About beliefs

You know by now that through trial and error people stand up for their stupid beliefs, I say you should take it even further making things happen for what you believe in. If I'm thinking the reality is good and whatnot, I'm mistaken, you believe and will cling to it because you're afraid that reality's any other way, well it's not a dream, it's not the niceness you force me to accept, my behavior's real and is exactly what you haven't expected me to be. I see normalcy as just being usual and nothing else, by normal I mean the ordinary, average human endeavours defined as what I ordinarily see, use, do, observe, find, happen, discover, think etc. It goes no further than the real reality that evil is a real thing, it's the devil. That's when reality hit me, it should be the case that it's lights out, and I should never give in to the fantasy it's not, I take on the truth that it's ugly, that people are as mean as can be, and that they're only nice over giving or begging me for cigarettes, alcohol or money.
The truth is I shouldn't be smoking bongs with people, the truth is it's not what it seems, it's like that movie "Total Recall", that's because it's real life, that movie's not fiction, it's R-rated precisely like the movie, and just as weird. The truth is we're living in a strange, scary reality, you think it's not strange, not weird? It's very strange, it's as brutal as those very macabre movies, and anyone who thinks it's me full of shit is afraid of what an ass I can be when I get to your face!

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Comments ( 6 )
  • ospry

    Reality and truth encompass the full spectrum, not just part. The ugliness of truth is reality just like you said, but it's not as if truth is made up exclusively of ugliness. For any macabre, horrifying, ugly truth that exists, there's an inversely pure, invigorating, beautiful truth that exists

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    • normal-rebellious

      Where is it? I don't see it! Where's the beautiful truth? Reality isn't what you want it to be, it's ugly! It messes with you and will change you. Never believe life's a dream, I'm the only one who sees the truth for what it is, it is that bad, it is as evil as that. It's simple, beauty isn't reality, you're living in delusion, inherent evil is the truth and the only truth, it's not any other way.

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      • ospry

        Here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip9VGZeqMfo

        A man got his leg trapped during a cave-in and was stuck underground for weeks. His brother and childhood friend crawled through the cave tunnels with supplies to make sure he stayed hydrated and fed while dozens of people worked nonstop for days to free him. That many people working so hard with no guarantee that they would be able to save him is a pretty beautiful truth

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        • normal-rebellious

          Pretty beautiful? What about the real beauty? Being all alone without interference from other people. Or talking to wankers who think having to save lives is beautiful. The real beauty of life is when I'm eating Italian food, a pasta alla pana, together with a River Port drink, it seems to be a source of enjoying life, when having everything you want is a source of enjoying life. The beauty is watching a movie when nobody's there, life's only beautiful by myself. You don't want reality, you can't handle reality, trust me on this, being real causes trouble every time, you don't want the naked truth, but the naked truth is if being real is exposed openly people think you're evil, the naked truth is I smoke indoors and drink alcohol in my house, the naked truth is the people where I live want trouble for my disobedience, and are trying to catch me, the naked truth is the reality shifting shifted into a new reality that was a nightmare, it's worse, much, much worse, and I get treated like an evil doer who committed an injustice, the real me, who has done nothing wrong. And incase you think it's evil of me it's not, there's nothing wrong with me, there's no good in me, no evil, I just do things, it's no different than me doing something constructive, or going out, it's as good as that, unfortunately your ego puts a meaning on it and classes it as evil. That's the naked truth, clear, precise and explicit, for everyone to be exposed to.

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          • ospry

            If that's what you feel, then boy, get yo ass to some primo Italian restaurant and make it a night

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            • normal-rebellious

              Yeah, that's really what's the beauty here, you'll like it too if you went to Fasta Pasta to eat pasta.

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