Afraid of houses from the '70s. iin?
I always get this vision of an outdated living room from the '60s-'80s with an itchy puke colored couch, wood paneling, yellowed glass ash tray, grandfather clock, dusty curtains and blinds, dirt-and-piss-stained carpet, old analog TV, tall floor lamp that barely lights anything, and a grimy mutt that's old as hell. It smells like dog pee and cigarettes. There are dusty old Santa Claus shaped candles from Christmas burned down half way, fake plants, dead plants, beer cans with cigarette butts in them. You know, disgusting old stuff like that. The kitchen is connected to the ling room and the florescent light bulb in there is all yellow and dingy. There's an old light-yellow colored fridge with old food in it that nobody will eat. The kitchen table has rings from coffee cups and caked-on syrup on it. On the TV, a static-filled baseball game, and on the couch sits a portly old guy with his nagging wife.
This place scares the fuck out of me. Every time I try to enjoy something from the '60s or '70s, like a movie (Jaws) or music (The Beatles) I always get this image in my mind and it ruins the whole experience. It makes me feel depressed, revolted, alone, and afraid.
I've never lived anywhere like this, but I do remember being in a house sort of like this once. It was the house of my stepfather's grandpa. We all went over and took stuff from it when he died. Also, my girlfriend's parents have a house kind of like this.
So... is it normal to be freaked out by a dingy old house that could possibly not even exist?