A tale of two lifted trucks, iin?

I live in an apartment complex and park in their parking lot. I do not like to park my car on the street because vehicles that are parked there overnight are frequently robbed by a street gang nearby and I don't think I should have to anyway.

My neighbor, who parks in his assigned space next to mine, drives a lifted Ford F-350. He doesn't work in construction or anything he just likes his lifted truck. This was fine and all because my neighbor to the right drove a Mitsubishi Eclipse. I had plenty of room to get out.

Well she broke up with her deadbeat boyfriend and moved. He couldn't pay the rent on his own because he was a deadbeat so he moved. My new neighbor is now a lifted Toyota Some-fucking-whatever model. It's huge.

Both trucks are so large that they overlap their spaces. I can fit my car between them but it is physically impossible to get out, even if my door is rested on their tire. Yeah, their fucking tire. No, I'm not overweight. I am very slender.

Has anyone else had the misfortune of finding their vehicle between two massive behemoths such as these?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • wigsplitz

    Get there first and recreate a scene from Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Own that spot.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Couldn't you get one of them to trade you spaces?

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    • I did. The guy in the Toyota is disabled and insists on a spot directly in front of his doorway where he is parked (our apartments aren't next to each other, just the spaces), and the guy in the 350 doesn't want to risk paint fade as his car is naturally shaded by a building and a tree but he's a dick so it's possible that he just doesn't want to move. He suggested I park on the street and get an anti-theft system. I'm going to ask Managament about taking one of their spaces.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I've got nothin...I guess you should be grateful that you aren't the owner of something so ridiculous.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Oh dear. Suspension lift or body lift?

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    • Suspension lift on the 350, can't tell for the Toyota.

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    • Justsomejerk

      They should have both. Then the OP could lower their car and exit their vehicle under the trucks.

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