Addicted to deliberately being imperfect and wanting it to stay that way
I'm addicted to and will never stop my imperfect life. My face has a complex look on it as if I was the typical 27-year old guy who never pursued perfection. Oh yes you would want to scream at a perfect, white, seedless, round smooth bun, wouldn't you? Women tend to scream at perfect round things with no rough spots whatsoever. In the ideal world we wouldn't sicken ourselves over what's perfect, instead we would not keep working on ourselves and be a mistake every nanosecond all day and all night every day, every night, people would get along completely and everything will be without strange horror and evil and we'll be uncomfortable and live as Christians. That's ideal but not perfect, I'm deliberately clinging to this imperfection because if it's imperfect it shouldn't be perfect, ever, it should be a total mistake, and totally flawed, without changing. Is that normal? Mind you it's an anti-perfectionist's paradise.