Acceptable to view pet as a higher form of life then someone you hate?

I hate my Stepfather with a passion, he has got to be one of the most unintelligent, selfish, and lazy people in existance. He is so useless and only lives life for himself. I even view my own Golden Retriever as a higher form of life compared to him.

When I bring my dog around everybody is happy to see her, but when my Stepfather is around nobody even wants to be in his presence. My dog loves spending time with people and playing games, but my stepfather hates people and likes being by himself drinking beer and using people.

Is it acceptable to view a pet as a higher form of life then someone you hate?

It's acceptable. 47
It's not acceptable. 4
I'm the exact same way. 18
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Comments ( 21 )
  • Queeny

    In my opinion animals are better than man in many ways.

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    • Queeny

      Yes, I know humans are animals. You know what I'm saying to anyone who will feel the need to "correct" me.

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  • dappled

    I agree. Dogs would make much better people than people do. And if some of the people I know were dogs, they'd have been put down years ago.

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    • 4392Moron

      Hey Dappled:

      Agree with you whole heartedly, you said my thoughts exactlly. Way to go!

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    • sheilarae1987

      I completely agree with you.

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  • TZwolf

    I hate a world view that looks at animals as less than humans. If you hate a person and like another, is it not OK to admit as much? Why would it be any different just because the being you like better than the person happens to be a pet?

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  • FocoUS

    There are some people that I see less than insects. So yeah it's normal.

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  • CarlMinez

    The general dog is a much nicer person than the general person.

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  • westoptic

    It is 100% acceptable in my opinion. The life of a human is not at a fixed value, as I have stated before. People think that because we're human, we're worthier than any other animal on the planet. It's not true, we're just lifeforms like anything else. I would save my dog before I saved a pedophile, I would kill a human if I caught them trying to kill my dog and we got into a fight. This is how I feel, everyone else is free to disagree.

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  • Quiblum

    i consider my classmate slightly dumber than plankton.

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    Dogs are fantastic. I think everybody should try to be a little more like a dog.

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  • Miss_Anthrope

    Other species really are better than humans. We're the trash of the planet, and your stepfather sounds like the poster child. Sorry you're stuck with him :(

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  • Jiovanie

    Hell yeah, when I lived with my aunt and her husband and three children I literally was the ugly suckling, I did not belong and I knew it, I felt very much hated by everyone except my oldest cousin Krystal but she worked a lot and I never really saw her. We had three Dachsunds Foxy, Lacie, and Koda, they were my best friends and the only love I ever really received in that house. I valued them a bit mote than everyone else except Krystal.

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  • every animal is but id hate for someone to die or get hurt, just disappear, same thing i spose

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  • My friend treats her younger brother as though he was a dog. She has the cutest most affectionate dog in the world and has very openly said that he is her best friend.

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  • Haeven

    Might sound wrong, but I don't think it's necessarily wrong to view a good pet as more important and significant than a truly hateful, bad, or useless person. But, I do agree with Internetperson, maybe your step dad has been through some tough times in his life, not that I'm saying that what he's doing is the best way to go, though. Seems to me that you're taking your hate for your stepdad a bit too far. From what you've said about him, he seems lazy, manipulative, and unfriendly, but I don't think he deserves to be that hated for it. Give him a chance, and encourage him to make something of himself, who knows, he might change.

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  • This is ridiculous. Your logic is that if an animal seems 'nicer' than someone you hate, they are a 'higher form of life'?

    First of all, I'm sure your stepfather can be an asshole, but do you know the type of shit he may have been through in his life? Maybe none, maybe a lot, but you don't know, do you? You shouldn't hate him even if he seems like an asshole, he's only human.

    Secondly, animals are not good or bad, they are instinctual, they are nice when they're rewarded and not nice when they're not rewarded. They have no sense of morality or even decision making beyond eating, drinking, sleeping, finding shelter/warmth and reproducing.

    Sure animals are less high maintenance than people, but that's because they aren't capable of speech or argument for that matter. You can't compare the two species, they are fundamentally different.

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    • That isn't my logic. My logic is that a pet who enriches peoples' lives is much more significant to me and others compared to a human being who solely lives for himself.

      Obviously, even the most stupidest people are more mentally capable then the most smartest animals, but my point with the " higher form of life " thing, is that I consider my dog to be more deserving and significant then my stepfather is.

      My stepfather doesn't seem like an asshole. He IS an asshole. I wouldn't hate him if he was an asshole and kept me out of it, but he got me involved with his nonsense so many times that it's just natural for me to exhibit resentment towards him.

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      • Fair enough, but then I don't see the problem, or the point of asking this question?

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        • I posted this poll to see if there are other people who are like I am. I honestly don't feel...good about viewing some people as less then human beings, but because of their selfishness and uselessness, I really can't help but look down on them alot.

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        • sheilarae1987

          animals, if abused from a very young age, will not bite back at an owner, no matter how torturous, get your head on straight, whens the last time you saw a Golden Retriever group up with a few other dogs and slash someones tires, go into their house in the middle of the night and shit in their ficus and even some hanging plants?

          Nope, never happened, because animals are decent people.

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