A sort of love hate relationship with my housemate

Me and housemate Ken get in a fight and do you know who gets victimized? It's me, and guess who's doing the blue most of the time even if I'm weird? It was not me, it's Ken and nobody believes me, they protect him, taking advantage of him because he's old and in a wheelchair.

But what about me? The poor responsible man who's an alright guy, nothing wrong with me who's only responsible, only busy and has been for 2 and a half years since we moved in here, who pays for the household items, pays his taxes, fills in the forms, has a good cleaning, comes home after having a good time and Ken gives me shit when I get there, it's simple: while I'm out behave yourself in my house before I get there.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Grunewald

    Big question: why is Ken angry at you? What does he say you're doing?

    If your description of the situation is accurate, then irrespective of the present conflict issue, it sounds like your role towards Ken has become unclear. Are you his housemate or his carer? If I were you, I would raise the question and if he insists that you are only his housemate, say that you will move out, and see what happens. Then either make a claim for carer's allowance or actually move out. This kind of situation has the potential to become toxic. Life's too short.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Doing the blue?

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    • normal-rebellious

      Getting in a fight.

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