Addicted to piracy

On average I download around 1TB a month, this is considered light downloading for myself. Mainly music, and the odd TV Shows.

Don't have me wrong, I do pay for content as well. If I cannot find it online, I'll even contact the company who published it. Though sometimes they don't contact you back :(

In any case usually that person in the basement or the one who emerged to have their own lil' shop are more realiable. For certain media you can pay up to a grand for it, most stuff I can't find is 150-400$ on the low end.

And if I buy something, and have something in my library others do not I will share it. Because who wants to pay a grand on a cd. It is why I download most content, unless unavailable in the digital counter part. I'm about data/sample rates/size, the upmost quality. It just seems these days no one cares, as technology cheapens people seem to adjust over but it is not like back in day when it was a big new thing and the best of the best was the in thing. Now everyone takes things forgranted.

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67% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Lies

    I have 2,500 songs in my library and probably paid for like 15 songs because I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet. I'm also not paying 500$ for Photoshop.

    1TB is nuts lol I'm surprised your internet company hasn't contacted you yet.

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  • Freedom_

    $1000 for a cd? I know nothing, I thought CD's/movies were 30 usd max... Is it snuff you're pirating?

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    • Arm0se

      Anime and really old video games do cost around that much. It's ridicules.

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    • Some albums/dvds are hard to find, have limited prints and it depends on there condition. I buy magazines and books all the time, one I have retails at 6$ but due to the rarity it markets at 240$ and it is a no name author.

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  • YandereChan

    How have you pirated that much and not gotten caught yet? A friend of my brother downloaded Photoshop and some movies and was visited by the police!

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    • Arm0se

      Then he did it wrong and/or was a noob.

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  • Arm0se

    It's not really an addiction. It would be an addiction if you just went down the list of new torrents everyday downloading them just to download them.

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    • My comment was deleted or didn't go through...

      Uhhhhhhhhhhm..... I do that on the heavy months, just click a bunch of stuff too sample new things. Or I'll download random anime cause it is 10 bit and just watch it for opening/closing credits mostly (the noises). Is about some cowboys shooting rainbows at indians from mars in a foreign language not like I could or would want to watch it. I justify my actions by saying when the Internet is not working you'll be glad you did that.

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    • dytrog

      I download torrents a lot too. Music and useful iso's

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    • UHM...................... I do that sometimes. During the heavy flow months when I don't want any thing in pacticular to sample new flavours. Or sometimes it is an anime file with 10 bit audio in a language I don't know, and I'll never watch because it is about cowboys who use the power of rainbows to defeat the indians of mars. I just listen to it for the opening/end credits mostly.

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