Afraid of answering the phone, iin?

I'm scared of picking up the phone to see who's on the other side. Whenever my house phone rings, I get paranoid and avoid the phone (I have't answered it in years!!). My personal phone applys too.. except if someone told me beforehand.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • AnalyticalAm

    MEEEE!!!! Ohmygodmmmmeeee.... It's crippling. Even with caller ID, it doesn't identify everyone. Something about picking up the phone scares me. I feel like I'm going to get bad news. I just don't know what kind of conversation lies on the other end. I freeze up. The sound of phones ring make my heart pound like alarm clocks do when you are forced awake. It's the fear of the unknown, really. We fear that which we can not see. You can't see a conversation(unless you are reading).

    It's anxiety. I know I need to check into getting medical help, but that makes me anxious too!

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  • Dot123

    Watch out for the phone police.

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  • methodical

    I also am scared of answering my calls even if i do know who it is. have you gotten allot of bad news over the phone or in the past. maybe related.but i am always scared of what they are gonna ask me or tell me even when my bills are all paid up. but i am also scared to talk to people in general too.

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  • kellstar79

    Hex45 don't answer them
    If your just going to be mean, what's the point?
    Get caller ID and then you will know who it is an if you don't know the number don't answer it

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  • ebonysky

    Pay your bills and you won't be scared to answer the phone

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  • gloryholeflasher

    When I quit smoking I quit answering the phone for a couple years. I used to be a 3 pack a day guy and going without was too stressful. I couldn't deal with a lot of things at that time, and I figured that staying smoke free was "job 1" and if I didn't do anything else except quit smoking then I was a success!

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  • theytookthisone

    7 days...

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  • cookiesaregreat

    lol, i don't feel alone anymore. AT LAST!!

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  • HolyHotPockets

    I don't answer the phone either, hopefully you have voicemail

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  • Ibelievethis

    I undestand where you're coming from. I wont answer witheld numbers as you never know who it is. xx

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  • joybird

    Honestly, if I felt like that I would ave it disconnected and live in isolation.

    I have been getting a lot of sales calls recently, and often I lift the phone but don't speak until I hear a familiar voice. Otherwise I just hang up.

    Please try this to break your fear and never forget that you are in control. If you don't like what they are saying on the other end - hang up!!

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  • Downcast7

    I hate calling or answering the phone because im anxious talking to people without seeing them or i feel i'll say something stupid.

    Then again, webcam is just as bad. My god.....-_-

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  • Xylo

    I am same as you!!!
    i get paranoid on whose on the other end of the line.Even with a caller id, i still would not try to answer the phone if i dont know whose calling.Im scared that it will be a teacher finding me, a prank call, or even actually something paranormal.

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  • RavagedSoul

    There really is a phobia known as telephonophobia. It is rather recent so good luck with that poster.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Same here!

    I hating using my phone to call people. Even if it's one of my friends, I'll have to practically fight myself to answer it or just completely ignore it. I'll usually wait and text back. Same thing with wrong numbers. I'll wait them out, (sometimes for months!) and then I'll text back and try to see who it is.

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  • Faceless

    I agree, dont answer. It could be ghosts from the other side trying to make contact. At least thats what I always hope for when I answer.

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  • karmasAbich

    There is something called caller I.D. it helps in these cases of paranoia

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  • hex45

    What a lil bitch :P
    There's only one reason you have to not pick up a phone ( bitch ass companies, & when you see it's not for you and don't give a fuck ) not because your scared . :P if your a guy , grow some balls & if your a girl GOOD LUCK:)

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    • I have social anxiety. I'm scared of going out, interacting with people and I'm also scared of answering the phone. I have to dial a number that tells me the last person who called just so I know if it was important or someone I know.

      Irrational, yes but very much a living hell and a reality for me.

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    • nobleserpent


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    • thecheese

      Stop your damn bitching, you type like a lil bitch. umad?

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