Abandoned dog scenario...

Here's a hypothetical situation that could happen to you (it might have already):

It's a rainy day and you're walking to someplace not very important (like a convenience store) carrying an umbrella. On your walk, you happen upon a puppy in a box on the grass next to the sidewalk with a "Please adopt me!" sign written on the box. The path you are on is sparsely used and the puppy is getting soaked. What would you do?

Adopt the dog. 32
Give the dog your umbrella. 0
Move the box with the dog (to a shaded and/or more populated area). 3
Take the dog to a shelter. 13
Call some kind of animal specialist. 2
Take the dog and try to find someone to adopt it. 16
Just keep on walking. 8
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Comments ( 7 )
  • CountessDouche

    Ah- I volunteered at a shelter for a short amount of time and, although I was crowned best pet namer ever, I had a really really hard time. I wanted to adopt everything, every creature!

    Had to leave the job- but I saved my kitty from the needle!

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  • RoseIsabella

    I pick up the box with the puppy in it and take the baby to my nice warm, dry car and call my sister, because I know she's game to help me come up with a plan for the puppy. She once said of herself to me, "I'm always interested in meeting new dogs".

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  • howaminotmyself

    I've been waiting for this to happen.

    Yay! We finally get a puppy.

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  • I_steal_free_bread

    Take the puppy under my care, nurture and feed him/her until its fully grown then snap its neck and harvest its meat for a weeks worth of delicious broth.

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  • sillygirl77

    I hope you're not considering abandoning a dog in this manner

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  • anti-hero

    I have too many dogs right now. But I would bring it home and try to find it a home. And that is how I ended up with my last dog 4 and a half years ago. She's still here haha

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  • thegypsysailor

    We very much would like to adopt a pet, but it's wholly impractical when you visit 10 or so countries several times a year. As hard as it would be, the shelter is our only option.

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