Addicted to snacking...habit that's come back!

Hi there;

In 2013, I decided to go on a weight lost journey and ate well and exercised at least 4-5 times a day...for half an hour at a time.

My total weight loss up to this date is: 30kg.

I'm really happy with myself but I've gone back to bad habits which is snacking...
I don't know how to stop and even though I'm still going to the gym, I'm gaining weight because I can't seem to stop eating out of boredom or depression.

This just isn't normal...most people keep pushing themselves to the limit...but I've stopped and all I want to do is shove junk food in my mouth.

Is it normal to slip back into old habits? How do I curb my horrible eating habits :(

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Mulania

    First thing. Stop yourself from buying junk. If you see it just drag yourself away from it. Most times I would buy junk "just in case" I might need it later when the craving is strong. But if it isn't there, I can't have it I'll have to fill up on something else like fruit, water or veggies.
    Plan your meals ahead of time and eat every 3 hrs.
    Find something fun you like doing. Reduce your gym exercise for a while and concentrate more on what your eating. Go for a walk, dance to your favourite tunes. Be active without even thinking about it. It's amazing how much weight a person loses in a day just from walking and eating well.
    Drink plenty of water and stick to tea without milk or sugar. Green tea is the best for blasting fat during sleep.
    Hope this helps. Good luck!

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  • Smokey1D


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  • KingTermite

    Lots of natural food, complex carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, etc. Just toss all the junk food and replace with healthy substitutes. Also, eliminate bread. As difficult as it sounds bread will make your weight loss life seriously more difficult. As for your work out, vary what you do, your body will hit plateaus and the same exercise won't be as effective.

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  • GrayHulk#3

    you need to drink caffeine and only eat fruits and vegetables. also no milk or bread.

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