back.

My current gear:
Sigelei 150W Limited Edition Royal Blue
4 Samsung 25R 18650 Batteries
Herakles Tank
Uwell Crown Tank
eGo one Mega Tank
Haze mini RDA

I went through alot of gear as well:
iPV II mini
Smok XPro M80Plus Silver
Smok XPro M80Plus Black
iStick 50W
iStick 30W
iStick 40W TC
MVP 20W Black
MVP 20W Silver
MVP 2.0 Silver
MVP 2.0 Black
Vision Spinner II Black
Gravity Blue
EVOD purple
EVOD blue

Atlantis sub tank
Kanger sub tank mini
Melo sub tank
Delta II sub tank
Arctic sub tank

EVOD tank purple
Aspire Maxi tank blue
Aspire Maxi tank blue
Aspire Nautilius
Aspire Nautilius mini
Various cheap one time tanks (5)

Yes, alot of money has been spent!

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 35 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Terence_the_viking


    IS A VAPE?

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    • thegypsysailor

      Phony cigarettes. You inhale vapor instead of smoke. I'm sure it won't be long until some study finds it even more dangerous than tobacco, if history is any indication.
      Hell, when I was a kid tobacco smoking was THE thing for everyone to do (no minimum smoking age) and they gave housewives meth to lose weight!

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      • bucho's_butt

        That's what I think is going to happen. They'll find out that the vape cigarettes are causing liver tumors or something. I think it's unwise to be using a drug that hasn't been tested for long term use.

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      • RanOutOfKarmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

        How do you figure that inhaling water vapor would be more dangerous than inhaling smoke? Do you also think that taking a shower is worse than being in a burning building?
        If history is any indication, things get better as we go along. Hence why your wife isn't still smoking meth as you mentioned.

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        • bucho's_butt

          If history is any indication things get better as we go along.

          You're really young. You need to do more reading. That's a very simplistic and lame view and doesn't have any basis in reality. Humanity is destroying itself. How is that getting better as we go along?

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          • RanOutOfKarmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

            Yeah because the average humans life expectancy is still about 30 years right? And computers/internet is totally shit compared to a fucking telegram. Dumbass emo kid.

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            • LittleGirlHeartlesslySodomized

              Are you male or female?

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            • bucho's_butt

              You're not looking at the big picture little boy.

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        • thegypsysailor

          I guess you just don't read too good, huh?
          It really has nothing to do with what I think, it's the scientists and government who say these things.
          But for those of us who do, (read that is) historically one week eggs have too much cholesterol, the next they are fine. A stick of butter was often used to make a sauce for a dinner, then margarine became the thing and butter was taboo. Oops, margarine had too much transfat, so butter (in limited quantities) became better. Everything is good one week, dangerous the next. It's been that way as far back as I can remember. So, shithead, it's not really about what I think, is it? And where did you ever get the impression my wife is a housewife? What a classless turd.

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          • bucho's_butt

            I normally don't agree with you, but you're spot on this time. I can't believe that little kid up there thinks that everything's getting better. It's only ever getting worse and humanity is suffering from reverse evolution. Some of it is by design by the powers that be, some of it is incidental because of technology.

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          • RanOutOfKarmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

            For someone that claims to read a lot, you sure have terrible grammar. That was difficult to read, and not just because of all the logical fallacies.

            None of the things you listed are bad for a healthy person in normal quantities, so whatever the "government" told you about shouldn't have much effect on your decisions (unless you're fat and/or stupid).

            Funny that you take offense to your wife being a housewife, but not to her being a methhead.

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            • thegypsysailor

              I'd advise you to take the fucking stick out of your ass. If you can't see the humor in all that government bullshit then I pity you. As fer my gramma and spellin, it was mean for you, cause I rally thoughted it'd help you understanding stuffs.
              Ever hear of sarcasm? Yeah my wife sure is a meth head otherwise she'd never have gotten with me. MY GAWD, YOU SURE ARE A DUMBASS!

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      • despuit

        Old man your memory were is she at, they had coke in our coke.

        You put the coke in the coke and you start to shake all up.

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  • Catch-a-ride

    Get a pack-o-smokes you pussies!

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  • RainbowDischarge

    Damn. I occasionally use the "dry herb" vape pen my sister gave me when I don't want to roll up a joint or use my bowl. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I feel like if I did I still wouldn't vape for that purpose.

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  • anti-hero

    Those things will blow up in your face.

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    • TeritorialDemon

      Well, I knew an uneducated individual would comment. I'm actually glad that you did. You see, i know quite a lot about Vaping. Well, anyhow.....

      They don't blow up in your face. The batteries can vent, yes. For someone who either either not informed of the dangers of unregulated vaping and that individual has no clue what they are doing....yes the battery cant explode like a normal battery can explode while holding a flashlight. There are two types of mods and one is nothing but pure safety.

      REGULATED MODS are packed with safety features. You can insert a battery the wrong way and no matter what the device will not operate. You can try to do something that will cause the battery to vent and the device will not allow it. ETC

      UNREGULATED MODs have next to zero safety features. The box mod style is starting to come out with a MOSFET switch which acts as a safety for the battery in the event of said battery being put in the wrong way the switch detects that and does not allow the device to power on.

      Maybe next time you should not listen to the news as they tend to always take things way out of proporsion. Start to do a bit of research on a subject to which you, anti-hero, now nothing about.

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      • anti-hero

        Have fun with your chemical dependence :)

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  • Dot123

    I use vape for marijuana. Arizer - Extreme Q Vaporizer. I use the wand piece. Balloons also are great. The vapor really helps with my sinuses and is less harsh on the throat/lungs. Plus it last way longer via smoking.

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  • I switched over to vaping to quit smoking. I still smoke a cig every now and then.
    I don't have anything fancy
    I probably won't even name it right
    I have a istick 30w
    Nautilus tank

    What type flavors you like?

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    • TeritorialDemon

      Well, i like fruity flavors as well as sweet flavors. I have tried alot of flavors tbh, lol! I do get the occasional menthol.

      Flavors that i have tried include:
      Coffee..not for me
      Andes Mint..very good
      Cotton Candy..amazing
      Watermelon Jolly Rancher..very good
      Pure Michigan..great
      Pure Michigan Ice..great
      Michigans Finest..great
      Blue Dragon..good
      Blue Voodoo..good
      Blue Blizzard..great
      Ice Cold..great
      Cowboy Cooler..great
      Circus Bear..great
      SHV Archangel..amazing
      Strawberries and creme..great
      Strawberry milk..awesome
      Cartomator Crunch..great
      All of Epic Clouds juices are pretty good.
      4 of a kind..great
      Green Dragon..great
      All Detroit Rock Candy..great
      Suicide Bunny Mothers Milk..Amazing

      I have tried some cereal ones as well but i cant remember what there names were but one tasted like captain crunch.

      I have tried more but thise listed above are standouts to me. I had a hard time for a month or two deciding on an all day vape, lol!

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      • I really enjoy the more fruity flavors too. I tried one that was supposed to be pancakes and coffee that was just too weird for me. I really want to get a sub tank and switch up to the istick 50w

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        • Psychobch

          I like the fruitt flavors best too. I'm currently on sour cherry and it's pretty good.

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