A tough decision putting my dog down

I've got a 12 year old Sheltie. Awesome dog. Young for his age. He's completely healthy except an issue where his epiglottis does not function correctly. So when he eats or drinks, food and water enter the trachea, causing him to cough and struggle. Imagine every time you drank, the water went down the wrong tube. It would be so hard to put him down because other than those times, he's jumping around happy, wagging his tail, etc. I'm at a loss at what to do. I've already put out $1,100 for the vet to find the problem... and it's not something they can fix.

put him down 15
wait until it gets worse 20
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Comments ( 10 )
  • sloman

    I finally had him put down. It got to the point I had to keep him outside because every time he drank water, it came back up. Wow, it was even tougher than I thought it would be. But I'm glad I did it. Was the right thing

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    • Owly

      We're sorry for your loss. I lost a good friend (a kitty) two years ago... two days later, I lost her sister. It's always hard.

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    • Ellenna

      You did the right thing for the dog - goodonya

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  • Demonpasta666

    I'm so sorry about your dog :(

    Things like this are never, ever easy. I had two saussage dogs, and when I moved out my mom's and in with my boyfriend I had to leave them behind and it sucked big time. I still see them once every week or two, but still, it sucks.

    I have lost many pets over the years, and let me tell you, only time and remembering that you did the right thing will help ease your pain. You need to consider what the dog is going through, and if its worth it to keep him/her alive.

    Remember, if they are suffering, its not fair to let them continue to push on through their pain. I would ask your vet's opinion on if the dog is suffering, and if it would be more humane to put the dog to sleep or if the condition is managable.

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  • VirgilManly

    It's always a tough call. I remember having my dog put to sleep. I didn't think it would bother me as much as it did. When I saw his lifeless body I couldn't stop the tears.

    Like Antihero said, you have to measure his quality of life vs his suffering. Never easy but good luck.

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  • MysteriousTrainerfromBeyond

    I'm really sorry about your dog. All you can do is do what's best for him. If it means losing him after so many years together, it's all you can do. I can't imagine how upset I'd be if my dog was in the same position :(.

    *Sends a Internet Hug*



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  • sloman

    Thanks for the votes and comments.

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  • amberloveyou

    I'm so sorry about your dog. I can relate totally. I had a dog about a year ago and he was with me every where I went. I went through tough times with him. 3 months after I got him, my maid let him out and he got hit by a car that was speeding. They had to take two of his legs away. His lungs were messed up, he couldn't see in one eye. It would've cost me 2,500 dollars a week for his requirements. I was 18 at the time & couldn't afford it. So I put him down and I was sad for a long time but I couldn't have him suffering. My suggestion is putting him down if you can't handle it.

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  • if you do take a small plate of his favorite food and while he is eating get the vet to do it , good luck :(

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  • anti-hero

    You have to weigh the good times with the bad then when the bad is more you gotta let him go. It sucks but he'd be better off. You will know when it's time.

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