Abortion with vitamin c

I'm 2 weeks pregnant and I read that high doses of ascorbic acid like 500mg per hour for 5 days can cause a miscarriage. I think it might work because I tried this for inducing my period in the past cause I'm irregular and it worked. Anybody else try it?

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Comments ( 38 )
  • wigz

    I tried this. I did start bleeding randomly several times but I can't be sure it was the vitamin C. I couldn't take the chance by waiting it out though so I had a surgical abortion. I did not get sick at all from the vitamin C, it's water soluble (you piss out any excess), it won't really harm you but it can cause digestive upset.

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  • lonewolf1253

    Might burn a hole in your stomach. If you want an abortion, go to a low cost clinic.

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  • You need to have a doctor supervised abortion at this point. You could have taken the morning after pill for up to 5 days after unprotected sex.
    Vitamin C "may" cause a self-induced abortion, but you have to take such massive doses you'll get pretty sick first, with no guarantee that it will abort the fetus. Don't experiment, go to your OB/GYN for a D&C which they can do in the office in a few minutes.

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    • abortion is illegal here in my country and so is the morning after pill. I wanna buy cytotec pills but Its really hard to find somebody who sells here.. I can't have a baby, my bf and I are so broke we're all going to have shitty lives:(

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      • RoseIsabella

        Where are ya'll living that the use of condoms never entered either of your minds? Are you in love with this boyfriend of yours. Is he in love with you?

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        • charli.m

          How do you know they didn't use contraception? It doesn't always work.

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          • RoseIsabella

            True that, you have a vaild point But is it me, or does it seem like lots of people today act like it's no big deal to not use protection?

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            • charli.m

              Some, yes, but I think it is far from the majority. Same as the claim that "lots" of women use abortion as a method of birth control. It just doesn't happen like that very often.

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            • No it’s not you. I’m regularly dumbfounded over the volume of unwanted pregnancy because someone was lazy. HIV was also almost eliminated when ppl used condoms, now there are more cases of STDs than ever before according to the CDC.

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      • That is a risky medication to buy off the street. I'm sure if you can find that, you can find a doctor that is willing to do a D&C, which is performed for a host of typical medical reasons, but it would result in abortion of any pregnancy.

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      • McBean

        Sounds like you live in Ireland. Please read this Wikipedia article https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland. There are conditions where you cannot be denied travel to England. 7000 women from Ireland traveled to England for abortions last year. While you are there, get a prescription filled for morning after pills.

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      • McBean

        Sounds like you live in Ireland. Please read this Wikipedia article https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_the_Republic_of_Ireland. There are conditions where you cannot be denied travel to England. 7000 women from Ireland traveled to England for abortions last year. While you are there, get a prescription filled for morning after pills.

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    • wigz

      Most OBGYNs don't do abortions, and it takes considerably longer than a few minutes.

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      • OB/GYNs do D&Cs every day, in their office, in minutes. At this stage she can abort with a simple D&C.
        Technically, it is little more than an aggressive Pap smear, and yes, I know those aren’t pleasant.

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        • wigz

          MOST do not, no. And it takes much longer than a few minutes. I've had more than one abortion, I know the process. And you may be confused on what D&C is.

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          • I’m suggesting she goes for a D&C, which is not an “abortion” so her country can accept that, but it will most certainly abort the fetus at this stage due to the procedure itself or by causing a forced miscarriage.
            “The average D&C takes 10-15 minutes and can be performed in the office, hospital, or clinic”. - WEBMD.COM

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            • charli.m

              Yeah, technically D&C isn't abortion, but a doctor isn't going to just do it because it is asked for. They'll need a medical reason. And it IS abortion in this case, unless the embryo is not viable. She could face charges just for asking, depending on the country.

              Someone who DOES do illegal abortions, is very likely to be a back alley abortionist. They kill people.

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            • wigz

              The actual procedure takes that long but there is considerable preparation time -counseling, testing (rh factor, ultrasound), medication to soften cervix takes time to work, any anesthesia/pain medicine administered, injections to the cervix, more waiting for that to take effect, and finally the procedure. Then you move to a recovery room and receive aftercare instructions. That's not even counting any additional waiting time (I mean, excess waiting when the dr is not on time). If everything goes perfectly, you're still talking about 3 hours. Most providers will tell you to plan to be there for 4-6 hours. If you're in a state with a mandatory waiting period, it takes even longer...

              I went to this one (and I've been to one other one): http://m.kcrh.com

              From their FAQ..

              "Q | How long can I expect to be there?

              A |Although the actual aspiration procedure itself lasts 5-10 minutes ,with new laws and restrictions in place and a required 48 hour waiting period, two visits are now required. You can expect to be at the center for 3-6 hours for each visit. The first visit will include medical history, ultrasound, lab, informed consent, video and educational materials to review as well as individual counseling sessions. The second visit will include the procedure itself , whether surgical or medical, and recovery time for surgical patients. So there are a lot of “other” time-consuming parts of your visit here."

              I was there before they instituted the mandatory waiting period so I only had to go once but I was there from 8:30 until almost 4:30. I couldn't even get my pain meds because I had to get home fast.

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  • Averageasfuck

    Drink nail polish I'm telling you that baby is not coming out alive

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  • Nickvey

    wont work. 12 gram a day might give you shits. next time put the bottle between your legs and hold it tight, that might work. i hope you raise your baby with all the love it deserves. its obvious you wont. So tell us was this an rape or an incest baby ? who is daddy a brother , daddy ? Or were you having sex with a bad boy and your birth control let him down? dont be shy

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    • I'm gonna try the bottle method..thanks:)
      Oh and btw your daddy is the daddy.. that's why I have to terminate the poor kid coz it's just gonna be a full on retard and suffer through life:( I'm sure you don't want it to end up like you:)

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      • Nickvey

        my dad died at age 83 two years ago. so you are embarrassed about your incest baby , thats ok , just tell us whos sperm got you pregnant , it will explain why you must kill that demon spawn. Just so you know you might be breaking your state law :Jump to Law - She had induced abortion at roughly 16 weeks by ingesting misoprostol under the brand name Cytotec, an ulcer medication with abortifacient potential. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail. Mississippi classifies self-induced abortions as deaths which affect the public interest, requiring that physicians ... i like it when democrats abort , just one less damn democrat.

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