Acne after becoming a vegetarian iin?!

I became a vegetarian 6 months ago and ever since then I've been breaking out on my face. I NEVER had any acne until after converting to vegetarianism and it's confusing because I thought one of the benefits was clearer skin. Has this happened to anyone?

I got more acne after becoming vegetarian/vegan 11
No change after converting to vegetarianism / veganism 3
Curious meat-eater 7
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Comments ( 10 )
  • handsignals

    If God didn't want us to eat Animals he wouldn't have made em out of meat.

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    • RoseIsabella

      You're back! Hurray!

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  • JD777

    If it's not a soy allergy, make sure your getting enough zinc (a challenge for some vegetarians). If you're taking in more dairy products that could be it. And "vegetarian" processed foods can contain oils and sugars that can make acne worse.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Perhaps it's an allergic reaction to soy. Soy doesn't sit well with me. I cannot eat it in large quantities. If not, it is likely something else new in your diet.

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  • Aries

    grill up a nice prime rib steak , should take care of everything .

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  • thegypsysailor

    Are you a vegetarian or have you just stopped eating meat? It takes a great deal of education to manage your diet if you stop eating animal protein.
    It sounds to me like you've just jumped into the not eating meat part, but are not eating good, healthy, balanced meals.

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  • dom180

    I'm vegetarian and I'm not really a healthy eater, and I get far fewer spots than my friends (who eat meat). I wouldn't put it down to diet alone. Bodies are weird, sometimes things just happen to them.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    OP, I have a possible answer. Have you begun eating a lot of starch and pasta since you stopped eating meat? That can lead to acne because of the sugars.

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  • Holzman_67

    Go organic Bruv

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  • ScottNathan

    Some things in this world are stupid but normal.
    Being a vegeterian is stupid and does not make any sense...but its normal.

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