Accidentally saw her vulva. should i have let her know?

I'm a guy. I used to be a volunteer inline-skating stopping instructor. We would teach people how to stop on their skates, and give very basic beginner instructions. Years ago, this girl came for lessons. She carried her skates instead of skating over because she didn't really know how to skate. She was wearing loose short-shorts. Anyway, she sat down to take off her shoes and put her skates on. As she was doing so, I was able to see up her shorts. She was wearing panties, but the panties were loose and not right up against her. Anyway, I got a clear view of her vulva. I didn't say anything. I'm wondering if I should have told her so she could be more careful. Also, I'm sure it was an accident, but I'm wondering if she did it on purpose.

It was on purpose. Let her know so she knows you enjoyed it. 0
It was on purpose. Don't say anything, just enjoy the show. 3
It was an accident. You should have told her so she could be more careful. 2
It was an accident. You should not have told her. No need to embarrass her. 10
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Comments ( 6 )
  • This was years ago and you're still wanking off on it. You seriously need to get a life.

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  • Boojum

    You can fantasise about her deliberately exposing herself to you, and if the "girl" was a young woman, that's not beyond the realms of possibility. However, it's more likely to have been an accident.

    Only someone close to a female (parent, spouse, partner, or girlfriend) should comment on this sort of wardrobe failure.

    If the "girl" was a child, and it was something that happened regularly, then you could have considered saying something very carefully-worded to one of her parents.

    If the "girl" was actually a young woman, then there's no way you should have said anything.

    By the way, congrats on using "vulva" which is the correct term, rather than following the herd and referring to her external genitals as her "vagina".

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    • It was not a child. I should have said young woman. And I do like to fantasise that she showed me on purpose. But I'm sure it was an accident. I didn't know her. I only saw her the one time. (And I saw more than what I should have.). Thanks for the congrats.

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  • Checkmate_King

    Accidentally exposed pussy is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Good to see you've enjoyed the memory these years. Nah never say anything just enjoy the view without being obvious.

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  • curious-bunny

    Don't say anything, probs an accident and it will just get weird if say something

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  • deepdrowning

    It'd be creepy to say anything. She'll figure it out for herself soon enough when some pervert makes a comment.

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