A possible breach in anonymity, iin?

So, I recently started seeing this therapist whom I like. (Not in a romantic sense) The problem is that I told her about some of my phobias, some of which are probably rare. I wrote posts on some of these phobias and I'm worried that if my therapist does some research online that she might find my posts. On some of these posts, I didn't answer anonymously and if my profile is clicked, on my profile my email can be found. My therapist has my email. My therapist also vaguely knows that I am apart of some online community, though I refused to go into the specifics of what the site was. I don't want my therapist to put two and two together as well as find out the secret aspects of me that I wish to keep to myself.

What should I do about this? Should I delete my comments on those posts, because I do not want to delete the posts themselves? Should I take my email off of my profile and play things safe for a while? I realize that my therapist could have already looked into things and stumbled upon this site, but I still want to take precautions. But what if she did and brings up her findings during our next session? What then should I do? IIN?

Delete your comments on those posts. 7
Take your email off of your profile. 11
Play things extra cool the next time you see each other. 5
More choices than one. 1
Other. 8
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Short4Words

    Most therapists wouldn't do that.

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    • charli.m

      This. Your therapist doesn't have the time or inclination to do so, I would bet you anything.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Holy shit, you are fucking paranoid. Your therapist probably have more patients than you and she spends most of her work time listening to your problems. I doubt she wants to spend her free time doing the same thing too.

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  • J3553


    You hide things from the one person that you're paying to listen to you without judgement and that can't spread it around? Good job.

    Besides that, if you remove your e-mail how would they know it's you? Is this not the obvious choice?

    "I realize that my therapist could have already looked into things..."

    What do you mean, "looked into things?". You think your therapist is "researching" you? You should bring up this post in your next session.

    No really.
    You're freaking paranoid.

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  • MacG

    I would bet your therapist doesn't think anything much about you after you leave. Maybe jots a quick extra nite at most before seeing the next patient.
    HOWEVER, it might be a good idea not to keep secrets from your therapist.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    I would take the email off of your profile but, if the therapist does that, it's because they think you need help, and you are there to get help because you want to get rid of these phobias, and maybe if she knew absolutely everything she could help more?

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  • gummy_jr

    We won't let that bitch find out.

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  • peterr

    I fucked your therapist and she doesn't talk about her patients, especially their names. She also sucks a mean cock so you might look at these aspects rather your your paranoid bullshit stuff...just sayin'

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  • I do not understand your thinking at all. Why do you care if your therapist reads what you post online, not that they probably even care about what you do. I've actually read my psychiatrist some of the things I've posted on here to get her input on things. If someone in my real life wanted to find me on here it wouldn't be that hard, nor do I give a shit. I actually know a few users on here in real life as well because I refered them here and I post way crazier shit than paranoia of people reading my posts.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    Does this therapist talk a lot about eating fava beans for dinner?

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  • Holzman67

    I don't understand why you're seeing a therapist if you're going to be gaurded and secretive. The idea is to open up.

    Besides, that's a breach of privacy and is stalking. It would be very unprofessional for your therapist to do that.

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  • tripw7

    I thought the reason for going to a therapist was to give them all your information and let them help you deal with them. Don't fear about her finding out. (Doubt that she would) Try to give her/him all the information that you can so they can help you. OK?

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  • Phishy

    Interesting, VERY interesting.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Thats against the law.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Its okay, I already got ur email, go ahead and take it off

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  • thegypsysailor

    Is paranoia one of your phobias?

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